PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Where do i have to put my feets?
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Old 11th Apr 2004, 18:16
  #24 (permalink)  
Notso Fantastic
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<Follow the manufactures / industry advice.>......which is.....keep your heels firmly on the floor! In support, I can only quote nearly 18,000 hours on VC10, 747, 737 (2 models) and 747-400 (all designs adequate!), with 2 years twin turboprop thrown in for good measure. On every one of them, 'keep your heels firmly on the floor'.
<The certification regulations provide ample protection against inadvertent rudder input during take off or landing in a crosswind. Thus you overrate the problem of brake application during takeoff.> So how serious do you rate an abandoned T/O on a 747, a couple of tyres lost? Because the handling pilot lifted his heel off the floor to better push the rudder in a strong crosswind!
Are we going to have people/aeroplanes bent because the lesson won't be learned? How much of an example do you need? You cite the rare example of an abandoned T/O with the pilot trying to apply brakes without lifting his feet. Out of how many thousands of T/Os with pilots who do not keep their feet down do you think someone will have one or more brakes applied when they shouldn't?
(I'd swear on this board if someone said you get airborne by pulling the stick, someone will pipe up with 'but you can get airborne by pushing it'! Yeah- if you were upside down)
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