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Old 29th May 2006, 01:13
  #77 (permalink)  
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Twiggs ,

If you want to give in and cut our conditions then speak for yourself.

Goofy76 was talking about his/her conditions in the sandbox and I sympathized with them because I can imagine missing home and living offshore.

At no point did I suggest that my post was about airline operating costs nor did goofy76.My post was about the difference being taxed or not.

If you are living in Australia and being paid for example $50,000 gross and after tax you would end up with about $28000 depending on your own tax circumstances.

If you are living in a tax free zone and if you are only paid $30,000 a year not to forget the subsidized or free housing you are better off financially and that was my point not the cost base of Qantas.

However there is no amount of money that can make up for being homesick and perhaps this was what goofy76 was alluding to.

Your post however demonstrates the problem we face not only as Cabin crew or a Qantas employee in general but any Australian for that fact. We are so apathetic about life we just give in and moan about the situation.

How about a campaign to show everyone the obscene amount some people are paid and what they intend to do with employees conditions. If there was no one willing to work for the amount that J* or VB paid then they would have to lift the pay offer to attract workers but no there is an un-ending line of people that apply then have to leave because they cannot make ends meet.

How many times do we hear from various people like Darth or Ms Jackson that they have to pay the current packages or they would not attract the calibre of people they want for the board.Well, I think it is time they pay a decent wage for other employees as well.

It is amazing how many people are surprised that we have to work for 12 hours before we get overtime, that we are not paid any extra for working Christmas day or any other universally recognized Public Holiday or that we are not entitled to a break before 6 hours.

It is even more amazing that there are always people that are willing to give in all the time and Darth is milking them for everything he can.

The other day I posted a comment regarding the numbers and cost of our board and managers but Twiggs never replied

Twiggs ….If you really are cabin crew and not some pretender from the office or wherever here are a few questions

(1) Exactly what part of our conditions do you think we don’t need or that you are prepared to give away?

(2) Do you think that Darth will stop when you generously give away something

(3) What will you do next time when he tells you that there are Namibians that are willing to do our job for 10% of our pay?????

It is interesting that under our EBA no Australian based crew will lose their jobs because of overseas bases. Now we are under a situation that Australian positions are being reduced but not overseas based crew….What will happen when the price of fuel goes up again or there is a world shortage of toilet paper and he has no else to retrench to cut costs.

Twiggs will you work for free then????
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