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long-finals16 14th Nov 2008 11:49

working xmas day!
got the short straw this year, working Christmas day, sucks...

hawker750 14th Nov 2008 11:59

xmas day work
What sucks about it? You could always become a bank clerk and guarantee xmas off, or do you want your employer to cancel flights over xmas to suit you?

763 jock 14th Nov 2008 12:29

Perhaps aviation is not for you? Worked plenty of Xmas/New Years, Bank Hols and weekends over the last 20 years. Plenty of loooong night flights as well.

Comes with the job. I wouldn't swap it for anything else.

Big Tudor 14th Nov 2008 12:36

There are plenty of people who would gladly take your place. Not having a job at all? Now that really sucks.

Knee Trembler 14th Nov 2008 12:53

Guess what? I have Christmas day off this year.

The reason why arrived in the post this morning!

Be :mad: happy you have a job!


RB311 14th Nov 2008 13:05

i agree with hawker...

everyday is xmas day in this job... especially if you're lucky enough to still have one.

bellend 14th Nov 2008 13:12

working days xmas and nights new year this time, am I bovvered... nah fantastic excuse to dodge the horrendous occasions with family members you just cant stand !

hawker750 14th Nov 2008 13:21

xmas work
I think long finals has got the general drift of the feeling amongst most of the pilot community!!

Denti 14th Nov 2008 13:33

Would be happy to work xmas to be honest. But i won't, my company won't have an AOC anymore...

stue 14th Nov 2008 13:35

Wish I was working xmas day.............:rolleyes:

(X XL F/O here)

RB311 14th Nov 2008 13:55

hey Stue, why don't you ask long finals if he wants to swap?

Knee Trembler 14th Nov 2008 15:08


Congratulations on becoming Friday's most hated poster on PPrune ;).


one post only! 14th Nov 2008 15:13

Just be glad you didn't post this in jet blast...........................!

Engineer 14th Nov 2008 15:17

Long finals

Don't listen to all this cr@p the simplest way to resolve your predicament is to become a Muslim and you will not have to worry about christmas and even better you can keep flying. Lateral thinking the only way ahead :ok:

holyflurkingschmitt 14th Nov 2008 15:19

I hope the BMI guys are working xmas day to get me the **** home from Jordan !!! LOL


long-finals16 14th Nov 2008 15:38

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention, I work in Asda.:ok:

hawker750 14th Nov 2008 16:01

I think not Long Finals, let's guess...... which UK airport has a 16 runway? I will start with Aberdeen

CABUS 14th Nov 2008 16:02

Top marks for comedy come back!

hawker750 14th Nov 2008 16:05

I just remembered Aberdeen does have a big ASDA store, but just checked with them and they apologise but are closed on xmas day

Big Tudor 14th Nov 2008 16:08

Technically Hawker the Aberdeen ASDA is in Portlethen! Still closed Christmas Day tho' :E

wobble2plank 14th Nov 2008 16:28

Damn! I am working Xmas this year as well! 1 sector out on Xmas Eve, whole day in a nice plush hotel on the 25th and then 1 back.

Life's a bummer!

As has been stated on this thread, be happy you have a job this Christmas, it is not looking like a pleasant year for anyone! Except, obviously, Dominoes Pizza and the Politicians.


long-finals16 14th Nov 2008 16:30


i am sorry you feel this way but you should remember that had it not been for Jesus we would not all be here today, so his birthday is special... and should you be interested there are vacancies at asda!

timbob 14th Nov 2008 16:34

In the words of the late Rodney Dangerfield..."Tough crowd, tough crowd.."

hawker750 14th Nov 2008 16:35

Big Tudor, you are correct but it is 25 years since I was based in ABZ and trundled up to buy my smokies in ASDA

hawker750 14th Nov 2008 16:37

Forgive me long finals but was has Jesus got to do with what my parents got up to after a drunken party 60 odd years ago??

JW411 14th Nov 2008 16:40

"Had it not been for Jesus we would not all be here today"

There's an awful lot of people on this planet who will find this statement very difficult to believe - especially those who remember those millions who died 90years ago in the trenches of Flanders (on both sides) fighting a "holy war".

wobble2plank 14th Nov 2008 17:15

So, if we are all descended from Adam and Eve then that makes us all related????

Oh, don't want to take the thread down that route!

Never get into logic arguments with the Vatican!

Also, didn't the Romans just nick the winter solstice as a convenient place to have old Jesus's 'birfday' when they held the conclave ratifying Christianity?

