PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Peruvian fighter downs missionaries
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Old 23rd Apr 2001, 17:17
  #17 (permalink)  
before landing check list
Posts: n/a

Dallas Dude,
The aircraft are not just thrown together with "parts" a you so eloquently put it. But that is beside the point. I wasnot in Peru when that incident occured. The way the system works is either with or without supporting intel the C550 is launched to find the target.(eithr day or night) the I.D. is made (tail #) without the occupants being aware of the existance of the citation. Not a small feat when the C550 is heavy and the target slow or at night. Then the C550 will back off keeping he target on radar.(F16 intercapt radar peice of crap)The ID is ran through the system for flight plans,prior entries and wants/warrants. I the a/c is suspect due to the above criteria the FAP a/c is launched and vectored to the cite by the C550.(harder then it sounds)When the FAP a/c has both the C550 and the suspect in sight the C550 will move about a 1/4 mile back and slightly above to record the actions of the suspect and FAP a/c. What is suposed to happen is the FAP a/c will fly along side the suspect with a hand written sign to change radio freqs. If no response from the suspect the FAP a/c will accomplish the ICAO intercept procedures to include flap/gear lowering to attempt to convey the idea to the suspect toland. If that fails or is ignored shots are fired across the fr'ont of the aircraft. That failing the aircraft is shot down. I am not saying that it is the correct thing to do, but that is the way it was. I say was because those C550's are no longer down there as of 2 years ago. Any others till there do not belong to "those" guys. Since I was not there then and I very seriously doubt anyone here was EVER down there and don't know the "rest of the story" quit being the frigging Monday morning quarterback which seems so prevelant here(human nature I suppose)and stop casting blame without any idea of the situation realy is. I don't know and was not there. So Dallas Dude, I have no idea where you get your info but you need to do more research before you say things you know nothing about. The shooting down of the missionary plane as very unfortunate. I am positive if all the pilots envolved knew then what they know now things would have turned out differently. And I do think the best way to turn this drug thing around we should start in the home, schools and communities here first.

Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking.
If you cheat, may you cheat death.
If you steal, may you steal a woman's heart.
If you fight, may you fight for a brother.
And if you drink, may you drink with me.