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Old 8th Nov 2003, 08:58
  #48 (permalink)  
High Wing Drifter
Posts: n/a
Likewise and again in the good old days, anyone who dared to question or indeed critise the Royals would have been executed.
Just looking at my HPL notes:

-P+G: "Brooks no discent and praises obedience. Will follow orders blindly from above." Not the sort to have on board in these Captain Piccard sound-a-like days. Won't be long and Counselors will be required equipment on the flight deck!

I think the majority of sensible and reasonable people who hold fATPL's are well aware of the fact that "the world doesnt owe us a living" - how sick am I of reading this phrase?
Yup, very sick of it. along with the "Nobody is forcing you",etc, etc. However, prooners generally do seem obsessed with jet jobs and Easy and Ryan in particular. Now I am just about as inexperienced and naive as it is possible to be this industry and can only look from the outside in (for now). However, one thing that I have noticed is that ALL the CPL/IR bods that I know who have moved on (about half a dozen) ended up getting jobs with operators I had never previously heard of and neither did they have to pay for their type ratings. Experience ranged from 1000hrs to 250hrs. Jobs ranged fron 737s to Turboprops.

Could it be the case that folk have one thing in mind and are assuming that firing off 1 million CVs covers all the bases?

Feel free to toast me if I am talking b*ll**ks.