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CitationUltra 31st May 2008 01:31

I have registered an objection with AirJobsDigest.com in regard to their allowing Avionco to advertise thereon, citing their execrable reputation with the international contract pilot segment of the industry.

I urge others to posit their specific, factual experiences with AirJobsDigest.com and any other online pilot employment portal that allows these unscrupulous fools to perpetrate their international contract pilot employment scam. It is imperative that pilots and potential contract pilot employers get the word about this company and its unscrupulous operations.

RWEDAREYET 19th Jun 2008 13:29

I understand that the Avionco pilots going to Lebanon were told they would be flying to EU destinations and not into Iraq. Upon arrival, the crew was flying into/over Iraq and not to the EU.

Avionco is going to need a lot of crews in the upcoming months for Bombardier support. Iraqi Airlines is one.

Contract Pilots, make sure the terms of your agreement are clear and don't let Avionco low ball you on pay to fly in hostile territories!

Don't forget, Avionco's payment history to many contractors is sketchy at best. Money up front should be part of deal.

Good luck!

CitationUltra 19th Jun 2008 18:03

Heard a rumor that Avionco was finally given the boot by Bombardier.

CitationUltra 8th Jul 2008 12:36

This is the information that I have. I had long wondered why Bombardier continued with these fools, and am gratified to hear that they have thrown them over, and that the customer support program has been reorganized within Bombardier. Someone, evidently, finally wised up.

Bandagg 21st Oct 2008 06:20

Don't know where you guys get your information, but the Avionco/Bombardier relationship is strong and healthy. I agree that Avionco must be avoided. Too many other pilots out there can verify this fact. I seems to me however, that Avionco is attempting to clean up their act a bit after all of the well deserved negative publicity they have had. Never the less, I still don't trust them.

Chicken or Fish? 25th Oct 2008 10:47

Who is running Avionco now?

Had a look on their website but nothing listed.

outofhereoyibo 3rd Nov 2008 05:52

Avionco was not given any boot...

pilotz890 3rd Dec 2008 22:56

Attention Avionco Pilots
Does anybody have information, web links, or knowledge about the shady, and or illegal and fraudulent, workings of Avionco? If so please email it to the following address: [email protected]

CitationUltra 4th Dec 2008 12:09

A simple search of the forums will yield a substantial volume of information concerning this egregious company and its multitude of sins against contract pilots.

CitationUltra 4th Dec 2008 12:11

Well this is unfortunate and reflects poorly upon Bombardier and whomever is managing their customer support/liaison operations.

CitationUltra 4th Dec 2008 12:17

A new website may fool the uninitiated, as it was undoubtedly intended to do, but putting a new face on the same corrupt organization doesn't change what they are--an affront to the contract pilot industry.

Embflieger 7th Dec 2008 04:56

Pardon my ignorance, but what sort of operation are they, exactly? I can't find anything specific, just that they're unscrupulous.

CitationUltra 7th Dec 2008 16:52

They are people who insinuate themselves into the middle between aircraft operators and air carriers who are in need of pilots, and the pilots. They then arrange it to receive the pilots' contract pay. You can imagine what happens then.

Fitzy690 8th Jan 2009 09:26

Citation dude and others!! I was just wondering whats got you so rattled about Avionco. Ive been with them a year and have nothing bad to say. Am I just lucky or what?? Eitherway I really could care less what anyone says but just curious what happened to you! I see nothing specific, just reading this and wondering. What happened? Did you not get paid? Screwed over? Just wondering what all the squealing is about, Im curious!!


Bandagg 8th Jan 2009 11:49

Avionco, The Destroyers Of Pilot Careers.

Glad to hear that Avionco is cleaning up its reputation a bit. I was lied to about my contract, both in missing info and in misrepresentation. I was not paid for work done, and for the work that I did get paid for, was often paid late, as much as 28 days late. This equates to almost two months with no paycheck! I find that they are vindictive, unscrupulous, and are destroying pilot careers on a regular basis. They also show great favoritism to you Canadian Pilots. If you are not on their Bombardier CLP program, then you are just Cannon Fodder.

