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Old 8th Apr 2006, 11:41
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I've only been in airlines for 9 years but in every airline I've heard all the arguments that have been raised here and more! I'll start by saying that I'm a paid-up member of BALPA and have been since I was training. Yes, there have been some incidents through the years where BALPA's handling of a situation has been unsatisfactory to some observers, but how often do we out on the line get the real inside story on how these things really happen? It seems to me that most of the "Did you hear about the Captain that BALPA left to his fate in Timbuktu?" stories are embellished and distorted. Any story that is passed from person to person will suffer that. I have no doubt that there have been times when BALPA's handling of case has left something to be desired - but I like to think that the successes outweigh the failures.

And as for the Dan-Air stories - I've sat through the "BALPA are a bunch of w**kers cos of what they did to the Dan-Air boys" tales a hundred times. How many of those times have the "facts" of the story been the same?? Not once. Not one of the guys who's sat there and told me how BALPA stitched everyone up was actually there and on the receiving end. Now - before everyone flames me - I wasn't there, I've never met anyone who was, and as such all I know of it is anecdotes from guys who "heard from a mate". I have no doubt at all that it was a hell of a lot more complicated than it looked and I don't doubt for a minute that the guys who went through it suffered enormously and they have my sympathy. But for how many years are the anti-BALPA brigade going to use this as a reason why you shouldn't join???? As far as the guys of my age are concerned - it's largely irrelevant. You can't punish the children for the sins of the fathers and a great deal has changed in BALPA since then. It was a LONG time ago!!! We're all looking forward not back!!

The 1% issue - ah yes!! The other main argument against BALPA. Well - yes, it's a lot of money, yes you hope you'll tramp through your career never needing the legal representation etc that it affords you. But as Brae_Cwynd said - you can't compare the likes of Amicus to BALPA - £9.20 a month times however many million members against the 1% that the few thousand BALPA members pay - you do the maths. I'm more than prepared the hand over that money safe in the knowledge that I have my safety net in case I have a "moment" or should I fall foul of unscrupulous management. BALPA will not fight your case if it's hopeless - no organisation would. It's incumbent on all of us to go through life being as professional and careful as we can be. But if Murphy decides to stick his foot out one day, or you manage to cross a vindictive management type - there's your safety net. What price your 1% then - stacked against your career, future and family's livelihood?? Private lawyers will fight anyone - even their own shadows - you're paying them!!!

The other reason - and the one I believe in the most for being in BALPA (or whichever outfit has recognition in your company), is collective strength. Only as group can we stand up against unfair and unscrupulous working practices. Only as a group can we defend and improve our terms and condtions that we've fought so hard for. I firmly believe in this and the proof of the pudding is in the airlines with strong BALPA membership and ALSO (here's the key in so many airlines) a strong Company Council. BA, VS and a couple of other airlines have both these things and look what they've acheived. One is no good without the other. I've worked in 3 airlines now and my previous two lacked either one of these things. Top bunch of guys and girls, don't get me wrong, but either the strong membership was lacking, or the strong council was. What good is 95% membership when the CC roll over the minute things get heated? Or even worse, when the CC is self-serving!! We've all seen these things happen and things like that only serve to fuel the argument against BALPA. In my current company - we have both strong membership and a strong council. And they've acheived great things - all the time knowing that 95% of the workforce is solidly behind them. Yes, some of the things that get negotiated don't suit everyone, but they have to aim for the best deal all round. Speedbird 880 said "has your pension got better?" - YES!!! So has my flight pay, my basic salary, my loss of licence etc etc........ Easyjet - can't comment as I know nothing about it, but if they have strength in membership and council, they will acheive success. COLLECTIVE (key word) strength - the only way forward. Guys who aren't in because of personal convictions against - no problems!! It's up to the individual completely and we can all respect your views!! But guys who aren't in through indifference or "I'm not in because I heard from some bloke in the Truck that they weren't that good to some bloke in 1990", or even worse "why should I join - I get the pay deal anyway" - not good enough. Do your own research - weigh it all up and do what you feel is right. A strongly held view for or against is infinitely better than a fence-sitter who is gaining the benefits of the pay deals etc while not having the integrity to hang their hat one way or the other.

Reading through this thread - I too have been impressed with the way we've all managed to keep from the personal slagging that seems to appear far too easily in other threads - let's keep it up!! This is also the longest post I've ever made - reckon I'm gonna have to lie down!

Cheers all

Last edited by SLT; 8th Apr 2006 at 15:32.
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