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Old 6th Sep 2001, 07:21
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Two articles from Monday’s ‘Australian’ that will upset some from both ends of the political spectrum. Whatever your reaction to them, I believe they point to the unfortunate direction ill-advised Political Correctness is taking us in Australia. The migrant ‘industry’ screams ‘racist!’ at any one who dares question the politically correct view.


Let hard heads, not halfwits, deal with illegals

Tampa’s load may have nothing to do with Taliban

By Frank Devine

THE Government is being hard--headed rather than hard-hearted —and reasonably effective for the time being in trying to halt the flood of illegal immigrants. The just-this-once public emotionalism about letting in the 438 passengers aboard the Tampa was soft-headed.

Extravagant comments on the issue - Tim Costello: “The Prime Minister’s actions have debased Australia” - verged on the half-witted. Nor have I seen so much joy (and exaggeration) about foreign expressions of contempt for Australia since Pauline Hanson was in her early prime. Claims that we have lost all the international goodwill acquired during the Olympics count in the half-witted column.

Who are the 433 people that the Tampa brought into Australian territory after rescuing them in international waters? A number of Fleet Street’s halfwits declared them to be Afghans because the horrific Taliban regime in Afghanistan makes it the most reasonable place to flee. But we do not know this to be so.

Illegal immigrants coming here by boat in recent months have differed from all the refugees of history. Of the 4141 who landed during the 2000-01 financial year, 80 per cent had no identity papers whatever. Most refugees cling to their papers as their most precious pos-sessions, as proof they are somebody, come from somewhere, have a right one day, perhaps, to return home.

When Serbia sought to drive ethnic Albanian Kosovars out of the country, they not only seized and destroyed their papers but attempted further to make them non-people by systematically destroying village records of birth and marriage, and land ownership. A particu-lar oddity about the 3200 newcomers who arrived in Australia without ID during 2000-01 is that most of them had it and presented papers in transit countries.

A boat carrying about 200 people, bound for Indonesia and Australia, was boarded last month by Cambodian offi-cials who demanded the passengers’ ID. Most produced Pakistani papers. (Voice print analysis indicates that a number of illegals claiming to be Afghan are prob-ably Pakistani. There may be consider-ably more Pakistanis among our invaders than official records list, for want of certainty.)

What happens to these ID documents before their owners reach Australia? Some are destroyed, some left with friends to be sent on by mail, some sold to the people smugglers to be used by the next batch of customers. Why do asylum seekers get rid of their papers before arriving in the country where they plan to seek asylum? Obvi-ously, to conceal their country of origin. Some countries offer more reason for refugee flight than others. Concealment of identity is a headache for immigration; not all that is hidden is innocent. A clergyman with long experience of immigrant communities in Australia puts forward the theory that some boat arrivals discard their ID because they don’t need It. They expect to be identified and assisted by relatives, friends or organisations already established here:

Certainly there is activity aplenty at this end of the exodus route. New arrivals are right up to date with the kinds of questions being asked by Australian immigration officers, with welfare ben-efits available and with addresses and telephone numbers for claiming them.

I am aware that some of this sounds carping. Hegel identifies tragedy as the clashing of right with right. Migrants seeking safety – even just a better life – and countries dfending their territory create a tragic Hegelian situation.

Some recent groups arriving here have contained more women and children than men. Immigration authorities believe many are coming in the hope of joining husbands and fathers who have gained a foothold. The idea makes the heart turn over. But the Government’s responsibility to take a stand against Illegal immigrants can’t be sensibly denied.

A tide of coerciveness is rising - hunger strikes and riots in detention camps, sob stories manufactured in them for gullible TV channels. We have had the captain of the Tampa forced by would-be invaders to head back to Aust-ralian territory from a course that would have returned them to Indonesia. We had the captain disobey lawful instruc-tion and push the Tampa into Austral-ian waters with an exaggerated excuse of medical emergency. We have had the Indonesian navy declare its determina-tion to block entry of the Tampa, carrying passengers who set out from an Indonesian port in an Indonesian boat.

Australia accepts 10,000 refugees a year and allows some form of residence to about 5000 illegals. Should we take more? Even many more? It needs to be considered. But would we want to give all the new places, if any, to Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans and Pakistanis without ID, who make up most of the present Illegal influx? Instead of, say, to Palestinians? It’s our choice.

