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Old 18th Feb 2001, 01:18
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

This is, I believe, one of the many minefields of the aviation industry. At the end of the day, it HAS to be down to the individual.

YOU do not HAVE to sign for anything you are not happy with.

I too know an engineer who would stamp anything you put infront of him.

In this industry, the pressure is really on, when you have a customer shouting down your ear about getting their aircraft out which is now 2 days over time, there are some decisions which have to be made and I believe should be made from an experienced point of view.

Personally I would not sign for ANYTHING that I was not completely happy with, and if there is another engineer who will, fine, they can sign, at least then it isn't my career and life that is one the line if, God forbid, anything were to happen.

Maybe I am not taking the right point of view and I am being selfish, but you have to look out for No. 1 as no-one else will.

As far as telling someone goes, I think that you would be in a very dodgy situation. The person holding that authority has been given it for a reason, they didn't just get it out of a Cornflake box! Whether you are licensed or not, the desicions they are making may be made through knowledge and experience. Be careful. You have to remember that if all goes wrong he is going to be in BIG trouble, and depending on the extent, could be in the position of facing a prison sentance, and NEVER working in Aviation again.

Keep your mind clear, use YOUR licence and authority wisely and you cannot go wrong.

Fly safe and remember:-

Some days you are the statue and some days you are the Pigeon.

[This message has been edited by HeliEng (edited 17 February 2001).]