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Old 24th Oct 2003, 20:19
  #27 (permalink)  
Kaptin M
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"your mutual attempts to hijack another thread.....it would seem to be, TNO that YOU have done a not too bad job all by yourself, in turning your last post into an '89fest, whilst decrying the right of reply to others.

" "ambit" claim, my arse!!" Yes, TNO an ambit claim, no different to ANY negotiation - whether it be buying a car, a house, applying for a new job, or negotiating renewals of existing employment.
It's a matter of fact, run-of-the-mill procedure.
So kiss your ass goodbye, if you can't understand the way in which employment renewals/reviews are conducted!

"I really don't give a rat's proverbial about your opinions of me and my colleagues." As a matter of fact, you DO.
I have no qualms in telling you that I didn't envy the position in which you were forcibly placed at the time.....lesser "men", such as the then RFM of BNE chose to "slip in the shower" and conveniently break his wrist, so that he was unavailable for flying duties at the time - simply because he didn't know which way the result would run, and he was feeding info (eg. who had signed up) to the AFAP, whilst remaining in the employ of Abeles.
However, the AFAP issued a pamphlet titled "Who will be next?" - indicating that if the pilots were picked off, the companies would follow through one by one, doing whatever they wanted.
Quite simply, AN management would then cherry pick the company - UNLESS the employees were willing to stand united.

They chose not to.

And the rest - as they say - is history. Including the jobs of some 17,000 other employees, your's included, TNO.

Undoubtedly, the length of time (some 8 months) that the pilots held out for (albeit an attempt to return to our original working conditions after approx. 1 month) was far in excess of what Hawke, Abeles (Oldmeadow), Strong, and Murdoch ever calculated, and is why Dixon of QF is now avoiding a direct confrontation with his pilots, as he tears QANTAS apart, brick by brick.

I fully appreciate your well though out posts, TNO - and respect you for them - in spite of some attempted cheap shots, eg. " You had to try to have your "eroded status" restored to boost your egos again, and reinstate the image of the pilot in the eyes of the great unwashed.", which do NOT accurately reflect the majority consenus of the then pilots, who were about as "unwashed" as everyone else - but rather professional envy.
We (pilots) are now/were then, ALL as much a part of the everyday average Aussie as you, or my mates who were loaders, check-in staff, crewing officers, ever were.
In fact, the BIGGEST problem for many pilots is trying to get over the perceived (by others) "complex" we have.
By the same token, our job requires us to have SOME token of responsibility and leadership, simply because of the dire consequences any oversights on our part have, that DIRECTLY affect our career paths.
As a new recruit to VB (one of the "Filthy Four"), but a long term Ansett employee cited, "Remember the four "F's". It is the Captain's job to be Fair, Firm, and Friendly - but never Familiar."
Hence, sometimes the apparent aloofness, or distancing. Not snobbery - simply protecting one's arse.
Which is where we started....and seems a good place to finish right now!

Kindest regards,

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