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Old 4th Dec 2004, 04:56
  #39 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Well, guys, what are we going to do about this?

We can read it and weep, or we can get off our self-interested arses and actually refuse to accept this bullsh1t!

No-one can logically explain how this little erosion of our liberties is going to have any impact on real terrorists, and we can simply rant and rave as long as we like on prune, but we'll still get screwed in the long run.

The 150th anniversary of the Eureka uprising occurred this week, have we lost the spirit that made this country great, or have we still got the guts to make a point in everyone's best interests?

Make no mistake, no-one benefits from us allowing this sort of utter stupidity to exist, not us, not the rest of our countrymen, nor, ultimately, the deluded politicians who let it go.

The question is, "What should we do?" Personally, I think that the best idea is to burn our licences, as the Eureka miners burnt theirs, and refuse to pay for this utterly offensive attack on our integrity.

If anyone's got a better idea, let's hear it, but we'd better make it soon and spread the word as soon as possible if we're to have any chance of getting all pilots on side before we lose the opportunity to do something that we've been desperately needing to do for quite some time, unite.

Yes, that means no more back stabbing, whinging, and slurring all other airmen who aren't up to your standard. Isn't it better to consider any airman up to our standard?

There's plenty of empty airspace out there, and some would say in there too, but I don't want to spoil the message.

We need all airmen to unite, the airlines, GA, and the military would be great to have along as well.

Here's our opportunity to do more than save ourselves a couple of hundred bucks every 2 years, this is an opportunity to save our society from spiraling into insanity.

Waddya reckon blokes, are we willing to make the sacrifice?

And remember, Life's a bitch, then you fly! Not life's a bitch.

Nowadays, it's getting hard to enjoy flying, but we can change all that.
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