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Thread: I WAS WRONG!!!!
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Old 23rd Sep 2001, 18:55
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Chimbu chuckles

Grandpa Aerotart
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What I should have pointed out more clearly is that these 'butchers' use past 'injustices' to rally their people around a single cause, for their own maniacal ego.
Hitler had the same sort of 'injustice' to rally the German Nation around in the 30s. It was called the Treaty of Versailles, in which the victorious nations of WW1 TOTALLY destroyed Germany psycologically, took all their dignity. This was followed by the great depression during which the German currency was worthless, 1000s of DM for a loaf of bread etc. Then along comes Adolf Hitler and says 'Look what the Allies did to us in 1918/19 and look what they are doing now....it's all their fault and we must fight to make the Fatherland great again".

It has direct parrallels with what has gone on in the Middle East for a large chunk of the last 60 or 80 years.

Cause and effect??

I don't necessarily think that we can avoid some sort of war over this, we definately can't turn the other cheek However IF the west can learn the lessons of Middle Eastern history, particularly admit their past failings, then there is hope for the future. If they go at it in a half assed manner like Vietnam, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq etc we are in deep doo doo.

Remove the baddies from power, free the ordinary people to follow their religion in peace and with the prospect of free trade and prosperity and our problems are a long way down the road to solved.

Countries that trade in a free market economy don't go to war with each other cause it costs too much. Surely that's one of the driving sentiments behind the EU? Can you comprehend Germany, France and Great Britian going to war again? Up until 1945 they'd been at war on and off for centuries!

Cause and Effect??

Zarg I agree that that was a reason given why they didn't finish the job, The UN once again failing to finish what they started. I wonder exactly how much argument there would have been from other Muslim countries in the region really. Iran had been on the recieving end from Saddam for decades and had lost Millions of it's people. Kuwait and Saudi?, no not a word from them. Syria? What could they do besides bring down a world of hurt on themselves. Palestine? Nope, Hamas really only exist to get rid of Israel. Egypt? cant see they would be bothered, to much to lose. Pakistan? Nope, too far away and their ongoing stoush with India has been keeping them 'poor' since partitian in 1947 or 49(can't remember).Yemen and Oman? too tiny to achieve anything with Saudi Arabia sitting right next door.Afghanistan? Possibly but would we any worse off now?

In short perhaps that was just an excuse from the UN/US for ending it quickly and 'cheaply'. I personnally think that not too many leaders in the ME would lose to much sleep over Saddam being taken out, he hasn't exactly been a friendly neighbour.

Just my opinion!


[ 23 September 2001: Message edited by: Chimbu chuckles ]

[ 23 September 2001: Message edited by: Chimbu chuckles ]
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