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Thread: Picket Pilot's
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Old 27th Jun 2006, 18:20
  #27 (permalink)  

Ut Sementem Feeceris
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This is the problem. Pilots, as a whole, LOVE their job. It's a pretty unique way to earn a living. We have worked hard to get to where we are and are mostly a pretty pragmatic bunch who like to get the task done and provide a good, safe service to the travelling public (Well I do at least )

We also realise that pi$$ing off the people who pay our wages (pax not management!) is not a good idea.... BUT there comes a point when enough is enough. Being taken advantage of because of our "can do" attitude only sells ourselves down the river. The "management" need to understand and APPRECIATE us for the ASSET we are. Brinkmanship is the order of the day, but any managment worth its salt must realise that a strike would be disasterous. However, the longer they string it out means the planes keep flying. This is perhaps why the current negotiations on lifestyle in easy have a deadline of mid July.

This era of middle management bonuses, achievable only by screwing the pilots / cabin crew needs to be bought into check. I have no problem with bonuses per se but not at the expense of fellow workers. I'm tired of management talk about teamwork and "our people" being the most important asset and then proceding to shaft the staff...... Cut the crap, start treating people with a bit of respect and recognising the Professionals for what they are.Only award bonuses to deserving people - and cut out the deadwood (which may have started to happen at easy today.......)

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