Their non CLP pilots in the field are mismanaged, or have no management at all through the means of information vacuum, and the rule of, “Survival of the fittest and most ruthless”. There are many good pilots trapped at Avionco in these hard times, but there, you will find some of the biggest rejects in the pilot industry, and their own histories will prove this point. Avionco does not screen pilots very well.

I personally have found several of their pilots to be poor ambassadors to both Avionco and to the North American pilot Expats working abroad. I would not recommend them to work for. Even the CLP pilots are being constantly lied to, so that Avionco can continue to man the Bombardier contract they have in force.

These people will use you, lie to you, and then throw you away without you even knowing about it until it’s too late. Then if you challenge them, they will go out of their way to try and bar you from working with any other contracting company or employer out there. All of this, I know from first-hand personal experience. There is just no future in them.

Good Luck.

CitationUltra 9th Jan 2009 23:47

The question has been asked and answered many times here and on other forums.

The bottom line is: With their execrable reputation, why bother with them? Why risk it when there are other, reputable companies managed by scrupulous people.

dondk 21st Jan 2009 23:25

as much as 28 days late
I went 6 weeks.. only got paid because they needed me to pick up another contract. The teased me with fake itineraries (until I called reservations and found they never paid or the tickets) to get me to actually move. After 6 weeks they paid up and shorted me with the promise of making good once I landed where they wanted me to.

played the game right back, telling them I was packed and ready to go and when it seemed tickets were coming something would come up. Eventually they released me from any obligations, although they still owe me. Better to get out with a small loss versus a large loss.

CitationUltra 22nd Jan 2009 17:42

You were smart--and lucky.

I went through this same type of thing for months and kept catching them at lies and manipulations. The pilot boards are festooned with similar stories about these fools.

tacpilot 23rd Jan 2009 02:39

Thanks for the info guys. I was getting ready to consider them. This makes me very skeptical.:ugh:

thebaron007 24th Jan 2009 15:25

Acass much like Avionco much like Acass !!!
Acass Snafu!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen of this forum I posted this on the Canada forum with some additions to this post for a comparison,
Anyone hear anything about an ACASS crew that was recently jailed in Lagos, Nigeria? Would love to know the details and what led to it. Well I posted this around the 25th of November and of course as always someone jumps in to defend "assache" as they should be known and not acass, this time it was Willie Everlearn, in past posts on this forum Chandlers Dad was right there to defend as was the case when Contract Flygal posted about an incident in London with tickets to go home and so on. If any one is interested go back through the forum and see for yourself, the point here I am trying to make is that the VPFCS/PP has more then one Moniker and goes right for the jugular vain to defend assache. Things have been very slow in the new offices in Montreal and Grey Wings you should go over to see your management friends and pour them a little of that medicine you told HTD to take and whilst your at it pour some for yourself you sound a lot like the VPFCS/PP, if by chance Section 8 reads this post do you know what happened in Lagos and why was the acass crew Jailed? dc10 driver I commend you on you honesty as to what transpired with you! I got the arm around the shoulder, you are my manhttp://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/yeees.gif your doing a fine job, keep up the good work, we are friends, yes that's the "used car salesman" at it again, does this sound familiar to you as you read this post?:oh: and then wait to be shafted when things don't go the way he wants them to "fruit loop" is at it again watch your rectum.Also any one interested should go to the Canada forum and see the thread Merry Acass, I personally have contracted with both these Canadian companies and in future will not touch either one with a 10Ft pole, recently I have registered with reputable head hunters like Parc Aviation, Zenon, Brookfield Aviation ,Trident Aviation Recruitment & Training Ltd ,Direct Personnel, Aeroprofessional Ltd ,Rishworth Aviation and wynnwith just to name a few, these two Canadian outfits are a joke in the crew placement and aircraft management world they would be better off managing Mexican Donkeys cause that's about their Forte.

The Baron,

Bandagg 6th Feb 2009 16:56

Thinking of working for Avionco? Think Twice! updated
I just got this from another site:
A warning to all prospective contract pilots and companies considering doing business with Avionco, Located in Calgary Canada. This company has one of the worst reputations in the industry and is infamous for either paying late or cheating many pilots and suppliers out of their money for services rendered.

