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Beaver diver 5th Nov 2007 18:47

Ryanair starts to import Romanian and Bulgarian pilots
Ryanair starts to import Romanian and Bulgarian pilots
Hey guys,

I have just heard from my source that Ryanair wants to import Romanian and Bulgarian pilots to work for them as they are frustrated for manpower. Although they might have a problem in UK, since the government has decide to not let any of them into the UK until 2009. Maybe they should try Poland, plenty of them flying around?
Well It looks like history is repeating itself, since one of the first pilots flying Ryanair were actually Romanians...

Your thoughts?

Rainboe 5th Nov 2007 19:35

It's the EC. It's their right. There are just temporary restrictions at the moment, which won't last. If they want European EC pilots, then they can take them, just as I can get a job in France or Germany or Italy if I so decide. That is what the EC is about- free movement of goods and services.

florida flamingo 5th Nov 2007 19:36

Hi BD,
If these pilots have a JAR license then they should be entitled to work in Europe before the Americans & Canadians. Being part of the EU Romanians and Bulgarians should not be descriminated. Romanians have always flown western aircraft B707 and even built the BAC-111 under license. The thing to watch out is they should not be paid less than other EU citizens.
All the best to them!

EjetSetter 5th Nov 2007 20:00

And be given a free TR with bond.

Beaver diver 5th Nov 2007 20:24

Oh, ok lets support the local economy....was my hint.

Joe_Bar 5th Nov 2007 22:07

which local economy?

cool_pilot 6th Nov 2007 00:43

Non-EC pilots ?
I have heard a rumour that Ryanair tend to recruit some non EC pilots every now and then just to sort out their occasional shortage,however this apply to Direct Entry Captains.....True or False ?

easymoney 6th Nov 2007 00:49

This is good for Ryanair

Also relatively good for the Romanian and Bulgarian Pilots.


Not good for the Current Permanent Ryanair Pilots.

dkz 6th Nov 2007 05:02

romanian pilots
The only little problem being the lack of romanian pilots here. It seems there are not enough pilots for the local market: Tarom, Blueair, Wizzair, Myair and Carpatair are all looking for pilots for the romanian market without luck, there are pilots without hours and there are old pilots flying abroad (UAE, EU).

I wish Ryanair best of luck trying to recruit them :E

(However i don't know the status of the bulgarian pilots ...)

P.S. - Romania is a full JAA member.

airman13 6th Nov 2007 07:34

it is true ,all romanian air companies are in pilot shortage but if this info about ryanair is real one, we have to be happy....money makes the difference! not sure that many pilots (type or non-type rating) will apply for them but our chiefs must think once again if we are paid correctly in respect of work we are doing ......

CamelhAir 6th Nov 2007 10:24

our chiefs must think once again if we are paid correctly in respect of work we are doing ......
You won't be paid correctly in ryanair. Firstly, you will be paid peanuts (the era of the €50k has arrived). Secondly they will do everything possible to not honour your contract.

captplaystation 6th Nov 2007 10:43

Ryanair have historically tended to use "local cost of living" to their advantage when deciding salaries at a new base. If any Romanian / Bulgarian pilot is thinking of joining it would make sense to try and be based at an existing base, you can be sure if they open a base in former East, salary will be equal to Blue Air or whoever. It would also greatly help us here ( and eventually you ) if you could take the trouble to find out what existing employees earn , and try not to accept less p l e a s e .

dkz 6th Nov 2007 10:53

Don't worry about that, anybody joining them will know how it's paid on other bases. We are on the same side here, we don't wanna work for peanuts ;)

captplaystation 6th Nov 2007 15:37

Good man, welcome to a united Europe, but don't trust our management, they are probably worse than what you may be leaving behind at dodgy deals.

remoak 6th Nov 2007 17:22


just as I can get a job in France or Germany or Italy if I so decide. That is what the EC is about- free movement of goods and services.
Excellent joke! Do you know any others? lol

Jidi 7th Nov 2007 18:32

Regarding restrictions for Romanians and Bulgarians in UK, as far as I know, the restriction does not apply for qualifed and highly qualified jobs. The market is opened for a list of professions (construction jobs, turism, engeneering, etc), so it's likely to have a green light for pilots.
Also, as a romanian/bulgarian, if you do have a signed contract with a well established UK based company, getting the work permit from UK consulate it's just a matter of hours and a little bit of paper work.

