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f/spninx 8th May 2009 16:51

I still can't work out why Norman Stanley Fletcher gets so excited about Ryanair. It has nothing to do with him. Just like crew food that was free when easy had no union representation, then Balpa decided to pay for it and now it looks like you are going to lose it. This has nothing to do with me as i do not work for easy.
With regard to ex easy staff at Ryanair the Ltn base has about 30% ex easy employees.

f/spninx 9th May 2009 08:42

You mention rosters change to 6/3 when you go to the sim. Easyjet have a set roster pattern 6/3 5/4 etc then a full 2 months of random rostering in other words what suits them. All approved by BALPA.
FO pay cut in 2007. Easyjet had a loyalty system of 5% for three years service, 10% for 5 years service, 15% for 10 years service. All this was part of the original terms of service. Now the FO's do not qualify for the bonus. All approved by Balpa.
Is it fair that we pay for our uniforms? So do easyjet they get a monthly allowance. Ryanair get a "pilots allowance 2007" paid monthly.

one post only! 9th May 2009 09:22

F/sphinx, the roster pattern at EZY is 5/4/5/3. FO's do qualify for the loyalty bonus, Balpa got it re-instated. The uniform allowance has been stopped with Balpa's agreement, because the company is to provide the uniform instead.

delwy 9th May 2009 11:48

Hey there one post only! may I respectfully point out that this is a discussion thread about Ryanair started by an infamous talking camel? Any attempts to confuse the issue by providing facts and avoiding propaganda will tend to cause confusion (especially for the camel, which has a limited and narrow field of vision). In particular, inconvenient facts are unlikely to be well received. Be prepared for attacks on your grammar, spelling, ethnicity and presumed support for North Korea.

The Real Slim Shady 9th May 2009 13:28


I'm not joining in the p1ssing contest but need to correct this :

65 % of which will be allocated by the company, as one month off in the winter months, outside of school holidays .........
At my base the leave allocated already includes all the summer months and we are sorting it out ourselves.

As to the 65% remark, if one accepts that the summer months run June through September inclusive for school holidays, it's simply stating the bleedin' obvious that 65% will allocated outside of some school holidays and in Spring, Autumn and Winter as 65% of the available months lie in those seasons.

Lies, damn lies and statistics: good try. :D

Leo Hairy-Camel 10th May 2009 06:34

The Crabs of Port (norman) Stanley (fletcher).
Norman, my admiration of you is taking a perhaps fatal battering. Why this unhealthy preoccupation with oblique references to despots at either end of the political speculum? Clearly, an absence of subtlety is not something the RAF loses a lot of sleep over, as one might expect of an organisation who thrills to the achievement of flying 7800 nauticals to blow 7 sheep to Kingdom Cum.

Since you're evidently enamoured of the selected writings of Uncle Jo, how's this one for you, in the original Russian.

Жить стало лучше, товарищи. Жить стало веселее.
"Life has improved, comrades. Life has become more joyous."

Keep telling yourself that, Norman, and I suppose some of it is bound to wear off. God knows you need some sort of diversion to help massage those £1000 of BLAPA membership fees from your wallet each year, and I'm sure those rumours of it increasing to 2% are totally unfounded.

fearcampaign 10th May 2009 08:48

Back to the subject
Dear All,

Be careful not to allow this post to drift.

I would suggest it is Leo's intent.

Quite simple to sign a petition or join an association if one feels it is in his/her interest.

Such is the benefit of a democracy that encourages freedom of choice/ideas.

Just like I have the choice to fly Ryanair/ Easyjet or BA.

Can't always have one's cake and eat it too.:=:=

If Ryanair is such a fantastic company and I'm sure it is then you have nothing to fear from pilot's who are represented by a large association.

Southwest is also a fantastic low fares airline that works harmoniously with it's Pilot association.

Perhaps one day Leo you can ride around in a Harley paid for by your hard working pilot group.

As Aesop wisely said "United we stand, Divided we fall"

Leo Hairy-Camel 10th May 2009 08:57

Patrick Henry used the phrase in his last public speech, given in March 1799, in which he denounced The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Clasping his hands and waving his body back and forth, Henry declaimed,

Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.
At the end of his oration, Henry fell into the arms of bystanders and was carried almost lifeless into a nearby tavern. Two months afterward he was dead.

Although I've been carried almost lifeless into a nearby tavern, particularly after a week of six-sector earlies, I usually always manage to survive the experience. If Patrick Henry is one to go by, it would seem that, apart from stupor on stilts, union membership is bad for one's health!

Clandestino 10th May 2009 09:44

Originally Posted by Leo Hairy Camel
union membership is bad for one's health!

The statement is correct, provided this is the one you are referring to:


Dan Winterland 10th May 2009 12:56

For some reason, reading this thread I'm reminded of a statement made by Lenin.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth".

fearcampaign 10th May 2009 14:07

Dear Leo,

The quote was originally from Aesop the Ancient Greek Fabulist in 620-560 BC.

Patrick Henry's use was much later I think you will find.

As to what his death or your inability to hold drink have to do with the subject at hand I am not sure.Something has you on the defensive.

Why are you are so fearful of one pilot association? If BALPA are as incompetent as you say then what have you to fear?

My post encouraged the idea that regardless of association both Management and Pilots could work together toward a COMMON goal.

Perhaps a quote from Himmler more suits your style of spin and staff relations/engagement.

“The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear.”