Oooops, two contentious religious points in one post!


Standing by, tongue in cheek!

fade to grey 14th Nov 2008 17:54

What a bunch of obnoxious .....
I take it non of you have small children, who would be GUTTED you are not there,
Yes we know it comes with the job, but it is still not a desirable aspect unless you are one of the 'players' who enjoys being with 19 year old crew rather than your families....
shame on you.

Say again s l o w l y 14th Nov 2008 18:06

You miserable bunch of c***s.

Working on Christmas day when most of the rest of the population is relaxing and having fun is rubbish. End of story.

It is something you have to put up with in this business, it doesn't mean you have to like it.

Oh and before anyone starts with the "be thankful you've got a job" rubbish again. I'll chuck in my own comment.

You should be thankful you can be made redundant. I've spent the last year getting pumped full of chemo. I'd swap that for redundancy any day of the week.

(No offense to those who have lost their jobs, my comments aren't aimed at you, but the doom and gloom merchants on this thread.)

wobble2plank 14th Nov 2008 18:12

To the doom Sayers above, the family, including the children are coming with me for some fun in the snow. All paid for by the company.

Life's a bitch.

Choose your employer carefully if you have that option available.

Stop being so damn highly strung everyone.


MD11Engineer 14th Nov 2008 18:21

Not a pilot, but an engineer

In my previous job with a big cargo airline, the pilots got christmas off, but us engineers had to come in to use the perfect opportunity with the aircraft being on ground for two days to e.g. close HILs and to do other work...:*

one post only! 14th Nov 2008 18:23

chill, everyone was (probably) only pulling his pisser. Looks a lot like a wind up anyway, is he ones of ASDA's finest, who knows but whatever he won't be the only one working xmas.

Me, I booked leave! :ok: I will have a glass or two for you long finals!!

justanotherstat 14th Nov 2008 18:53

Having read thruough this thread a few times I don't think the first few posters were joking or pulling any pissers. The guy has a right to bemoan working xmas day - we all moan everyday about working normal days - he certainly shouldn't be made to feel guilty for having a job in the first place.

Personally I saved Leave so as not to work this year and to spend time with my kids to whom it is a special day. I worked last year, and you bet I moaned about!! From my experience, and from reading Pprune, the majority of the pilot community has something to moan about, this doesn't mean we don't want our jobs or that we are being disrespectful of those who have lost theirs:=

leeds 65 14th Nov 2008 18:55

"Had it not been for Jesus we would not all be here today"

Thats a bit rich.What about the poor dinosaurs?who created them?and who decided to murder them with a meteor so apes and humans could take over?:ugh::{:{:ok:

BitMoreRightRudder 14th Nov 2008 18:59

Me, I booked leave!
How did you manage that??! They told me to stuff off!

ps, you spend WAY too much time on here these days:p

RED WINGS 14th Nov 2008 19:03

There is one easy way to get every xmas off!!!

If your like me and hate everything about xmas! Other than a family get together. I always volunteer to work xmas so those who like the holiday can stay at home and see the smiles on there families faces. So I always volunteer to work xmas and have new year off.

You guessed it thanks rostering, im not looking forward to another tedious xmas at home!!! :mad::mad::mad:

wobble2plank 14th Nov 2008 19:05

Red Wings!


Love it! Do we work for the same outfit? At least must use the same rostering tarot cards!

haughtney1 14th Nov 2008 19:32

Here here SAS! couldn't have put it better myself!

FWIW I got made redundant three months ago..yeah it sucks..now re-employed, but I did ask the question, could have Xmas off as I have a new family, and I've worked the last 4.
The bossman said yes..cos hes having the day off as well :D

Callsign Kilo 14th Nov 2008 20:06

....I have Christmas off....BUT.....I am working on Boxing day....in another country, which means I must position on Christmas Eve in order to work...the irony of it all.

Still, as those rightly say, I have a job. So I'll say a little prayer to God and Sonnie Jesus at the foot of my hotel bed on Christmas Day. Without it my family would not be munching on turkey and all the trimmings. I will be dining out on Scampi Fries and Lucozade from the 24 hour garage across the road (note to self:- buy Scampi Fries and Lucozade on Xmas Eve as said garage is closed Xmas Day!)

Say again s l o w l y 14th Nov 2008 20:13

Scampi fries! Quality snacking there my dear fellow. Far better than a dry old turkey. I do hope you're taking a bottle of something a bit stronger to toast Christmas day with.

Bad luck mate, but what do you expect with FR! A biz jet to move crew around?

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