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dlav 5th Mar 2007 10:12

Hi TwoDeadDogs, could you please tell me abit more about the two newbies you mentioned? Were they Integrated/modular etc and if so were they put forward by the school?

Whats the story with the type Rating?


TwoDeadDogs 5th Mar 2007 13:33

Hi there
As far as I know, they were Modular but I don't know what school.I don't know if they would do the rating in Toulouse or in Dublin.

leadinghedges 7th Mar 2007 01:41

They came from Oxford, type rating is in Dublin.

PhoenixRising 7th Mar 2007 11:07

They are not being charged for the type rating. They will be bonded as per the traditional arrangement for direct entry pilots in Aer Lingus. The company were considering charging for the rating but have decided against it.

Telstar 7th Mar 2007 11:13


Are you sure about that? I believe someone also came from one of the clubs/schools at Weston Aerodrome also, who I believe was not involved with Oxford at all.

manuelvi 7th Mar 2007 17:24

The contract pilots get more or less what you are saying so it could be.


Global Pilot 7th Mar 2007 17:25

25K for A320 type rating
Yes it is true. They are taking non rated guys but expecting you to self fund at a cost of €25K for an A320 rating. Thinking they might be linking up with Parc who have been recently approved to conduct 320 ratings. Parc have a long history with Aer Lingus and in particular a certain EI A320 Captain (from somewhere around Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!) is behind Parc Training and would love a nice new supply of people willing to part with that kind of dosh.

ElNino 7th Mar 2007 18:07

but expecting you to self fund at a cost of €25K for an A320 rating.

manuelvi 7th Mar 2007 18:12

Does some of you guys knows how many vacancies there are actually at aer lingus?
I was told that they have now ended interviewing pilots with experience and are now starting calling people with type but no experience.
Any detail abut this?


lobsterbisque 7th Mar 2007 19:24

no, still have type rated guys with time on type to interview/sim check

milehighdriver 7th Mar 2007 20:27

The number doing the rounds over the next year or two, seems to range in the region of 150 direct entry pilots. I guess this depend on what happens with the open skies agreement, and what happens next with Ryanair and their anticipated renewed take-over bid
The management are now talking about bases outside Dublin, so that will obviously increase numbers. However, the LRC this week allowed the company the concession to pay local rates at local bases.
They have been recruiting experienced/type rated guys from the likes of Monach, Easy, Eirjet (RIP) and Ryanair. However, they have also taken on people recently with just a frozen ATPL. There is only a finite supply of type rated guys, so after that if your the right person for the job, then your in!

dlav 8th Mar 2007 07:51

Ok lots of information here guys, thanks for that. Seems they will take low houred integrated and modular chaps which is great news all round.

Has anybody any information on the interview or apptitude tests?

Many thanks

Tooloose 8th Mar 2007 11:03

Following discussions between IALPA and Aer Lingus, there is no charge for TR for any pilot joining Aer Lingus. Normal bonding arrangements will apply as has been the case heretofore.

About a year ago a useful thread on recruitment in AerLingus had to be closed down because of your persistant allegations, despite plentiful evidence to the contrary from many knowledgeable sources, that employment as a pilot in Aer Lingus could be gained by having 'contacts'. You are now, again, claiming that people recently hired 'obviously have contacts'. This is both untrue and unfair. If you have evidence to substantiate your claim please produce it. If not please allow people to get on with their jobs.

garthicus 8th Mar 2007 13:42

Have a look at www.parcaviation.aero on their job page.....

Bearcat 11th Mar 2007 11:52

A few non rated guys getting in too but they obviously have the contacts...says RB.

Contacts is canvassing....canvassing wont get you near the place. I know.

milehighdriver 12th Mar 2007 04:15

Its not hard to get into EI if your the right person. Thats applies to any company. EI has standards, if you don't meet those standards, then I guess its tough luck.
Contrary to what you may think, having contacts doesn't help. You still have to jump through the hoops to get in. Naturally over the years there have been cases where sons/daughters have ended up flying for the company. The only advantage they have had has been a greater awareness of whats involved working for the company. Nothing else. Its sour grapes if you believe anything else!

Bearcat 12th Mar 2007 11:15

RB...mile high said it all....

Keep trying...and best of luck.

Easy boy 14th Mar 2007 19:46

Aer Lingus Help required
Hi folks,
Can anyone help me, i have an interview with Aer Lingus and need all the help I can get.
I would appreciate if you would post or PM me with any details no matter how small.

250 Below 10 16th Mar 2007 12:17

Hi guys/gals,

There must be somebody out there with some info regarding interview/sim check. Come on, share it!!

Arrowhead 18th Mar 2007 02:38

I got called recently after hearing nothing for over a month.

Can anyone give the approx pay after tax (ie what drops in the bank) for an FO with plenty of time on type?

Also, anyone heard of a crew leasing deal with them and Vietnam Airlines?

INLAK 19th Mar 2007 08:43

EI are not a fan of PPRUNE chats about their recruitment process and they do tend to keep an eye on what is said on here. Maybe that's why there hasn't been much response to your queries.
Basic pay is a yearly salary scale, so time on type or experience is not a factor. A new hire with 200 hours gets paid the same as one with 10,000 hours if they joined in the same year.
Some EI crews were working for VN while on unpaid leave from EI. This is just a personally arranged thing and nothing formal between companies.

Easy Ryder 2nd Apr 2007 13:04


How much is take home pay for a brand new FO per month/year (salary + flight/sector pay)?

How long before upgrade to the 330?

Once upgraded, do you fly both the 330/320?

How does the cost of living in Dublin compare to the UK?


yak-yak 3rd Apr 2007 09:38

Easy rider,
€4k :ok:
5+ yrs :suspect:
no :=
Ireland is far more expensive than UK.. :*

Easy Ryder 3rd Apr 2007 09:53

yak-yak, thanks a lot mate! Appreciate it :ok:

manuelvi 3rd Apr 2007 14:55

Hi Guys
Any news form the newly hired/selected pilots about the selection process?



Sphinx 20th Apr 2007 17:22

Commuting on the A320/1 fleet
Does anyone in AL on the A320/1 fleet commute from outside Ireland? Would it be possible and practical to live in Southern England and commute for duties?

Would it be possible to use staff standby tickets to do it relatively cheaply? Thanks for any info.

curser 21st Apr 2007 09:20

Sphinx, There is at least 1 who commutes from London on the 320. Jump seating would be a better option as staff tickets to from uk seem to attract a large tax. Right now the 320 works 5 on 2 off 5 on 3 off and the earlies are v.early and the lates, oddly enough, are v.late. This will probably mean you will require some form of accommodation at least initially over here. However, we will be getting PBS in the next few weeks and this might allow for tighter working patterns and consequently more days off. The chances are also pretty good that you wont spend more than a few years on the 320 anyway and then your commute will cease to be a problem. Hope that helps. Curser. PS. lots of talk about foreign bases also.

Cloud Chaser 22nd Apr 2007 14:39

Just picking up something from the last post, does progression to the long-haul fleet really come within a couple of years?

curser 23rd Apr 2007 08:31

C.C., to answer your question. It will depend on the next 3 months. If mol fails and we remain independent; then the 330 fleet (or whatever) grows from 7 a/c to 14 a/c in the next 5-7 years. Combined that with our age demographic and anyone joining now should be offered the long haul in that time frame. Curser. P.s. this is only my interpretation of the swirling clouds in my crystal ball, everything gets a little hazy beyond the next roster period.

milehighdriver 23rd Apr 2007 11:38

Depending on whom you listen to within the company. Aer Lingus haven't yet recruited their most junior Captain for the year 2010-2011. So that pretty much gives you an idea of the planned recruitment over the next couple of years.

Stand31 25th Apr 2007 12:00

End of May there is supposed to be some sort of announcement for 14 new LH aircraft, so the junior Captain in 2011 would be a reality alright. :)

shortfuel 25th Apr 2007 15:42

It seems that new joiners are now offered a "new" contract, with different T & C's...(since Feb 07)
For example:
- performance related pay threshold changed from 520 to 720 block hours...about 11000 euros less per year (based on 800h/year)

- Leave days were 31, now 44...that's better, maybe a compensation for above, a very little compensation

- Bond for everybody, 10000 euros for type rated and experienced F/O, 30000 euros for non type rated, over 3 year period (pro rated)

I wonder how IALPA will cope with point nbr 1.

So long'

quarefellah 26th Apr 2007 15:59

Why The Slowdown?
Hi All,
Earlier posts suggest EI have yet to hire their most junior captain for 2011. They don't seem in too much of a rush to do so of late. People are waiting for word at all stages of the recruitment process all of a sudden. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to why this is now the case?
Do they want people or don't they?
Fly Safe!

jdmackin 26th Apr 2007 18:29

Ok, now this bond. If I'm not type-rated and EI would give me a type does that mean I must stay at EI for 3 years to fufill my bond and not pay anything? Or that means that part of my paycheck will go into my training at the end of every month and if I leave during that 3 year period I only pay what is left?

Tooloose 26th Apr 2007 18:56

Stay 3 years, pay nothing. Leave after 2 years, pay one third of bond; after 1 year, pay two thirds. Nothing deducted from pay in the interim. Plan A was Pay-for-Rating but this was changed following intervention by IALPA. Adjustment from Plan A to Plan B is in progress.

milehighdriver 26th Apr 2007 22:07

Why the slowdown?

Because the company hasn't the resources to train everybody up at the moment. As usual foresight and planning don't necessarily go hand in hand at Aer Lingus. We need pilots yesterday, yet the company will only do something about it tomorrow!

At the moment the training department is working flat out. New recuits are being trained up onto the A320. Whilst multiple command checks are being carried out on the A330 FO's. The A330 training dept is then having to train up new A330 FO's.

Rumour has it the pre-command courses and command checks will have to be held off for a few months until more new recuits are added to the roster. Apparently, we don't have enough pilots to operate the summer schedule.

They want people alright, especially type rated guys. But that pool is rapidly diminishing. Especially, when other operators are recruiting. I doubt there are too many companies out there, that are willing to take on newly qualified pilots without making them pay for their training!

Come on in, life is green! :ok:

Strong, silent type 5th Aug 2007 21:27

How many pilots are there in Aer Lingus? About 500 perhaps? Can anyone be serious and tell me that they really expect that there will be command vacancies for someone who joins now or near enough to now and have the hours by then? I'd love to see some evidence! C'mon, who in Aer Lingus can tell me the rate or command upgrades at the moment? Me thinks someone is looking into the bottom of a tea cup while coming up with these BS figures!

Count von Altibar 5th Aug 2007 22:50

I know someone who joined in 1991 and command course was 2006 so things don't move very fast at EI in terms of years to command. However with all this expansion on the cards time to command will inevitabley reduce significantly, not sure what it is at present.

Stand31 7th Aug 2007 10:17

Guys who joined 97/98 are going thru the cmd process now. More recruitment onthe cards next year, have heard various numbers mentioned. I don't think anyone joining now will be waiting as long as that for cmd, based on forward orders. Where you will have to live though is another question. Long time to cmd is more than compensated for by salary scale and nice longhaul lifestyle! :zzz:

flyer4life 7th Aug 2007 13:37

Regarding getting an application in now ready for future recruitment, can anyone with inside knowledge say whether a photo on the CV is a good idea or not?

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