View Full Version : Instructing on a PPL

Tiger_ Moth
15th Nov 2005, 21:46
I understand you can instruct on a PPL if you aren't paid for it and for this you need an FI rating, 200hrs and CPL ground exams.

As in gununc's thread this might cost about 8-10K (if you already had the hours, which I don't)

I understand GAPAN might be trying to relax these requirements for those whose intention it is to simply instruct on a PPL, ie so that they might not require so many hours flying or the CPL ground exams.
Does anyone know anything about this or how likely it might be?

At the moment it seems that if you are going to shell out 10K you might as well shell out another 7K or so to get the actual CPL so you can be paid for it. If it was changed so you only needed the FI rating however this would not be the case/

15th Nov 2005, 22:06
1. See LASORS H1.2 for the complete requirements.

2. GAPAN itself is not trying to relax the rquirements. Current requirements are in accordance with JAR-FCL.

3. Certain proposals are being formulated for NPPL SSEA instruction; however, no-one has suggested a reduction in experience requirements and there is no suggestion that any reduction in FI standards should be accepted.

4. A return to the old PPL/FI or R/BCPL/FI is certainly plausible at NPPL or PPL level. But don't hold your breath.....

16th Nov 2005, 10:39
If you're not too prejudiced you could always go for microlight FI - you can get paid for that without a CPL.

"there's another world out there"
Eurostar for instance (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deltaaviation.co.uk/gifs/Planes/eurostar.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.deltaaviation.co.uk/about/planes/eurostar.htm&h=382&w=575&sz=16&tbnid=dYI17T5ocHcJ:&tbnh=87&tbnw=132&hl=en&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmicrolight%2Beurostar%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26 lr%3D%26sa%3DG)

16th Nov 2005, 21:27
The requirements for Flight Instructors come from ICAO Annex 1. Documents such as JAR-FCL only reiterate the ICAO requirement.

16th Nov 2005, 22:27
In the "good old days" I needed to pass a ground exam on PPL subjects and 150 hours P1 with my PPL to start an FI course. On qualifying I then earned peanuts for the next 25 years as a QFI, getting my CPL and ATPL in the fullness of time. I wanted to instruct because I had learned very cheaply and wanted to put something back into the movement. I have never regretted it. These days, if you don't want the enormous expense of getting a CPL, then adding to this the cost of an FI rating to, like me, earn peanuts I would seriously look at becoming a microlight instructor. They didn't exist when I started.


20th Nov 2005, 20:58
ok you cant charge the student...but can you at least fly for free???