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-   -   Working day off payments stopped at Ryanair ! (https://www.pprune.org/terms-endearment/357335-working-day-off-payments-stopped-ryanair.html)

UL975 14th Jan 2009 10:25

£230 Net....

BALLSOUT 14th Jan 2009 10:59

Lets look at this properly!
RYR have not stoped the day off payment. If I am asked to work a day off, and I accept, they will pay me £230 net of tax. They will also pay me sector pay for the day. That can easily be another £100 - £200 net of tax. Total easily more than £400 net. (after tax)
They have always tried to talk people into things like swaping the day to another day off instead of the £230 and some have been daft enough to accept.
The memo was asking for volunteers, thats why they were not offering the payment. I guess they got very few volunteers and eventualy had to call people and ask them if they would work for the normal payment.
All of the above only applies to employed pilots as the contractors are all self employed and get paid by the hour on any day they work.
I expect they may have been inundated by contractors of course as they can easily earn up to £1500 a day. Yes tough I know but someone has to do it!

williewalsh 14th Jan 2009 17:39

Well maybe in these times of hardship and downturn its as good a time as any for ryr to go under. Bit of an industry enema so to speak.Might as well be now as later. God knows it could do with one.

Too many licence speculators that will do anything to fly a jet.Just like too many people owning a home hwo shouldnt have We werent born equal. It cant last. I f you couldnt afford it you shouldnt have done it.
Now before the " I wouldnt wish anyone to be out of work " brigade slag me off look at it objectively. Its a good time to bury bad news. Except IMHO ryr going away would be a good thing in the longterm for the industry. There may be a few twenty somethings that will have to go back to the job they should have been doing , a few homeless oler pilots and even a few contactors back in afganistan. This is the cylcic nature of the industry, only this time its a fugoid of giant proportions fed on a diet of debt for training, instant jet time and a recent social trend of "I want it now and Ill get ot now"

It will find its own level and hopefully that level will exclude RYR.

Now Ill retire to the bunke ans see what happens.

captjns 14th Jan 2009 20:07

Pretty harsh Willlie to wish unemployment to a bunch of your fellow airmen:=. I know, I know you say

I wouldnt wish anyone to be out of work
Please enlighten us... how do these people stay employed where they are if their airline closes down...

Well maybe in these times of hardship and downturn its as good a time as any for ryr to go under
as it is your desire this airline out of business?:ugh:

BALLSOUT 14th Jan 2009 20:59

Well Wllie, let me be the first to rise to your bait.
I doubt very much that Ryanair will go bust any time soon, but I do accept anything can happen. However if anyone is to loose their job and even their home, I hope it is you!

captplaystation 15th Jan 2009 09:47

Well Willie, what a charming post. I have worked for several companies over the years, and there are bods from all of them, plus legacy carriers (even good ol BA ) at Ryanair. So, sorry to hear that you think we are all undeserving. I hope for you that you don't find yourself one day "a homeless oler (sic) pilot" or having to contract in Afghanistan. If perchance you do, you can only hope that those who might help you out of your predicament are more compassionate than you wish to project yourself.
Ryanair may indeed have a case to answer as cold uncaring bar-stewards, it appears by your attitude that you approve of this lack of empathy with your fellow professionals.
Sad? or just silly ? well only you know whether it is deliberate provocation or whether you really are that low, in either case you do yourself few favours.

williewalsh 15th Jan 2009 17:41

I am older, I cant type and have been redundant twice.:ok:
Ryr was the original infection, its time for the treatment. Some will suffer but quite frankly I dont care.I dont have sympathy for people I dont know. Its just the nature of the beast. The industry is top heavy with greedy little twerps throwing money at a jet and cynical managers laughing all the way to the bank. The ex BA other operators etc etc at ryr mentioned should know better and are as culpable as the rest in prostituting themselves for their own self interests or needs purely because they should know the nature and habits of these managers. They probably choose to ignore the issues for self interest. Good pension three wives, why not play around at ryr for a few years...t and c. Not my problem its pocket money....Bullying ..not to me Ill just leave....etc etc. Do they care ...no.. Do I care about them ...no.

Unlike Oleary screwing this profession , for me its not personnal, it just needs to find its own level.

Im aware of the hardships ( see above). Its going to burst and Id rather the people who have ignored the signs to fill their pockets in the short term take the hit..
Work the rest out yourself.
Now if having an opinion about the mess we are in and not clouded by some false sense of brotherhood or cameraderie for people I dont know makes me a tw@t, then Im happy with that title.
I know some very nice tw@ts:ok:

PS MR palystation, I dont need any favours but thanks for the concern

captplaystation 15th Jan 2009 20:44

Oh dear, not ANOTHER version of CaptKremin . . . . . .:yuk:

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