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Old 23rd May 2005, 22:36
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Maple 01

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The "Sensationalist press" do not have a responsibility for the safe conduct of prisoners in their custody. because they don't have prisoners in their custody.
They have a responsibility to report accurately, not rumour or speculation, and when they do pass off rumour and speculation as news and the result is that people die, then they are responsible for those deaths. Newsweek have admitted as much, now it's just a case of getting the rest to sign-up to honest reporting - that or get them to stick to D-list Celeb chaseing. You see my point? Everyone is accountable to the press, 'our' man is guilty until proven so - or it's a whitewash, the press however is accountable to no-one and never pay for their actions.

And yes, I fear you are putting words into my mouth

Firstly the bloke hasn't been convicted yet, so while I can see and accept what you're saying about maltreatment of prisoners as a general concept, you seem to be pre-judging the individual

Secondly, If you imagine the Arab world views the goings on in Iraq dispassionately, weighs up the available facts and makes an informed decision you're mistaken, any carelessly reported incident can and will be blown out of all proportion for political ends and people end up dieing.

Same goes for agenderised reporting, an example being the Italian journalist that reported 'US forces fired 300-400 rounds at the car she was being driven to freedom in'

a. She had a strong anti-coalition stance before the whole incident – biased source anyone?

b. Have you ever seen a car where 300-400 5.56mm rounds gone into it? Much left?
The car being shipped to the inquest looked fairly intact to me…..

Did the Italian people question her story? No, Did the Italian government come under pressure to withdraw troops? Yes.

If you're saying the press arn't sensationalist and not only after the 'shock-horror stuff why are there never any 'good news' stories from OIF or OEF in the mainstream media? too dull? Not sending the 'right' message?

Last edited by Maple 01; 23rd May 2005 at 23:43.
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