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Old 21st Apr 2006, 15:20
  #119 (permalink)  
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You ask me…

Well what about the guy who has a little more money than you and decides he is going to pay for the command course you refuse to pay for? His line in the sand is just that little further up the beach than yours, so you will never get a command because of it. What then?

My line in the sand is still the TR as I believe, for the level of responsibility, earning potential and the chance to get started, it is not unreasonable. I can sit around and wait or get started using my own initiative. Unlike you I did budget for the TR as I expected to have to pay a certain LoCo. for a TR. The SSTR actually offered me more choice. I don’t think 'pay for command' will ever be an issue but that is my opinion based on my assessment of the industry.

Your Quote :

Also I have NEVER intimated that SSTR pilots are of inferior quality – but you seem to be a little sensitive to that, so who knows?”

In fairness to me, I never said that you did but others have and if you look back, I was addressing those comments. However, you are correct that I am sensitive to those comments because it is using an argument that is unsubstantiated and has no basis in proof. Remember, On speed on Profile wants to lobby for the removal of a route into the cockpit that I for one would like to see remain.
I have a major problem with the automatic assumptions that those with the means to pursue a SSTR are buying their way into a cockpit that otherwise they wouldnt have a hope of getting into. The exact same filters are in place and the exact same checks and balances exist and those who are not up to it will be caught out.

AN2 Driver identifies the problem precisely. SSTR'ers who arent up to standard will be allowed to continue spending money by unscrupulous TRTO's and will have spent considerably more before being rejected - but rejected they will be. If you seek out the cheap TRTO's you are asking for trouble. There are plenty of TRTO's with good reputations, some endorsed by posts from other Ppruners on other threads and these TRTO's offer the candidate a selection process to make sure they are up to the programme and if there not than they are told so. I know two such people.

Flypuppy, you have however stated priviously.....

So there is, and as far as I can see, there always has been an over supply of bright shiny newbies but now the rise of the SSTR is allowing those with more financial means the ability to get into a jet who may not be the type of people who will make decent commanders in the future.

Again, absolutely no evidence what so ever for this assertion and while I know you have no respect for those who do a SSTR, it shows a much more worrying lack of respect for the selection process for commanders. If you really believe that unsuitable types will end up in command of aircraft, and by types I assume you mean those who choose not to balance a slug in the shape of a handle bar under their noses, then we have a much bigger problem to worry about - the complete disintegration of years of industry best practices in training, selection and on going performance evaluation throughout a pilots career. You are obviously unaware of the tens of people a week who fail sim checks and are rejected by the TRTO. The people who are rejected, including people with SSTR, don’t tend to post here – it’s a common human condition not to.
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