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Old 29th Apr 2005, 13:21
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Old Smokey
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I'm horrified to read that, in the 21st century, you should still have to put up with jackasses like this in the cockpit. Reading your initial post was like one of the standard "bad CRM" exercises given to us during CRM refresher courses, except that it did not end in any fatalities. Your endeavours to pull Captain Jackass into line are commendable, what is of great concern is that there are a great many "meek and mild" F/Os who would not have asserted themselves, and those poor souls stand a high chance of being a partner to the catastrophe which is coming his way - It's only a matter of time before all of the holes in the Swiss cheese line up.

keithl and others make an observation that I share, that those most in need of CRM training are the least likely to recognise it. They see CRM as a total erosion of the authority gradient, which of course it clearly is not. I doubt that only an extreme demonstration of the consequences of negative/poor CRM will lead to any change in his ways, and extreme demonstrations cost human lives.

There is a similarly small percentage of pilots who don't need CRM training, those who naturally operate superbly as a team player or a team manager, these are the people whose traits we modelled CRM after in the first place. Whilst this group are true role models to follow, it was interesting in the early days of CRM training to see that this group did not see the need for CRM either, their thinking was that everyone did as they did. Many is the time I heard them say "do some people really do that?" The vast middle ground of pilots quickly recognised and implemented the good principals of CRM.

I think I can say with due honesty that on 80% of the occasions that my F/O has pointed out the error of my ways, he/she has been right, I am most appreciative of their support and sincerely thank them for "saving my ass". The other 20% of the time the correct solution lies somewhere between their stance and mine, a simple situation to resolve with a little discussion.

Sorry popay, none of this helps you. You have to live and fly with this turkey, I don't. Many people like to jump on 411A (I am not one of them), but to be absolutely practical, I have to agree with him. 411A oftentimes gives us a sharp jolt of real world reality, it would be wonderful to live in an ideal world, but he often draws us back into the "not so ideal" real world. There is a distinct possibility (may I say probability) within many airlines that you would indeed be labeled a troublemaker, whether the title be deserved or not. Like him, I too have seen guys go into print (or interview), and the results are not pretty. A group of F/Os presenting themselves to management could be perceived as a lynching mob, or a revolt. I don't know the nature of your airline's management, but even those sponsoring CRM as an effective tool, may give you the label.

So what to do? I spent my F/O years in an airline with some superb captains, a much larger number of ordinary captains, and unfortunately, a few bad ones. This was in the pre-CRM "the captain is infallible" era. We F/Os knew we had a hard day's work ahead when rostered with these guys. My advice, (1) point out the discrepancies and irregularities, with increasing emphasis if needed. If that has no effect then (2) it is generally better to keep quiet during the flight if you are met with hostility (411A's words) than to further anger "the beast", thus creating an even more dangerous situation. If necessary to resort to option (2), then (3) provide the maximum support possible because he's as sure as hell gonna need it before too long. Someone (you) has to have a good 'handle' on the operational situation. I will NEVER NEVER advocate non-standard procedures in normal circumstances, but, if forced into such an environment, he will need all of the support that you can give to prevent further deterioration of an already rapidly deteriorating situation.

Lots of Luck,

Old Smokey
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