Indeed, Romania has a lack of pilots. Almost every airline that is based in romania are looking for pilots, even with low hours. For example, the ministry of transport is paying for pilot training at Air Academy, 20 cadets every year enjoy this privilege. Tarom, the national company is recruting from there .. if I'm not wrong, all the airacademy cadets have to work at least 5 years for a romainan carrier. I heared about a few guys that just got off from airacademy and are enjoying F/O positions on B737 and ATR42.

Carpatair is hiring captains and F/O for their SAAB340 and 2000 fleet for salaries about 3500 euros. BlueAir is also looking for B737 crew since they are looking to grow their fleet. BlueAir recurted some captains from Tarom, but as far as I heared they're also lookig into getting low hour guys on board.

I wish all the good luck to R/B pilots looking for a Ryanair position.

ules 8th Nov 2007 14:58

wow this is great news, when i complete my CPL.
im an australian born romanian. with both AU . and RO passports,, will be great for me to go find work in romania for someone with low/ hours.
getting excited .. !! :}:}

RYR-738-JOCKEY 8th Nov 2007 18:13

Hold your horses, Ules. There's a Euro 30000 entrance fee for the show. Not to mention the 25000 Euro to stay alive during the first year. But after that it improves.

captplaystation 8th Nov 2007 18:25

ules, sounds fine to me. . . . . . less crime, the badly behaved girls are also good looking rather than just having their skirt half way up their @rse (or half way round their ankles), and they speak more intelligble English than where you are now.

Jidi 8th Nov 2007 21:09

Captplaystation, we were talking about romanian pilots, not hores .. not even second in command hores :))

ules 9th Nov 2007 06:01

i was just over there in july earlier this year, and loved it hadnt been there since i was a child , and i was so surprised to the girls in australia,
in romania they are so well educated, their english is perfect, better than mine almost, they are absolutely stunning
as too jidis comment about being w-hores. as much as id love to confirm that, id say there would be a 3% of the whole country which females are there, but obviously are not true romaniana, everygirl i have met all start lookin to settle down from 17yrs of age to start familys and have kids.
comparing women to australia, id say there is a good chance that 60% of australian women are w-hores, sorry if u dissagree but thats my opinion.

"Hold your horses, Ules. There's a Euro 30000 entrance fee for the show. Not to mention the 25000 Euro to stay alive during the first year. But after that it improves. "

wat do u mean a 30000euro. is it 30,000 or 3000 euro ? what do u mean by entrance fee? and nah u dont really need 25000 euro to stay alive,
if ur a local there doesnt mean u should be doing all ur grocerie shoppning at kaufland (which is a german supermarket out there) there are plenty of markets there food, etc find everything so cheap and fresh , i was so amazed on how fresh and chemical free the food tasted there all grown by locals on farms, fantastic, i could live a year on about 5- 7000 euro a year easy , as for rent , its roughly about 100- 300 a month for a small apartment,

dkz 9th Nov 2007 08:56


Sorry to disappoint you but after joining the EU the living costs are not the same. For a small apartment you will pay around 500 Euro/month (I'm speaking about Bucharest here, it may be cheaper in other cities).

As for the entrance fee i think RYR-738-JOCKEY is talking about the type rating. Since you are just getting your CPL now it may be very difficult to get a job without hours or without a paid rating, however Tarom will pay for your rating if you decide to sign a 7 year contract with them (starting on ATR-42).


ules 9th Nov 2007 09:00

ahhhhh ok i see. still good though.
ah ok yeah i heard prices in bucharest are bit more $$$
i should of mentioned timisoara, i see it more as a capital city than bucharest, like sydney - canberra

