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Old 16th Dec 2004, 07:05
  #28 (permalink)  
I love to Cum Kuat
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OOps must have pushed yer buttons, Iso

I guess I must have pushed you a bit Iso. Well, my message wasn't specifically aimed at you nor all the expats in Malaysia, rather it was a general comment for all expats around the world.

The locals, where possible, would definitely try to defend their turf, right or wrong for the sake of national interest far outweigh your personal interest....whether you get a job, or happy or miserable you are. ( Stop that you thing, its pushing my buttons!! very annnoying indeed)

I delved a bit into Malaysian history just to try to make you understand a bit of where the feeling of protectiveness and slight resentment to those whom have raped and pillaged the country for so long whilst leaving the country relatively poor and behind in their education, economy, quest for excellence and uptake of higher skill. They are getting there but it will not happen overnight.

I am not defending the !d!ots running M@S either because I too have gone thru the system or lack thereof but at the same time understood the local beat.

Take South Africa for example; such a gorgeous country but sadly has become very dangerous and inefficient. The drums beat a different beat there and you may get very very frustrated with a lot of things but hey,,,that's how it is. The poorly educated black, suppressed for hundreds of years are struggling to run the country whilst the rich minority still hold influnce and power over everything else. Now the minority are blaming them for all the violence and anarchy that are happening there. A bit sad really.
You either go with the flow or if you dont like it, go somewhere else. I didn't and I went.

I did not like it there at M@S either, so I have gone somewhere else. But, unfortunately, unlike western pilots with superior first world passports and ATPLs, I cannot even be considered for employment at any EU, Australian, or US airlines, but yet it works fine the other way round. Do you see any Malaysian, be it chinese, malay, indian, bumis or others being employed by these airlines?? Hardly.

Geographically, Europe is Asia. As far as I am able to see on the map and through flying experiences as well, the land masses are all connected, but yet from Turkey, all the way to Japan, everyone else is bladi Asians,,,,and yes they all look the same, right?? NOT. So , what i gather here is that, if you are of the fairer color and practices the "right" denomination, you'll be right, right? This is pure B.S.

Again the points here are not specifically aimed at you Iso, rather they are aimed even at myself, being an expat in a foreign country. I know that when the time comes, when the local pilots number goes up, I too will be kicked out or pushed aside. When the water is over the damned, then I'll make my next move.

Maybe it is healthy that you are venting your anger and frustrations here, but a far more effective way is to seek help.

Meanwhile Capt Wooby, I think you are doing a fine job in enlightening the locals especially and hurting M@S where it hurts, right in the back boner. Somehow, I do not foresee an attitude change in the near future as the company is mired with local politics and misplaced pride and prejudice. Malay Boleh??? Boleh what? Maybe they can so so run the show, but will never excel or be in pink of health long.

The government will always put $$$ in no matter what, so in terms of being a profitable true "business airlines", M@S does not qualify. Neither does Emmyrates nor SingAir. We shall always have to look up to CX or QF for that matter.
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