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remoak 7th Dec 2006 09:06

... and as it was when Manx/BRAL took over the majority of Loganair aircraft and crews in the mid-90s. Off you go to the bottom of the list, and don't forget to thank us for letting you keep your job... until your next LPC/OPC that is... (allegedly)

Hudson Bay 7th Dec 2006 09:23

Xploy your dead on. Most Pilots by nature think they are Sky Gods and can do it on their own. That's why they are where they are. By Self determination.

Pilots will not stick together, they are selfish and don't give a dam about anybody except themselves. That's why Flybe management have already won the battle. They know they can divide the staff and do exactly what they wish.

It is common knowledge that employee's of unskilled work stick together and when it comes to pay negotiations everybody is looking after the next person, not themselves.

I hear it in the crew room everyday, Pilots working days off, negotiating separate deals to advance their career, even guys working their leave!!

I think the description that the miners used in the 70's fits well. SCABS!

Anotherflapoperator 7th Dec 2006 10:42

If that's how pilots generally are, then it sort of explains why I feel such an outsider...

I look around Viscount House at work and feel quite sick at how all my colleagues are going to be booted out of work, and are all sat there waiting for their redundency notices. I look at other issues and spend time worrying about the fate of each and every one of my fellow pilots around the network, perhaps more than I worry about my own dead ended career.

Still if I don't start getting SOME sleep soon, it won't matter as my medical is due any time soon:(

For the record, I wasn't around when Logan was taken over, but I have never, EVER felt that any Ex-Brymon pilots were in any way inferior, below or less able, professional or equal to any other. Perhaps the seniority system is in itself devisive and the root of evil? Without it, we'd be left with promotion based on ability and capability. That might work, but for the individuals bent on political networking and underhand effort to advance themselves. Back to square one.

What I want is everyone to get a happy Christmas with their families, with no bickering and squabbling either in crewrooms, here or round the table at CC meetings. Frankly we all need to unite and prove to those who will make the desicions that we all want the same T&C, the same benefits and that by granting them, NuFlybe can move forward with stable, happy and productive crew who don't just use the company as a brief stepping stone.

Wishful thinking? Tis the season.......

tiggerific_69 7th Dec 2006 10:50

well said flap operator.very well said.

Chesty Morgan 7th Dec 2006 11:21


Not in its present form it won't - we all accept that - but if things don't change, well they will stay the same!

Be positive and hope for a little improvement - we know, and accept that we are in for a change.
Agreed, I can't see us adopting your scheduling agreement the way it stands now. I genuinely hope that we see some improvement to ours although it wont be perfect by a long way. I'm not being purposefully obtuse about the situation and I DON'T want you to get a bad deal, I also don't want the junior Flybe pilots to get shafted either, but the track record of this company has probably tainted me somewhat!

Anotherflapoperator, yep, can't argue with that. I hope it works out for everyone, whatever happens.

Hudson, speak for yourself old son. I'm not a sky god, I'm just a bloke that goes to work and tries to do his job. Did you know that a large number of the NO votes in the last pay ballot were from Q400 Captains? The very same people who stood to make a ten grand payrise voted NO because, once again, the jet fleet was getting a worse deal.

How's that for brotherly love? Reeeeespeck!

Chris Gains 7th Dec 2006 13:06

It seems they just don't care any more!!!
The BA Connect CC seems to have given up and decided redundancy is a better option than working for flybe.
Having been told by JF that he will walk away if a deal can't be agreed and WW stating he will shut the airline down if the deal does not go through my spies tell me they decided today not turn up for the planned negotiations and have all turned off their Mobile phones. :ugh: If they are trying to play chicken with JF I think we know who will lose and it won't be the guy from Scotland!!!! :rolleyes:
It now appears more and more likely the deal will not go ahead and the planning departments are already planning as if the deal is not going ahead.

tiggerific_69 7th Dec 2006 13:48

where does this information come from Chris?

Dashette 7th Dec 2006 13:48

Seriously guys,Untill we know something officially...ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN! :rolleyes:

kenfoggo 7th Dec 2006 14:15

Mr JF is a well respected person within the industry. Respected, in part, because he runs the airline as a business and not a flying club. He is too shrewd a business man not to realise the commercial advantages to his business plan to grow the airline by acquiring routes and equipment rather than by slower organic growth. Especially when this growth is being bankrolled by a third party, BA. As a shrewd business man he will need to keep an eye on costs and the bottom line, aand by necessity will not be able to employ the new staff on the same terms and conditions they enjoyed at Bacon.
But perhaps JF is not such a shrewd people motivator. A little bit of carrot will need to be applied along with the big stick to make this a workable deal.

Good luck to everyone.

BluffOldSeaDog 7th Dec 2006 21:44

Originally Posted by Chris Gains (Post 3006977)
The BA Connect CC seems to have given up and decided redundancy is a better option than working for flybe.
Having been told by JF that he will walk away if a deal can't be agreed and WW stating he will shut the airline down if the deal does not go through my spies tell me they decided today not turn up for the planned negotiations and have all turned off their Mobile phones. :ugh: If they are trying to play chicken with JF I think we know who will lose and it won't be the guy from Scotland!!!! :rolleyes:
It now appears more and more likely the deal will not go ahead and the planning departments are already planning as if the deal is not going ahead.

Think my spies tell me otherwise. A meeting was arranged on 24hours notice and both Principal Negotiators were unavailable. No phone calls were received and all phones were on and charged.

Nice try :D

Fred Elliot 8th Dec 2006 09:12

The truth, as usual, is somewhere between the two. