PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - why is UK GA full of whinging gits?
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Old 6th Apr 2004, 22:50
  #24 (permalink)  

Sub Judice Angel Lovegod
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If I want to pop out with the kids for Sunday lunch I can go to The Propellor at Bembridge, AV8 at Kemble, the greasy spoon at Duxford, the clubhouse at Sherburn and so on.

I will compare quality with price and choose one.

If I look at Kemble and think "nice runway (but I don't need such a long one) good food but £33 landing fee puts me off...nah, I'll go to Bembridge" what do you want me to do? Just vote with my feet and stop going, or call them and discuss their fees?

I did the latter and they were genuinely interested to hear from me. They are experimenting with higher fees.

No doubt, like every other business, they need to maximise profit, and, as their overheads are so high and not very changeable they need to find the fee that is at the top of the elasticity curve.

If they do not get the feedback they could simply end up villified like Wolverhampton. Surely it is better to provide the feedback in a mutually supportive way?

If that's what you call whingeing, fine, that's up to you.

But one person's whingeing is another's expression of consumer will. You may think it's British to whinge, but maybe it's also British to just shuffle your feet slightly and not want to make a fuss and just, well, you know, just let's go somewhere else and hope nobody minds eh?

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