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Old 17th Mar 2006, 17:27
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Poor old 4HolerPoler. Hail to you anyway. I think you should indulge your wishful phantasy!
A thankless task it is trying to keep the jackals from the throats of the hyenas, or is it the other way around? Never did much like the Cape Hunting Dog either. Must be something to do with shredded meat.

As I sit up here playing my harp, not the jewish one, you understand but Mozart K299; I cast my baleful eye over the sub continent of Africa, the land mass I consider home.
It is in a sorry state. On the one hand Bill Gates expostulates, trying to save as many people as he can from Aids. On the other, Oxfam, trying to become richer by convincing richer nations to feed the ones whom Bill may have saved but who now might be starving.
The British, the Belgians, the Germans, the Portugese and anyone else one can think of, including numerous black tribes, have eaten up their slice of the sub continent.
Where is the sanity that justifies investment in such a morass of hatred, bigotry and ill informed opinion? China and India are societies of many different tribes, colours and cultures. Their inhabitants have been subjected to wars and atrocities over a far longer period of time and to a far greater degree of inhumanity than anything that has ever befallen the African sub-continent. Yet in spite of these misfortunes, their economies boom, fuelled by external investment from foreign countries whose inhabitants regard these two vast emerging markets as stable platforms for economic growth leading to financial rewards and the concurrent improvement in living standards for all.
The ANC has not delivered on its promises and the evidence of corruption and graft that has diverted so many billions from the needy is plain to see. It's not so different in other places though. But, in China, they shoot those found guilty of corruption and fraud! In Enland, well, there's always The House of Lords.
I wonder if South Africa's lack of cohesive patriotism lies in the fact that the country has never collectively suffered. Johannesburg has never been bombed by an enemy air force. Sandton and Soweto have never been subjected to the plague. Black and whites have never huddled together in air raid shelters, never had to help each other in order to survive.
I don't have the solutions to this nonsense otherwise I might be your leader!
Every time a thread like this crops up the same sort of patter emerges. The blacks go on at the whites with the same gripes and the whites riposte with equal absurdity; the sanctimonious contributions come in from overseas, from those who, if they have ever been to Africa, manifestly know it not.
South Africa needs some moral fibre in its collective soul. It is a great shame that historically death and destruction have been shown to be the best breeding ground for this most excellent human characteristic - the moral fibre - of course!
On can hardly wish upon a society the disasters that fell upon London in 1665and 1666 but is interesting to note that one led to the annihilation of a great number of the city's citizens whilst the other allowed the depopulated metropolis to be rebuilt for the greater good of all.
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