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Old 18th Jun 2004, 10:59
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I feel for all you guys who have or have not been offered the contract with QF L/H and I have read all your posts. If it was me in the situation many of you are in I would jump at the chance to fly even knowing there will not be any future employment after the contract, but who knows what will happen after 10 months. I left full time employment in the past to operate a short flying contract and once that was over I went back to the real world, albeit thinking that contract went way too quick and was sad when it was all over. But if you love flying and thats what you do (I mean that by it's your chosen career), you really dont have to think about it, you take any opportunity offered.

When you think about it Australia has been very lucky in regard to F/A employment (with exception to the Ansett thing). Look at the UK and USA, for years they have been employing contract, short-long term crew who are tossed once the season is over. I understand it's not fair but it was only time that it would start happening here. The UK offer flying jobs for the summer season only etc, the crew know what they are applying for, and many get re employed the next season. Unfortunately it's reality and Australia has just caught up. Airlines are businesses which are there to make a proffit and I dont see anything wrong with that. Once the slow season sets in they will see themselves over staffed if they employ full time permanent. Casuals fill the gap. Most other industries have had this in place for years, hire a temp to fill a position, no one seems to complain about that situation. The airline industry is just doing that. They dont need extra staff permanantly. I do however believe that contracts should receive the travel benefits permanents get during their contract.

On a good side though, if you do a contract with QF or anyone, if you have a good record there should be no reason why you should not be considered for permanent employment if they decide to go that way in the future.

Re the internal recruitment, it works both ways, I have worked with many cabin crew who have applied internally for ground positions only to be knocked back also. I dont think its a case of favouring the externals, you were selected for your current position and maybe (this is going to sound harsh) you are not suitable for a different position in the company. I know many F/A's who got in just to do that, "get in with the company" so they can then move to another preffered position. It just doesn't work like that. Some people I worked with never wanted to be F/A's in the first place, they just wanted to get in so they could apply internally for ground, they were disapointed.

Anyway a friend of mine has just been given the nod for QF L/H MEL and starts training soon, she is leaving another airline job to do this and I wish her all my very best.
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