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Old 14th Dec 2000, 20:20
  #11 (permalink)  
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Of course Tony Tyler is being disingenuous, that's his job, and very well he's doing it at the moment. However, it's the SCMP's job, via it's reporters, to give a balanced and true report of events. This they are not doing. It would appear to be far easier to simply reprint the Cathay press release.
When Tyler accuses the pilots of being greedy, he perhaps forgets that, for a based, A scale Captain, the figures paint a different picture. 1994, 16% paycut. 1995, no more cost of living, let alone a pay rise. 1999, a 28% pay cut over three years. By next year this will mean a salary, in real terms, of about 40% of that in 1993.
Doesn't sound too greedy to me, Tony. Have you taken the same pay cut? I'll take three million a year any time you're willing to give it to me. Arrrrr, yes! The stock options. Mustn't forget them. They are going to recoup all my losses, aren't they? Well no, actually. Not much chance of them doubling, not the way you and your fellow directors are running the company.
Ever since the all singing, all dancing, light shows of the early 90's, the other airlines that Cathay uses to show that we are grossly overpaid, have changed. One by one, they have dropped by the wayside, as their remuneration has gone up and ours has gone down. Do you really believe, Tony, that B scales are at the top end of the market, plus 10%. You really must get out more. For a B scaler to have a provident fund worth retiring on, he will have to work until he makes even the cabin attendents in America look young.
I will go on working for this company, but don't expect me to like it. When I'm on the aeroplane, I'll do my proffesional best to get them to their destination, on time and safely. Because they pay my salary, Tony, not you. For the rest of the time the phone stays firmly off the hook.
A couple of years ago, at a retirement party, a very senior pilot was saying goodbye. He related, that Turnbull had told him that it was because of people like him that the company was the way it is today. He replied." No, Mr Turnbull. The company is the way it is today, because of people like YOU!"
If you're reading this, SCMP, how about a little checking of the facts before you print. If you're reading this, Tony, go and look in the mirror and say," I'm not telling lies."
I thought so. Couldn't quite meet your eyes in the mirror, could you?