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Old 11th May 2006, 13:18
  #47 (permalink)  
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I read these threads and you can't help but admire how BR has everyone fooled. Whilst he argues the toss about who should be doing what...(and more importantly , who should be paying), everyone misses the point. Life flight is a vehicle for BR. Nothing more....nothing less. It has nothing to do with saving childrens lives. As has been so well put already...."no childrens lives are at risk." Never have been, never will be. All of BR's points tug at the heart strings but are not based on fact. He makes it sound like he is the Childrens hospitals saviour. He's actually just a naughty little boy!! Anyone that knows BR, knows that he is a control freak. This, not being in control is killing him. Now he is thinking abou entering into a parnership. Sounds like a deal with the devil. This is going to end in tears eventually. The health minister is now well aware of what he is about, and she isn't going to play his game. He came into this helicopter game without being asked to. He just turned up and offered his services to the Epworth Hospital. They didn't want him, (fast learners) and after a few other failed shots at EMS transport he found himself a little hole in the kiddies EMS market. The whole time with either his hand out, or dipping into the GA market by undercutting the genuine operators, (and still falling short of ripping enough out of GA to stay upright!). Life flight is an industry joke. BR tries to give "his little vehicle" credibility by talking it up. In the end it's all about him....not EMS....not the kids....just a guy with a huge ego that wants a business card with "CEO" on it. Give up Brett....you can argue till you are blue in the face but the industry doesn't want you, (don't take my word for it....do a ring around and ask, I dare you!)...the kids don't need you...and the Government don't want to pay you. Do everyone a favour and give up and let the government give the contract to a real operator who knows what they are actually doing, (before you do actually start costing lives by doing Aviation on a shoe string!!) If you are dumb enough to accept a contract that isn't viable, you should be in another business. Try snake oil selling. Put your ego away. The numerous operators that I have spoken to are over it and you and the damage you are doing this industry.
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