PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Ryanair hires FAA/ US B737 Captains via Brooksfield (merged)
Old 26th Jul 2005, 00:36
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Robert FL

Dear RobertFL, How many American spells his name Eirik. This is the way it was spelled originally about 1300 years ago where I come from. Smiling Blond, Blue eyed you know the people that put the white in the British Isles over about 600 years of trying to learn the language. The Vikings where not bad guys just misunderstood, there was a language barrier.

My comment was to the many EU boys that just love to bash the Americans at every chance.
A good friend of mine told me a story. He was sitting in a bar with a British crew, the captain could not stop talking **** about the US and Americans. They did not know how to operate properly, did not know proper radio procedures, there was just not a single thing they knew to do right. So my friend asked him, what do you fly. OH, the B757 the Captain said very proud. So how is the 757? Well, it is just the best Aircraft ever made, the British Captain carried on. My Swedish friend then asked him, Who Makes that Aircraft. For the first time that evening the British Captain was out of words. There was no more US Bashing from the Captain that night.

The Americans came up with CRM for us, it was started at United. The Approach plates and maps most of us use all over the world, that is constantly improved on is from the US. I believe it now says Jeppesen a Boeing company. Boeing makes some very good Aircraft to. I believe more than 60% of all commercial aviation in the world is in North America.
I believe there is a good chance that we might all be talking German today if it was not for the Americans. Let’s not forget who our Friends are out in the world. Friends can have different opinions; even do things that we don't like.
RobertFL are you here in the US right now, there is room for you to here, and there is room for all kinds here. You must know that it is never a popular thing to criticize a county at war, it tend to keep people together.
Look what the Argentineans did when they attacked the Falklands, Argentina was at the brink of civil war, civil unrest because of politics and deteriorating living conditions in the country. They attacked the British and it unified the people in the country. I really admire the British for sailing half way around the world just to kick their ass. The British did not get the help of the US or other "Allies" because they did not agree with what they did at the time. The British flag is again flying in the Falklands and the rest is history.
Read this thread from the start and you will see all the negative comments about USA FAA Captains that might be heading for Ryan.

The US FAA system is not perfect, but it certainly more user friendly as far as getting a pilot license than it is in EU. JAR is kind of a joke to me. I have friends that have gone to Sweden and got their JAR License, and then when they got a job in Norway they had to take all the tests again. I thought JAR was there to standardize all the country’s so you could use your license in any of the member states.
I have worked all over this little world Far East, Middle East, Central Asia, South America, Caribbean, USA, Canada and EU. It is always interesting working at a new Airline different Country learning the different rules. To experience the different social/cultural aspects and to see how they affect the way we operate the big Jets.

I find it amusing RobertFL that you did not detect that I am a European.

Cheers EiriktheViking
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