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Thread: I WAS WRONG!!!!
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Old 23rd Sep 2001, 15:56
  #37 (permalink)  
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There are a lot of good and well thought out submissions on this thread varying from Hawks and Doves.

I think as time goes on we all may more clearly see where we go from here. Now is not the time for the hammer of war but more for the scalpel to neatly remove this scourge of terorism.

But we must address the CAUSE of terrorism. I believe that UNLESS the USA provides a more even-handed attitude with regard to Palestine AND Israel, then there is no long-term hope for mankind. Both these countries deserve their independence, and UNTIL this is done PEACEFULLY we cannot move forward.

With the approach of winter, we will see massive starvation facing the common people of Afghanistan. The Western Alliance must bear this in mind and provide sustenance to these people as well as the overthrow of that evil, mediaeval Taliban regime! Hearts and minds AND stomachs!

Chimbu: I appreciate your well reasoned arguments but with regard to the 1991 Gulf War I must disagree. While Bush Senior would have loved to finish Saddam, his hands were tied. The USA was the leader of a multi national force sanctioned by the UN to liberate Kuwait. There was NO UN mandate to invade Iraq! In fact any such invasion, other than to defeat Saddam's armies, would have lead to the collapse of the alliance and a possible Jihad from other Moslem countries.

4 Dogs: I agree that covert operations are the way to go. See my post in War of the Worlds re. the SAS assets already in Afghanistan!

May your God - whoever He or She may be - grant us all the vision of wise men and the courage and forbearance to see us through the coming weeks and months of trials.
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