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Old 20th Dec 2004, 10:29
  #42 (permalink)  
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Uncle Wooblah goes on nightstop for a few days and the kids are having fun on the world wide web. I must say this thread has been fantastic and so much has come out, this is trully a great effort and there is so much truth here it is amazing!!!!

Now down to business:

Virtual Reality old buddy, you really are living in a virtual world fed on virtual B*LL S*IT, in a virtual airline reading virtual history and I hope not flying on a virtual license. Aviation in Malaysia started with.

1) Borneo Airways (Brit run links to BOAC)
2) Federation Air Services (Straits Steamship Company links to BOAC)
3) Malayan Airways (The Tigers) (BOAC boys again)
4) MSA (Malaysian Singapore Airlines) ( Damn BOAC / QANTAS)
5) MAS (QANTAS Capt Bird was the bloke, check the QRH)

The RMAF were not in the picture at all because:

The RMAF was started by the RAF in the form of the Malayan Auxillary Airforce of which Captain Hassan and Suliman Sujak were featured in the original photo in short pants and no wings. The Commandant was a DFC and bar man ex spitfires and mustangs and used to fly the late Tunku Abdul Rahman. Does anybody remember his name???

Can anybody please tell me of any aircraft except their own that the RMAF have shot down. Just one please???????

Can anybody tell me of a Malaysian pilot in any airforce that has shot down an enemy aircraft in any war on this planet?????? I only know of 1.


The Camel and that gang were in the first batches of cadets and well the rest is history, we all know what has happened as the years went on.

Toady, well lets read the other posts, as far as the best man for the job I for one don't think so and so do about 99.999% of MAS and the government now!!!!!!!!!

Now to the expat question.

Malaysia will never grow to be the best at anything until Malaysians learn to accept that they are not the best at everything in this world. Proton accepts this, they are working with VW. The Malaysian Space Agency accepts this they are working with NASA and the Ruskies. We use IBM and Compaq computers and fly Airbus and Boeing aircraft. WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because we need these products to prosper and we are not advanced enough to build them ourselves. Maybe one day we will be able to build our own spaceships but THAT DAY IS NOT YET HERE!!! Anybody disagree??????

With Proton we went to the Japs and over the years we absorbed the technology and so today we have attained the ability to build cars but alas it has been many years and dollars later and still to strengthen our young industry we do need VW and to some extent the Japs are still in albeit a very small stake.

In aviation we are definatly not the best and with the closed myopic syndrome we posses we will never grow. We need to combine our knowledge with the knowledge and data that others posses before we can grow and expand and prosper. We must accept the views and knowledge held by others from around the world and let the best culture, knowledge and skills develop within the confines of our industry here in Malaysia.

Presently Malaysia is known for ATPL exam cheating, honary ATPLS and anak2 datuk syndromes. You can laugh all you like at the Americans but it is their multi cultural diversity that has put man on the moon. Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Italians, Polish, Irish, Brits and so on. Yep problems they had and problems the will have but the drive to succeed and the American dream is a reality. Look where the presidents came from. No anak datuk/dato there. Yeah laugh but who's laughing all the way to the bank!!! Anyone disagree???

I am no Yankee lover but the aforementioned is a fact!!!!!!!

And yes the Malaysians and the Arabs and for that matter anybody anywhere can achieve what they (The Americans)have if only they opened their minds and hearts and stopped fighting over stupid things like who is the smartest, who is the best, who is the richest, who is the most respected ect. And got on with working together regardless of race, colour and creed to develop the best culture and systems together. Soloutions are always simple and because we are so far up our @rses it is dark and we cannot find our way and the competition EADS, Boeing, IBM, ect. are laughing all the way to the bank because they know as long as we are divided and don't work together they will rule and we will buy, buy, buy.

ANYONE DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So lets work together and learn and grow into a true multi national multi skilled multi billion dollar country.

This is my humble wish for all of us in 2005.

Ho Ho Ho and happy holidays to all, keep safe and keep flying,
