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Gentle Climb 9th Dec 2010 12:13

I witnessed somebody not only 'failing' an MCC course a couple of weeks ago but being asked not to return. I accept that it may be rare, but it does happen.

EK4457 9th Dec 2010 12:32


Utter nonsense from start to finish I'm afraid sir.

A JOC is not ANY kind of CAA, JAR, JAA, EASA, EU OPS (or any other quango) approved course. Unlike the MCC, which is.

It is an attendance course. Whilst admittedly I'm no expert, I know of NO JOCs which you can fail. They may kick you off the course for being a moron, but that's totally different. However, if a provider does decide to make it pass/fail then that's up to them, as the course is purely made up by themselves. The Jet2.com requirement was to have completed a JOC. Technically, this means paying the money and turning up.

Agreed, it will provide another set of training notes. However, if you feel unable to guage an applicants ability on their PPL, CPL, IR, MCC and groundschool reports then what difference does another set of records do?

The comments you make about documenting the learning curve are true, but all of the mandatory courses are sufficient in length and content to do just that.

The JOC is a halfway house between MCC and TR. However, it gives you nothing new for the former and is totally inadequate for the latter.

The JOC is simply a nice add on for the MCC for those who can afford it. Unless you literally have £3,000 to burn,

a JOC is a bit of a waste of money as everything in it is covered by a TR course
is a very true statement.

Finally, the reason why I'm a little riled by your post;

explains why J2 values their importance in deciding who, with little or no experience, is worth investing in?
For a SSTR, no pay during training, bonded for line training and 70% salary, I can assure you that LS make absolutely no investment in their cadets whatsoever. Can you guess who does?

Wake up.

parkfell 9th Dec 2010 15:42

EK 4457

A somewhat confrontational answer. Is this your normal style, or are you just picking me out for attention.

1. A closer scrutiny of my post would reveal that I never said JOC was an "approved course". Only the MCC is required for a MP type rating.

2. Clearly your knowledge to date does not extend sufficiently to encompass the possibilty of all the outcomes. People have failed JOC in the past, although I accept it is a rare event.

3. I wonder if you would change your mind if you began teaching MCC & JOC?
It certainty gave me an insight, and continues to do so.
A well organised JOC is NOT a waste of time.

4. JOC certainty breaks the ice in multi-crew training, and makes the type rating a less daunting experience unless, of course, you happen to be ace of the base.

5. Your interpretation of the word "investment" is narrower than what I had intended to mean. I accept what you say in purely financial terms with the beancounters ruling the roost. I had intended to include the "value added" element by gaining the experience under the watchful eye of those older and wiser and wishing to impart their knowledge. Osmosis springs to mind.

Undertaking a jet course with your CPL/IR [+MCC] hot of the press can be a quantum leap. A JOC just makes it that bit easier. ;)

Firestorm 9th Dec 2010 16:52

Gentlemen your discussion os very interesting and enlightening, but it has drifted a bit from the point of the thread, namely news about Jet Two's recruiting and interviewing process. Would it be more appropriate to continue on another thread? Mods?

EK4457 9th Dec 2010 18:42


whilst I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the JOC point, I do apologise for the tone of my post. It was a bit of a rant.

Anyway, back on topic.....


kuchemann carrots 10th Dec 2010 11:57

Hi all,

I am considering putting an application in for the B757 with Jet2, but before I wasted both their and my time was hoping a kind soul might answer a couple of questions regarding the package. This is for an FO:

1. Are all the extras included such as medicals, license renewals, loss of license, death in service etc etc?
2. Are crew meals provided or is it a bring your own tea bag company?
3. What are the sector pay bands for an FO? I’ve seen the capts ones earlier in the thread but not the FO.
4. What happens in winter? I am guessing summer is super busy. Do they have any winter wet leases etc?
5. Likelihood of a command upgrade. For the past 2 summers they have recruited DE Capt. Has this been at the detriment of established FO’s, or in additional to due to lack of suitable candidates?

Any other information would be appreciated.
Thanks!! :ok:

73addict 10th Dec 2010 12:36


I can answer some of your questions but I am on the 73 so the 75 may differ.

1. Company has a pension scheme although need to ask them for further details. Life assurance scheme (death in service) 3 x basic salary. A contribution of £200/year is offered for recurrent medicals.
2. No crew meals provided so bring your own.
3.Sector pay for 73 short (less than 1000nm) £6, medium (1000-1300nm) £7 and long (>1300) £8. £2.10 duty pay which is subject to HMRC. For additional sectors of 3 or 4 extra £4/sector (only for extra sectors) and 5/6 £8/sector (again only for extra sectors).
4.Depends if you are 100% OR 70% as to your usage by the company.
5. Command based on ability and hours NOT seniority so subject to captain requirements/your sims with Jet2 they will upgrade you as required.

Hope this helps :ok:

deathbyfun 10th Dec 2010 19:00

can any 757 FO's on 100% contracts comment on what the average take home pay is?

thanks in advance

Johnny F@rt Pants 10th Dec 2010 20:16

A contribution of £200/year is offered for recurrent medicals.
The limit is now set to £317 per medical:ok:.

Are crew meals provided or is it a bring your own tea bag company?
No crew meals, but you don't have to bring your own tea bags:D, unless you want a special brand:}.

forcandle 11th Dec 2010 14:01

Is the Capt and FO sector pay the same?

Johnny F@rt Pants 11th Dec 2010 14:31

Is the Capt and FO sector pay the same?
No, Capt is more than F/O.

Buy one get one free 11th Dec 2010 18:24

Nearly Man

It would come as no surprise to learn that more than had been anticipated will be leaving for pastures new.
When I say more, I mean significantly more.:{

Add to the mix TCX and TOM for 75/6 needed in S.11 and life could just start to become interesting
in HR aka Cpl Jones @ J.2:eek:

70% contracts could turn out to be a risky path to tread.:\


Mintflavour 15th Dec 2010 08:10


I was on a reserve list, Then PFO, then told there was a mistake and application was still live then a week later offered 100% Contract at a base close to home.

So maybe they realise they need to offer reasonable terms in light of other recruitment activity.

All gone quiet on this thread, are others being offered 100% instead of 70% as a general rule?


mikehammer 15th Dec 2010 08:25

I don't know about general rule but the rumour mill from my workplace is that one chap replied that he couldn't afford the rating and was offered a bond instead.

Firestorm 16th Dec 2010 04:50

Just been offered a contract with Jet Two through Zenon probably starting in May, base to be decided. We were told at the interview that the chances of passing were good, and made better because 3 people didn't show that day! Strange, very strange!

Alessandra 19th Dec 2010 14:09

what is the pay for TR F/O on 100% contract? and captains?

mackey 19th Dec 2010 16:07

Agree with NM, good company to work for but great people to work with.

Which fleet and base Nearly Man? Probably know you if you are at Manch!


mackey 19th Dec 2010 17:20

Are you still with us or have you moved onto pastures new?

simufly 19th Dec 2010 21:40

Nearly man.
26degrees Not Chiswick then.

Crosswind Limit 21st Dec 2010 09:15

BALPA have won statutory recognition within Jet2 but recognition agreement/representation is yet to be determined. I'm sure there will be a long argument for many months to come.
Not surprised the recruitment ads are still out there. Rumour has it that there are numerous resignations, even training captains. Not good since training dept is stretched to the limit.

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