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Thread: I WAS WRONG!!!!
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Old 22nd Sep 2001, 11:36
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Quentin Wellinup
Join Date: Aug 2001
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While the historical reasons for the recent barbarity in the U.S. deserve some credence, and I am certain there will be considerable analysis and debate on these in the coming months/years, it must not be used to cloud or in any way diminish the absolute depravity of last weeks attacks, by well meaning (or otherwise) people who are at best a little naive, and/or who appear to have very short memories.

The tall poppie syndrome is alive and well - not just in Australia but across the globe, and it is oft used by certain groups to further their own causes. It's interesting (albeit predictable) to watch the left wingers slowly emerging from their bunkers after last weeks attacks - espousing the view that the U.S. got what it deserved, and retaliation is not the way forward.
For those of you who may be partial to this line of rhetoric - I ask the following:

1: Do you honestly believe that these attacks were aimed solely at the U.S.A. ? If so - you are sadly mistaken. They were an attack on the financial nerve centre of the western world, and the full ramifications have not even started to be felt. I will be interested in your views six months from now when the inevitable financial meltdown has had a far greater impact on your lives than it currently has.

2: Do you honestly believe that you would be living your current "secure" and relatively prosperous and peaceful (until now) lives if not for the U.S.A. and it's foreign policies over the last 50 years ? Dream On ! - Chances are you and everyone/thing you know would not exist, as your parents/grand parents would not have survived the invasion of Australia some 60 years ago. Most Australians seem blissfully unaware just how close Japan was to making this country the emperors property. You talk of history - do some research on the rape of China by Japans forces back in the dark days of WW2. History would undoubtedly be recalling the rape of Australia had it not been for the U.S.

3: Do you honestly believe that Australia is immune to attacks from these fanatics. If so - Pull your head out of the sand. It is more than likely not a matter of if - it's a matter of when. What will your opinion be should the unthinkable happen on Australian soil ? Let's face it - Two civilian airliners plowing into the WTC was unthinkable two weeks ago.

4: Do you honestly believe that the U.S. is the cause of all the misery in these countries ? One look at how the likes of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein treat their own citizens is testament to this fallacy. Track down a few of the more sinister sites on the net where you can download endless mpg's showing public executions of men and women, incorporating various methods from public stonings, hangings and automatic weapons fire. These despots survive by instilling terror into their people - all via a twisted interpretation of Islam. How much respect do you think they would have for the freedoms that many in the west take for granted and indeed frequently abuse ? How much respect do you think they have for your life or any human life ? Nil is the only reasonable conclusion one can arrive at.

Sure - the U.S. has had some dubious policies in the past and ultimately self interest at heart - But what country doesn't ? The psycho's that actually committed these acts all had self interest at heart - a one way ticket to Nirvana - at the expense of tens of thousands of innocents - both the victims and their shattered families.

The bleeding heart - anti U.S. brigade will undoubtedly become more vocal as the dust settles over where the WTC used to stand, but ultimately there is only one response that can be considered - and it must be a response that sends a clear message to oranisations and countries financing and nurturing terrorism. It is not war on the peaceful religion of Islam or muslims as a whole - it is war on the twisted people who use Islam to further their own ends, and warp the minds of a minority of their people to achieve this - whatever the cost.

I am by no means a hawk - violence of any kind sickens me - however I am a realist - and the reality is that fanatical religious zealots must be eliminated if any kind of lasting peace and prosperity on this planet is to be achieved.
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