AM aware that some of this sounds carping. Hegel identifies tragedy as the
clashing of right with right. Migrants
seeking safety — even just a better life —and countries defending their territory create a tragic Hegelian situation.
Some recent groups arriving here have contained more women and children than men. Immigration authorities believe many are coming in the hope of joining husbands and fathers who have gained a foothold. The jdea makes the heart turn

Ignoring the race factor doesn’t help

The ethnic connection must be addressed, says Janet Albrechtson

A former teacher in a French secondary school was so alarmed at the barbaric sexual abuse of young girls by gangs of young migrant men that he directed a movie called ‘La Squale’, which realistically depicted the gang rape of a young girl in a cellar. After its release in December last year, it became one of France’s most popular movies. The director, Fabrice Genestal, said at the time: “My film must serve as an alarm bell.”

In Australia recent newspaper reports have set similar alarm bells ringing. However, migrant community leaders encourage us to stick our heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge that there is an issue of racial motivation in a spate of vicious attacks on white women by young Lebanese men in Bankstown and other Sydney suburbs.

This approach was most recently mim-icked in the comments of Justice Megan Latham when she handed out lenient sentences to the perpetrators of a hei-nous gang rape of a young Australian woman in Sydney.

Latham said: “There is no evidence before me of any racial element in the commission of these offences.” Sub-sequent newspaper reports have shown there was plenty of evidence to support a “racial element” but the plea bargaining process meant Latham was denied this information.

What is surprising is why Latham said anything at all. If race was not an issue, wasn’t it enough that she remain silent? Or were her gratuitous comments orchestrated by the plea bargaining pro-cess to douse a highly emotive and increasingly heated debate about ethnic crime?

Her comments fool no one. They sim-ply pander to the Left, who would have us obliterate any ethnic descriptors from our language and fire up the extremists on the Right who blame a religion they know little about.

Quite apart from that particular case, ethnic community leaders continue to deny an ethnic link when it is obvious there is one — a small but insidious group of Lebanese boys are raping Caucasian girls. Acknowledging the ethnic issue without hyperbole or over-reaction allows police to do their job and allows the ethnic community to tackle a problem that Australia is not alone in facing.

Overseas, racially motivated gang rape has been flashing on the radar screen for some time. The approach taken in coun-tries such as France and Denmark to this issue may serve to guide us in Australia through the minefield of knee-jerk reac-tions on the Left and Right.

In France, public recognition of racially motivated gang rape by the police, the judiciary and crime experts has grown exponentially since the trial in Paris earlier this year of 11 young Muslim men accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in the cellar of a high-rise apartment block in northern Paris. This case revealed what has become a disturbing phenomenon most prevalent in France’s poor, migrant suburbs. Gang rape has become known as “tournante” or “take your turn” where a young girl is literally handed from one friend to the next for sexual gratification.

According to Sylvie Lotteau, a magis-trate in the northern suburb of Bobigny, “tournante” was first identified in the late 1980s. A police commander in another northern suburb of Paris explained the phenomenon to Le Monde newspaper: “It is the group effect. They can’t let themselves down in front of their friends, who are urging them to commit the act. Individually, they would not carry out the rape.” So concerned are the French that judicial inquiries are under way in three other French cities and Education Minister Jack Lang has ordered a committee of inquiry.

In Denmark last year the trial of seven immigrant youths for gang-raping a 14-year-old girl highlighted what The Copenhagen Post called the “growing social divide between young immigrant men and native-born Danish girls” who appear sexually available when com-pared to Muslim women.

French and Danish experts explain the sharp rise in the number of gang rapes over the past five years as a symptom of unemployed, alienated second-generation immigrants The perpetrators of gang rape flounder between their parents’ Islamic values and society’s more liberal democratic values, falling back on the most basic pack mentality of violence and self-gratification.

In Denmark, education of these boys has begun. The immigration information service in Aarhus on the island of Jutland provides advice to immigrant fathers on how to teach their sons about the nature of Danish culture and how Denmark’s liberal sexual attitudes cannot be equated with Danish girls “asking for it”. It seems the Danes realise that ignoring racially motivated gang rape won’t make it go away.
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