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Old 4th Jul 2001, 02:39
  #24 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

The same names seem to crop up regularly when a hatchet job is being cooked up against any particular pilot group, don't they?

Secret Squirrel for instance recently had a field day putting the boot into ALT pilots (along with a few COMPatriots).

Whats the motivation? Who knows. But it seems peculiarily vindictive and guided by ulterior motives.

It's a fine thing to dress your self up as 'the great free market avenger' I guess. Might make some folk feel big and important.

but I'd bet the same guys would look for sympathy here when they feel they have a case to argue. Or maybe they feel they don't give a damn for others opinions or assistance...being a free market avenger means having to bite the bullet when it's your own turn, doesn't it?

As to the Iberia pilots remaining silent. Well, I guess it's like the CX guys who've exited this forum en masse. Whats the point of blowing a lot of hot air with the free market avengers, and the mischevious malcontents? Absolutely none. Waste of time.

This BB is OK for the little things, like having a nark about your rostering, or finding out where's the latest job offer, but when it comes down to serious business, like fighting for your future...it's nothing but a distraction, and likely to be pejudiced and negative in it's response...particularily if the vocal minority (the free market avenger types) decide they want to put the boot in.

I don't know if whats been said about Iberia is true, nor do I really care. They are fellow members of IFALPA, and if they need my support they are welcome to it. I'd expect the same from them. Those of you with axes to grind are obviously not related to IFALPA...and probably aren't in any form of professional association. That's your choice...the free market avengers among will probably have a fit over the suggestion that such a path might be a wise one. But then, they are probably happy campers anyhow...wherever they are.

This is a Rumour Network (it says in the title). Don't get worked up if no-one but you takes it any more seriously than just exactly that.