PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Instructor ratings for PPL/NPPL licence holders
Old 16th Feb 2004, 22:44
  #99 (permalink)  
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Sorry to pick on you again but I do find what you say a bit inflamitory. Not your case you understand, but your seemingly arrogant attitude to anyone without a CPL, as if all there experience counts for nothing?

I'm not trying to mud sling but you really do seem to be failing to see where the opposite view is coming from ... perhaps you just don't want to see? OK, Perhaps it's me and the way I argue the case, so I'll say it again ... errrr no I won't use your phrase

£20k for CPL then an £5K for an FIR when you have no ambition to go on to fly airliners makes no sense what so ever!

There is a wealth of experience out there going to waste and it is this experience and depth of knowledge that is needed to breathe life back into "recreational group A" flying in this country. OK I suppose if you want to consider "group A" as just an introduction to the "industry" then your approach is fine and all recreational flying should be confined to microlights and gliders ... but NO!
You harp on about your experience and knowledge and how different it is to that of an average PPL ... but what are we talking about here when we say average PPL? There are PPL's out there who've built aeroplanes, won aerobatic comps, flown around the world ect ... I'm talking about the PPL with much experience (probably a lot more than you) and a depth of knowledge that is just as relevent as yours ... maybe even more so! Perhaps someone who wants to put something back into a "sport" they love ... (it's not just an industry to some). I'm sorry if this sounds a tad romantic but it's true ... when will you understand we don't all aspire to be ATPL's but do aspire to pass on our skills to the next generation of flyers.
Yes private flying may die in this country but only if those who want nothing but commercial aeroplanes and (p)roffessional pilots get their way. The NPPL may not be the answer (I never said it was) but at least it is a licence that we may have some control over and not just one that has to abide by our ever-so efficient European politics.

I've tried to give reasoned debate as to why "experienced" PPL's are just as capable of instrution as those with CPL "experience". I've tried to say why I think at lower levels the PPL instructor may bring some of the more general aviation spirit back ... But, I'm afraid your argument and obvious vanity is getting more and more like that old "Frost report" sketch ... you know the one with John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbet. Let me remind you ...

John Cleese (high class "read ATPL") looks down at Ronnie Barker (middle class "read CPL") and says "I'm superior to you and look down on you". Ronnie Barker looks up at John Cleese and says "I am inferior to you and look up to you" He then looks down at Ronnie Corbet (working class "read PPL") and says "but I'm superior to you and look down at you" ... Ronnie Corbet looks up at Ronnie Barker and says "I know my place"!

Perhaps as a PPL I should know mine ... but I have no class!

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