Jidi 9th Nov 2007 10:10

Ules, I never said romanian girls are hores ... contrary, I was commenting on captplaystation post. And I second dkt, you can't find a studio apt. (35 sq. meters) under 350 euros a month. a one bedroom apt is over 500 even in the less good looking neighbourhoods. Bucharest started to be not so cheap in the last years.
The good news is that is practically no unemployment in romania, for example in Bucharest the unemployment rate is under 1%. That goes for aviation too, even that overhere the aviation industry is not very developed. There are only a couple of private airfields, about 3-4 PPL schools and as far as I know only 2 that can qualify for atpl. Tho, if you do have a atpl license is not very hard to get a job.

ules 9th Nov 2007 10:51

ah ok cool i understand.. and yeah so true about the unemployment rate
good to see that romanians arent lazy, they work hard for their money to feed themselves and their familys

Jidi 9th Nov 2007 11:34

Well, fortunaly and unfortunaly, there are many romanians working abroad even that a qualified professional can find a job paying 1000-1500 euros a month in any major city. You can get a decent living with that income almost every part of the world.
Most of the romanians that left the country to work in UE are unqualified and looking into construction jobs that pays 30-40 euros a day. They could sure find the same payment in romania but still prefere to work outside borders. I'm sure things will change in the following years and they will return home.
Only a few years ago, most construction workers were going to Israel for a job and having sallaries of $1000-1300 meanwhile in romania they were getting only couple of hundreds. Now things have changed and they can easily get the same money home ... I just got back from a vacation in Israel last month and there are practicaly no romanians left in Israel. I'm pretty sure same will happen with those now working in UE. Just a note to avoid the ongoing scandal between Romania and Italy, I'm talking about honest working romanians. :)

ules 9th Nov 2007 16:30

Just a note to avoid the ongoing scandal between Romania and Italy

wat do u mean about this..
i have family in italy also when i was there. i did see on the news they loved bagin romanians out alot for somereason.. i didnt unerstand why,

romanians all over the italian news, like murders , roberies like stealing artifacts etc.
but they don just mention it .. they keep goin on with the story for like weeks. dont understand why. each country has their own problems. but mostly they focus on romania :*

smith 9th Nov 2007 16:47


you'll need to get JAA licences AUS won't do, more conversion expense. Also ryanair will base you anywhere they damn like, so you might not get to live in ROM. As the title suggests ryanair are trying to bring pilot's out of rom to "western europe".

Jidi 10th Nov 2007 14:29

Ulses, well ...the most problems in Italy are caused by gipsies that came from romania. Since here, we are quite relaxed that their gone, Italy now seems to feel on their skin how it is to live with them :)) It's just a joke, no rasist thoughts of any kind.
There is over one million of workers from romania in italy and they are doing a very good job there ... nobody is acusing them of anything, unfortunaly the gipsy population was not very well integrated in the romanian sociecity and that's mostly the romanian goverment fault. This is job to do in decades, not in months.
Overall, it's only a political fight between the italian gouverment and their oposition and are using the case of one romanian gipsy that they said murdered some italian women. After one week, they dropped the charges of homocide and rape and maintained only the charge of stealing her purse. Even that they dropped those charges, the scandal remained in the media ... but this is how it goes everytime.

Not being off the topic in 100%, even if Ryanair will hire romanian pilots, they will sure work in their bases in europe and not in romania. If you want to fly in .ro, you can sure do that, mostly if you have citizenship. Tarom, Blueair and Carpatair are hiring, also Wizz.

ules 10th Nov 2007 16:42

ah ok yeah i wouldnt mind workin in ro, since there are so many pilots here in australia, and so little jobs in the major cities. so id prefer doin work in one of the cities in ro, bucharest or timisoara, or anything, and i can be close to family,
although i would have to get a JAA
anyone know the price or wher i would obtain it

captplaystation 10th Nov 2007 19:39

Jidi, I meant bad girls, as in "nice to meet in a bar after they had a few beers " rather than "professional" ladies. The reason for my comment is I thought ules was from Newcastle UK, but it seems he is from Newcastle OZ - or have I still got it wrong. Down here in Catalunya most of the "professional" ladies seem to come from Moldavia, however, the woman in my life comes from Transylvania, so believe me I understand the difference, and I can only say good things about "normal" Romanian girls.

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