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Old 14th Mar 2004, 02:20
  #44 (permalink)  
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The IR is more often than not done towards the end of the training for the ATPL when your training budget has usually been exceeded by several thousand quid, thing are getting tight, the bank wont lend you any more cash , your credit card is maxed out along with that of your partners. Generally the IR accounts for the most expensive part of your training costs, so now the pressure is on. A first time pass is now a must in the least possible amount of time. (You could in fact substitute the word time with cost).

Many students now pitch up at the school of their choice with all this pressure and worry, the student now tries to complete the course in the minimum 55hours or whatever it is these days. You get rained off, the aircraft gets snagged etc, etc, etc. time and money are really getting critical now. Your 55 hour IR course is now complete but you instructor advises a few more hours in the sim and maybe a mock test route or two. NO, NO, im running outta cash the student cries. So the student elects to have a crack at the 170a, gets lucky and goes for the test, Fails it and is now faced with mandatory retraining, another test fee etc etc.

This is not an unusual course of events. Maybe if the student had listened to his instructor he would have done a bit more training and got a first time pass.

I don’t think the publishing of schools pass rates would provide you with much , as already stated a few more students like the one above and the schools pass rating could alter quite dramatically, also some candidates handle the test scenario rather better than others so any one set of students could buck the trend either way.

Also if its any consolation first time pass rates, 98% overall pass mark in the written exams etc only matter to those that are looking for their first aviation job or are applying to the likes of CTC.

I failed my IR monumentally; all my own fault not my instructor’s, the schools, the aircraft. MY FAULT. Did it matter? Yep sure did, but only at the time. Did it impede my progress to the airline? No, I secured three interviews with three airlines, now RHS regional TP.

Pick the school that suits you, visit not once but several times if possible, have a crafty word with several of their current students to see how they feel and if you like them give them a go, at the end of the day if your not happy tell em and if nothing improves vote with your feet.

G-LOST, Tuesdays OK for me but it will have to be in the afternoon, maybe we could use Airsupply's window instead, it's less far to travel. See you there then Kev? Just let us know.
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