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Old 11th Nov 2001, 11:52
  #14 (permalink)  
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You're right on the money Buster. Beazley made all the bull$**** promises in the world to the ex ANstaff and not that it's a big surprise, he didn't get elected. So as you have correctly put it, John Howard will be left holding the bag. I just hope for the sake of all involved in this dilemma that the Libs can put their collective heads together and achieve some resolution to this mess. I'm more than aware that all the bleeding hearts will now jump in and say that it was Howard that should have stopped the collapse of AN in the first place but really people.............a scapegoats a scapegoats a scapegoats. Lay off the govt. Deep down I think most of you realise that there was little to nothing that the liberal govt. could do towards the situation without setting a massive precedence and perhaps shooting themselves in the foot. And before you bag the crap out of my thoughts bare in mind that the political leader you bag may be the very man that drags AN out of the depths of depression that it currently wallows in.

Thats my 5 ......better make that 10 cents worth

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