PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - 15 years on, have we had some interesting jobs or what????
Old 2nd Nov 2004, 02:46
  #61 (permalink)  
Flying Ninja
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Kraptin M
In response to your comments of 10 Oct.
I have heard a larger amount of BS. It comes from you everytime you put finger to keyboard and doubtless each time you put your glass down and finish belching.
Talk about Physc testing etc. It is obvious that you didn't do any with Ansett . You sir are obviously disturbed and your actions during 89 show what you really are:

An antagionist
A turn coat

Oh! No!

Not that horrible word usually reserved for "one of Those" used about "one of ours"
YOU sir had a change of heart and (as you would have it known ) a return to your unmoving integrity only AFTER you were not wanted back by the airline that made you " the cream of Australian Aviation" . You took the opportunity presented by the confusion to cover up your abomination.

I suppose you can now announce that you are in the upper management of your current airline after the natural progression that comes with the time you have put in. Any announcements????
Geee Wizzzzzz, what a blow for those with the "hats stained white with cream "

To you and your mate RTA who like to "contain" or "control" or
generally stick there nose in everybodys business instead of getting on with your own life, let me say that there are all types of pilots in those "main stream " but I don't see you there Kraptin, you are in Asia bitching just as you did in Ansett when you were "cream ". There are also much bigger airlines in Asia that do not even recall the events so vivid in your minds but, I don't see you there Kraptin. What about RTA, where are you working?
Has the cream become Yoghurt.
What a bunch of to-sers. Hey!!!! is that how you get the "cream" in the first place????????

Get a life but more than anything else----------
Shut The F--K UP!!!!!!
Sick and tired of the moaning!!!!!!!!

PS: I always thought that " hero " refered to the "those with the hats stained with cream".
Funny how you can look at things when you don't have any hang ups!!!!
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