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Old 18th Jan 2004, 18:40
  #8 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 1999
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Dear me, Cranwell seems very ungentlemanly these days...

Life as a Graduate Entrant was infinitely more civilised - we even had one chap who outranked his Flt Cdr! We never wore white hatbands and even cabbage kit was only drawn for about 3 exercises in the Yorkshire Dales, the Cheviots and the Brecon beacons. Apart from the odd little 'your task is to get this barrel over that log with these ropes' adventure playground activities, that is. Mandatory sport was only committed a few times per week, although there was some running around and splashing about in the pool. One chap wound up a PTI Sturmbahncorporal by stating, "Old chap, I'm sorry, I don't 'swim', I 'bathe'...."

'Tabs', 'running in boots'? What manner of behaviour is that for impressionable young student Officers?

Rumour had it back in the late 60s that a group of Graduate Entrants down at that place in Bedfordshire where Supplementary List oiks were trained actually threatened to go on strike unless the RAF was prepared to treat them less as grunts and more as student officers.

Ah well. Times change. The very best of luck, have fun if you can - and don't forget that you are not just an individual, the schoolkids off the street will really value the help you can give them with all things military and making them work with you as part of your team.

But you'll probably find that you'll have to bite your lip now and again......
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