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Old 29th Jan 2005, 12:02
  #17 (permalink)  
Standard Noise
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2 sheds - I agree, if the pilot community want to know answers to their questions, then all they have to do is write to our ATSM, he's only too happy to explain and take on board their concerns.
Sadly, many of them seem incapable of writing a letter although they seem very adept at typing here on pprune.

DFC - thank you for letting me know your other sources of info, but does that mean that we in ATC should not disseminate the info based on the fact that "ah to hell with it, they've had that info 4 or 5 times already, let's not bother to tell them"? The answer to that would be a resounding NO. Too often in the past, an incident has occurred and ATC has been asked what the wx was doing at the time and was the pilot aware of it. It would be very remiss of us not to make sure that the info was dissemiated. You might want to call it "back covering" but in this blame culture we all inhabit, ultimately, the powers that be and their lawyers don't care. Airlines would be the first to bleat if they thought their pilots had not been informed of the met situation.
As for the Aerodrome Operators (having worked at three units where ATC was "in house") and ATC engineers, I'm very well aware, as are all of us ATCO's, what they need to know met-wise.
But here's the thing, you don't have to listen to the whole "unnecessary extended ATIS message" if you don't want to. Nobody's spying on you.

Fool's Hole - Turning your last post on it's head with regards to 'WHY ONLY AT BRS?' I have two questions for you 'why not everywhere else?' Who's to say we at BRS are wrong here?
BTW, a "rural" flavour. Why, because we are in the SW of the UK? Or have I read too much into that remark?

Brain Fade - It's not only us at BRS that get gale/frost/fog warnings. The Met Office send them out to all airports, it's part of the deal. Maybe we are just more conscientious in disseminating them to other agencies than some other airports, chiefly for the reasons I spelt out to DFC.

One final point while I'm on a roll, last weekend, we had a snow/frost warning come through around tea time. When the early evening flights were going out, I gave each of them (at least those who would be returning after 2200) a 'heads up' on the warning by explaining briefly the main points (3cm snow expected/frost forming on surfaces/ temp drop to -2 by midnight). Why did I do it if I am not required to? Well, I thought it was possible the pilots may have missed the warnings due to timing and thought that prior knowledge may have been handy. Each pilot thanked me for the details and everyone was happy. Not one even said 'yeah, we saw that.' So how was I to know they already knew about it? And does it make me wrong for doing so? We in ATC have a 'duty of care' towards our customers, so is it really that bad if we disseminate all the information that we have to hand, especially if we don't know that the pilots have it?
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