They are now attempting to disguise themselves by affiliating with a new name. They are now calling themselves part of the Aerospace Services Group, (ASG) which is owned by Flight Path International. They call themselves senior aviation professionals and Consultants. One would be wise to check on their true qualifications, reputation, and company credit rating.

Many of their former suppliers have either put them on a COD basis or have stopped doing business with them altogether.

Pilots: At the present time, they have no work available. They will lie to you about having contracts, while you are sitting at home Awaiting assignment and not getting paid for it. Do NOT quit your current job to work for these people.

There are much better contracts out there with other companies than the Bombardier Contract they will try to lead you on with for example. The fact is most pilots never even get the chance to work the Bombardier contract. At the peak of operations, this contract only consisted of approximately 12 pilots at any given time. This program was usually full and politically driven. The pilots are subject to a 30 day cancellation notice at all times and work in some very undesirable parts of the world with rotations being frequently changed or delayed. At present, there are no pilots working in this program.

This program will not lead to a full time position with Bombardier for you, unless you are Canadian, and even then, they really don’t want a full time employee when a contract worker will do. There are no long term prospects for a career here, but if you like being lied to, questionable pay delivery, and working in some places that are downright dangerous, then this is the place for you.Many pilots and suppliers can't be wrong! Do some research on these people before you work with them.

Try a simple web search for, "Avionco" and see what people are saying.

Bandagg 6th Feb 2009 17:07

What ever happened to Aceypilot?
Remember him? He had the big Avionco Pay Warning notice on here that mysteriously went away. His posts drew many pilots out to share their doleful experience about Avionco. Aceypilot, did Avionco finally get to you?

aceypilot 7th Feb 2009 21:01


I am still here and share your hatred of Avionco.

* I've been lied to.
* Sat at home with no pay.
* Cheated out of wages earned.
* Blamed.
* Stabbed in the back by some Avionco pilots seeking some type of advancement.
* Blacklisted.
* Lied about.
* And they have tried to block my gainful employment to prevent me from making a living.

They did a lot of these things when I challeged them openly in these forums and posts elsewhere.

Out of consideration for my current employer, I agreed to take down my posts in order to try and keep peace to lend a more friendly and professional working relationship between myself, my employer, and the other Avionco pilots on station here. However, this has been hard to do, because the harrassement has continued.

All I want, is to have a job like everyone else, not be lied to, not be harrassed, and to be paid for my work.

I have three children at home whom depend on me,
And a mother whom I supported at the time.
Words can not describe the rage I feel, when I think of the hardships that Avionco has caused me and my innocent dependants.

I guess that I should have put up some sort of explanation earlier concerning why my posts are gone, for all of the good it has done.

Check your PM.

IDIAIR 14th Oct 2009 19:01

I recently got hired on for the fourth time to do ferries for avionco and i have had nothing but the best experience with the entire outfit - great group with a ton of contacts and experience and they always pay on time - so far so good!

IDIAIR 14th Oct 2009 19:16

I find your antics deplorable and im sure any other senseable pilots out there reading your dribbling crap can see through your rediclous rants. From what ive heard over in these parts (INDIA) and through my own personal experience the only illeagal activity goings on are your dealings with ACASS and aparent blackmail of the Dodds - who by the way thus far in my many dealings with them are and have been totally on the level in every respect.

My guess is your just pissed because you were trying to play all parties against each other and got caught with your hand in the cookie jar- idiot. Its pilots like you that give the rest of us a bad name in the industry.

And by the way moron - only idiots speculate - when last i was through calgary Josh had a full staff as per ususal - and things were rolling along fine.

Get your facts straight before you engae in a factless tirade you useless tit.

aceypilot 4th Feb 2010 17:44

Why are you attacking us personally?

Why are you attacking us? Exactly who are you attacking? What are you referring to? I have looked back through this thread and can find no sensible logic to follow, because your subject matter and grammar are so bad.

You speak of “rediculus rants”, “dribbling crap”, and “factless tirades”; Yet you say things like "From what ive heard", "aparent", "My guess is", and "only idiots speculate" (These quotes are your exact spellings of course).

You really should get a handle on things, because I have just described your own behavior. If you are going to defend Avionco, try to do so without personally attacking other pilots. Has someone here did something to you personally?

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