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Old 20th Dec 2003, 13:56
  #28 (permalink)  
Patriot One
Join Date: Jul 2003
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..."the company is 3 years old and still finding its feet.."

..what a load of bullsh*t. This isn't a game, nor is it a toddler growing into a man. This is a serious business and you don't play at it, nor do you start niaive and learn as you go.

This is out and out incompetence. A company formed on the commercial idea with only scant regard to the technical competence required.

"I didn't know better" and "we are only new" have never been acceptable excuses in such a hazardous business.

If you cut corners in this business you get what you PAY for.

So everyone believes that this airline has such a wonderful strategy and a successful business plan. Well my kids could have made a success of an airline that had the collapse of an airline 4 times the size to feed its capacity - and an obvious incompetent approach to the STANDARDS required to put the airline together correctly.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost. Costs are going up, and trust me correcting these engineering problems means a lot of expense, not the least of which is that the airline will now incur the correct cost structure required to run a professional business. But that's okay, eh? After all they can continue to charge high fares to offset the problem. (anybody read the article in the SMH the other day about airfares being higher today than they were pre-Ansett collapse?)

..oh and by the way - the engineering management originally at VB was not ex-Ansett, unless you call a member of the Administration an employee of Ansett. Further, one of the most senior members of engineering management in QF is ex-Ansett, not to mention other key AN people now in QF ranks.

If you're going to defend VB don't do it by blaming AN once again. Lay the blame squarely where it lies - with the key individuals that started the business.

Finally - "doing something about it" is what management is supposed to do. Once again it isn't a position of "try your best". This is simply a situation where they need to right what is wrong - but will they have the balls or for that matter the brains? And of course will they be prepared to accept the cost?

Doubt it.

"Good Afternoon Australia - welcome to the Richard Branson Reality Show. Check out early screenings all around the world."

One wonders how those few appropriately experienced Pilots in VB feel knowing how inexperienced their fellow crewman is, and now what the reality is on how well-maintained their aircraft are????
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