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Thread: Is This Fair???
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Old 29th Jun 2005, 10:59
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I suspect we will never know the real point of the question and that yardman was probably correct in thinking Morphius is a troll, perhaps morphed from another ID? However to continue the thread….

The CCA, FTO etc must have been involved so how could this be an advantage to the pilot concerned - other than getting a very quick lesson in the need for maintaining situational awareness and the possible consequences of not doing so? I for one would not want to go through the interview with the CFI, CAA etc who I am sure will take appropriate action. The loss of confidence could be devastating to a career, an appropriate reminder of our fallibility or it could bounce off an unthinking individual - who knows?

At a more conceptual level why are the issues of fairness and advantage over other students being raised at all? As you rightly point out this is about safety. Whilst getting a pilots job is competitive, gaining a licence is not. It is, or should be, about standardisation and safety, you either reach the standard or you do not. The treatment of one individual is of no relevance to others, except for the obvious safety issues if someone is given a licence who should not be and there is clearly no evidence of that in this case.

If Morphius is genuine, he or she should be thankful it was not them involved. I came close to busting class D once shortly after getting my PPL. That was though a simple transposition of VOR frequencies and CDI’s (watching the wrong one! thanks Farnborough LARS for the heads up and a good job I had asked for the RIS!). It’s not until you have done it or come close that you realise how easy it is to do - especially when under a heavy work load which of course is subjective and related to experience.

Let’s hope one or both of these individuals learn something from this. I suspect that is more likely in the case of the lady pilot!


P.S. happy as a PPL and with no pretensions to an ATPL at my age! so no axes to grind, just want to stay alive and keep what I have!

Last edited by egbt; 29th Jun 2005 at 12:46.
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