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Thread: JEA CRJ fleet
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Old 27th Jun 2001, 02:32
  #39 (permalink)  
Dr. Hertz Van Rental
Posts: n/a

As a JEA/BE escapee, who remains in very regular contact with ex-collegues, I must say that the opinion projected by RawData as to the level of morale is the opinion of the few rather than the masses! I cannot speak for anyone but myself and my reasons for leaving were the same as the greivences felt by those who remain, not a lot seems to have changed.

As to the argument put by someone that we are all whingers( or words to that effect ), yes we are generally as a profession but in some of the smaller companies they have damned good reaon to whinge.

RawData if you are happy and contented at Brit. Euro. you are a very fortunate man indeed and I sincerely congratulate your personal Utopia.......BUT when you post your comments(which I must admit make me wonder if you do anything else in your sparetime) defending your employer with such vitriol you must conceed that others do not necessarily hold the same view and have every right to post their opinion too.

Nothing I have read in this thread would cause me to think any of them are any less professional for voicing an opinion here that wouldn't be passed among other pilots at any gathering. And we all know how fast news travels in this job!

As an 'Old Boy' I wish everyone at BE the best of luck and hope the powers that be do smell the coffee burning and resolve to rectify the situation B4 it is 2 late!!!!

Lights, Camera....... Revolution!!!

[This message has been edited by Dr. Hertz Van Rental (edited 26 June 2001).]