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Old 21st Sep 2001, 09:57
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Chimbu Chuckles speaks with great sense (21 Sep 0309 hrs); most timely, wise and pertinent counsel for all who wish to rid the World of terrorism, as do I.
Fact is much of the 20th Century US, British, Western European and more recently UN policies, as implemented, have alienated the rest, and generated much resentment; indeed amongst many, a hatred of that hegemony and the self serving interests of the West and Globalization - to the great inequitous disadvantage of several billion in the rest of the World.
So the strategy to defeat terrorism must first acknowledge this unpopularity, and the fact that the Free World Forces have recently killed, maimed or gravely affected the lives of thousands of these less fortunate human beings through the unilateral retaliatory air strikes of the past few years.
Those air strikes could be called 'Acts of War against other sovereign states on suspicion, in revenge for terrorist actions, but without factual evidence or due legal process in accordance with international law'. In other words crimes against humanity!

The economic sanctions have bred a similar hatred amongst many millions; mostly it seems against America, because the others - including the UN - have been judged as mere lackeys of the USA.
So, while I too grieve the loss of so many innocent people on 11 Sep, to unleash the might of conventional warfare upon Afghanistan or neighbouring countries is only certain to further alienate those populations, and all across the rest of the World who believe those military actions are unlawful retaliations against a population of similar ethnicity and or religion to their own.
Now we are told that one third of the World's present population is of the Islamic faith - Moslems - of whom many are extremists, ready to become martyrs like those aboard the four airliners on 11 Sep. So the President of the USA might wish to demonstrate the vengeful might of his powerful nation to appease the anger and loss of face of his people, to get evens, but after flattening Afghanistan with the usual huge overkill what next? All it will do is motivate more martyrs!
Although the analogy comes from the Christian Bible, David and Goliath will be revisited - over time, whenever the opportunity presents, the 'little terrorist' will orchestrate some other dastardly event, like on 11 Sep, against 'big Goliath'! Just as did the 'European Resistance Fighters' of World War Two.
In other words a conventional warfare response is not the answer, despite what all those glory seeking generals and admirals might say (and the munitions and military equipment manufacturers who once again would profit greatly from such a campaign).
If, after producing facts and irrefutable evidence that demonstrates a prima facie case against the accused, extradition to stand trial is not agreed by the country in which that or those persons are residing, then with the mandate of the UN use appropriate means to arrest that person or persons. That appropriate method would be an undercover or Special Forces operation, not a leveling of supposed military targets or the destruction of the country's infrastructure and economic means for survival. That would only result in, once again, punishing the innocents.
Using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut will bring ridicule upon the USA and her allies, as well as be shown to once again be a failure. Achieving the 'aim' of the campaign will not be assured, just like the outcome of the Vietnam War.
Counter terrorism is a different form of warfare, requiring different capabilities. Identifying those requirements, equipping and training should be today's priority.
Infiltrating populations and gaining the essential intelligence upon which to quash planned terrorist actions and to prosecute is the immediate requirement. Cultivating citizen awareness to be watchful and promptly report suspicious activity is also essential to gather intelligence and elevate effective self-defence against terrorist actions.
On a slower tack, above all, the leaders of the democratic and powerful nations should urgently redress the wrongful foreign policies and economic imbalance that has generated this hateful division. That must include curbing the 'eye for an eye' actions of the Israeli’s and demonstrating even-handedness to the Palestinians.
Finally we need to remember that the 'spin doctors', politicians, generals and intelligence officers are often convenient with the truth and renown for dissembling the facts to suit their own immediate ends: that includes serving up what they believe the President wants to hear, or what is deemed to be appropriate for the domestic politics of the moment. Thus be alert to propaganda! Remember the past examples and the pathetic outcomes in consequence!
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