Could be a good one for the Ryanair HR whiteboard. Or keep it in mind next time you get carried home in a drunken stupor.

the grim repa 10th May 2009 15:57

As ever selective quotation and propoganda from the one man ryanair management lies office.but in possibly a freudian slip,camel is like his henchmen an admired of an exploiter and slave keeper like Henry.

what he will not quote from Henry is his most famous speech "give me my freedom,or give me death".

keep spinning camel,it truly is a masterclass in "union busting" bullshoot.Better get a different "emlpoyee consultant" firm,if that is all they can muster up for you.

M.Mouse 10th May 2009 20:41

Or keep it in mind next time you get carried home in a drunken stupor.
You mean he is sober when he writes his stuff?

I have lost count of the times he has said that BALPA subscriptions are £1000 per year. I pay a lot less than that after 21 years and around 66% of what I do pay is tax deductible anyway.

BALPA isn't perfect but it does go some way to keeping 21st century mill owners in check.

The way the Ryanair apologist is so vehemently attacking BALPA and all it stands for would indicate BALPA is effective otherwise why would he be so obviously engaged in an all out attack?

Leo Hairy-Camel 11th May 2009 10:10

The love that dare not squeak its name.
Good morning, Monsieur Souris. Good of you to dip you oar in the chill waters of we who work for a living. You'll forgive the impertinence, but as a British Airways pilot yourself, you WOULD be encouraging BLAPA membership, wouldn't you? I mean, you and those like you are historically the principal beneficiaries of BLAPA. Therefore it is distinctly in your interest to glean every last pound from the great, unwashed others, or at least to give it your best effort when the complaints from ignored non-BA members rises above the traditionally acceptable din.

BLAPA isn't a threat, it is a joke. I just take pleasure in pointing out the more side-splitting aspects of your social fund's duplicity, the realities of which you have even contributed shamelessly to here.

Effrontery, thy name is Mouse.

As your chum Pappa Smurf reminds us back in '04, when contemplating the insinuation of a union into an airline who doesn't want one, the experience is somewhat reminiscent of submission before a prostate examination (and I hope, sincerely, that your, ah, friend was it, has had his bum bagel properly seen to). Nothing worse than having an irritant up your arse that you can't get rid of. Rather like your BLAPA, don't you think?

Theres only one concern when getting a digital examination---make sure the doc hasnt got 2 hands on your shoulders.

45989 11th May 2009 11:09

LHC..... comment not required
Keep digging
You're playing a blinder!
Bet you can't tell which end of the horse you are talking out of either?
I KNOW you don't live in Mullingar.......Pikey central

fearcampaign 11th May 2009 11:28

Leo The Proctologist
Hello Leo,

I strongly suspect it is you who is used to dishing out the fingering...........probably more like a Ryanair fisting.

Your tail gunning obsession aside, I still do not see the relevance of your post with regard to Association membership.

Like I said earlier that is up to the individual to decide on the merits of membership.

Now run off and play Management vs pilots with your latex glove.

Stand31 11th May 2009 11:29

Dear Leo,

Dumb and Dumber?. The reason is that Aer Lingus pilots spent money buying shares is very simple. Aer Lingus pilot P60 €180,000. Divide that by two to get the ryanair one!. I'd say it was €35k well spent at the time!. Doesn't cost me a thought. IALPA never made anyone rich?. Sorry but I'm paid well because of my union!, (and very content).

As for the contractors well if you employed them properly like everyone else (and paid PRSI) then they wouldn't be in such trouble.

Anyhoo hope you are feeling well these days, you don't look great if you don't mind me saying so. There are strong rumours that keep comng up of Leo having "hump" cancer. To be honest I wouldn't wish it on anyone least of all someone with a young family but in your case the only regret I would have is that you would be around long enough to pay our President a large wedge of cash for slander on national television.

Have a nice day - I'm off to play a nice round of golf. Would you like to come to the IALPA dinner on Thursday?. It would be great entertainment (for us!!).

Happy humping

45989 11th May 2009 12:06

Gather that a certain real LHC spends some time at the Mater Private?

Faire d'income 11th May 2009 13:23

Dear Leo,

Dumb and Dumber?. The reason is that Aer Lingus pilots spent money buying shares is very simple. Aer Lingus pilot P60 €180,000. Divide that by two to get the ryanair one!. I'd say it was €35k well spent at the time!. Doesn't cost me a thought. IALPA never made anyone rich?. Sorry but I'm paid well because of my union!, (and very content).

As for the contractors well if you employed them properly like everyone else (and paid PRSI) then they wouldn't be in such trouble.

Anyhoo hope you are feeling well these days, you don't look great if you don't mind me saying so. There are strong rumours that keep comng up of Leo having "hump" cancer. To be honest I wouldn't wish it on anyone least of all someone with a young family but in your case the only regret I would have is that you would be around long enough to pay our President a large wedge of cash for slander on national television.

Have a nice day - I'm off to play a nice round of golf. Would you like to come to the IALPA dinner on Thursday?. It would be great entertainment (for us!!).

Happy humping
While fighting the enemy's propaganda be careful not to be consumed by your own. Don't take everything you are told as Gospel, check it out.

Tom the Tenor 11th May 2009 13:26

Ah, now, now, lads, have a sense of decorum, please! What the real LHC does or does not in his own time is very much a Private Mat(t)er!

There is just no room for below the belt tactics. That sort of stuff is kept for Cork - Prestwick & Cork - East Midlands.

As for unions - maybe, BALPA/IALPA, are worth it for pilot groups but in the more salty world some of us have to live in I recommend a b-astard solicitor and a big stick or should that a b-astard with the big stick and a solicitor whom is a specialist in employment law.

Sure, it is going to cost but doesn't everything?

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