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Old 2nd Sep 2001, 15:05
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Dark Knight
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Time spent at PPrune can be entertaining and allows one to pass a point of view however, if we passionately believe in this viewpoint the place to place it where it may achieve something is with our politicians.

In addition to spending time here making your point spend an equal but more productive time writing to your politician expressing your support. (If you disagree then you are FREE to express that point.)

The address of your local MP can be found at: http://www.aph.gov.au/house/members/index.htm
And your Senators at: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/senators/index.htm

Remember; we all have 10 Senators in each State representing us; write to all of them, regardless of their party, letting them know your view and value of your vote.

What does this have to do with aviation you may ask? Once we get in the habit of calling, writing your local member then maybe, just maybe, we will do it more often to correct the many problems the aviation industry faces in our country. Secondly, owning a free country to fly around.

True to form, Truth has been the first casualty of the majority of media, commentators and journalists who, additionally, have a great difficulty establishing where their loyalties lie.

Mr. Richard Flanagan writing in Melbourne’s Sunday Age illustrates this point perfectly destroying his article and his credibility in his first paragraph thus:
”Some things need to be said plainly. Australia does not have a refugee problem. It is estimated that 11,000,000 illegal migrants cross the Mexican border into the US each year. The European Union faces a similar onslaught from Eastern Europe.
Australia, on the other hand, has fewer than 4000 refugees locked away in detention centres. That is all. We are not being flooded and we are not, given our great physical isolation, ever going to be flooded in the way Europe and the US are.
But we have made a problem of how we look after those few who do make it here, often under great adversity and after experiencing unimaginable horror; those who go on hunger strike, who riot, who sew their lips in protest, whose children appear mute on our television, who sit on the hot, crowded metal deck of a container ship surrounded by heavily armed soldiers.”

A simple search on the Internet `Mexico’ reveals the following:
The eleventh annual census, conducted in 1990, reported a total Mexican population of 81,250,000. This figure represented a 2.3 percent per annum growth rate from the 1980 census and indicated successful government efforts at slowing down the level of population increase. The government reported that the population stood at 91,158,000 at the end of 1995, a 1.8 percent increase over the previous year. Assuming that this most recent level of growth were maintained through the rest of the 1990s, Mexico's population would stand at approximately 100 million persons in the year 2000. A return to the higher 1980 to 1990 growth rate, however, would result in a population total of approximately 102 million persons by the year 2000.
The pace of migration to the United States increased markedly during the 1980s. One analyst, Rodolfo Corona Vázquez, estimated that 4.4 million Mexicans resided outside the country (almost all in the United States) in 1990, roughly double the estimated number in 1980.

Corona Vázquez also noted a changing pattern of emigration since the 1960s. Seven contiguous states in north central Mexico--Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Durango, San Luis Potos', and Aguasca-lientes--accounted for approximately 70 percent of all emigrants in 1960, but only 42 percent in 1990. New important sources of emigration included Chihuahua in the northeast, the Federal District (the administrative unit that includes Mexico City), and the southernmost state of Oaxaca."

Hardly “11,000,000 illegal migrants cross the Mexican border into the US each year“ and Mr Flanagan expects people to buy his new novel Gould's Book of Fish is to be published next month. Another litany of mistruths and imaginations, Mr. Flanagan?

Surely, you do not possibly expect us to buy your book now?

Firstly, we protect My Country, Your Country, Our Country then, and only then, can we offer compassion, humanity and succour to the rest of the world.

Australia’s record is one we can be proud of!

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