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Old 4th Mar 2006, 22:37
  #56 (permalink)  
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Hmm..perhaps my previous post was a little emotive. I’ll unpick some of the ‘rabble’.

I wouldn’t know Chris from a bar of soap and PIT isn’t in my list of top ten holiday destinations (sorry Chris). On rereading his posts, in this thread at least, I’ve found nothing whatseoever derogatory of J* pilots and one instance where a statement has been misinterpreted. Happy to stand corrected. In fact Chris’s posts, Rokape’s and others in this thread have been aimed at supporting the social and economic benefits of all pilots by reminding readers of the true and highly unusual nature of the role.

Oicur and one other in particular have posted nothing but statements devaluing the same, frequently made these via a tasteless personal attack, and been highly selective in responding. Comments decrying the incentive value of salary offers in retaining staff for example without any reference or explanation of alternatives are typical. This is what I meant by my reference to the lack of any positive alternatives.

The singular reference to safe pilots “Surely a safe pilot is just as good as a really really safe pilot that costs more.” ( A full glass and a fuller glass?) is a further example of selectivity and nothing but a distraction. The implication that this is or should be the sole criterion in crew selection as the only concern of the airline and the ignoring of the many human and performance factors that Chris has referred to is an example of the selectivity.

“What exactly is a higher level candidate in piloting terms?” and “Surely if your cockpit crew meets minimum standards of safety and efficiency then there would be no need to offer a premium to attract the “higher level candidate”

The vast majority of pilots worldwide are safe pilots and meet the minimum standards of their employer. The incident/accident balance would be tipped severely the other way if this were not the case. The argument seems to be against a merit selection process in the distinguishing of individual performance and aptitude. I just don’t accept this.

Thankyou Dynasty you are right about playing the ball. By responding in kind I took my eye off the game. I'd be very interested by the way in Oicur's and other's opinion on what is a fair offer by the way. What monetary value and conditions should the offer incorporate?

What exactly is ‘rabble’ as opposed to ‘a rabble’?
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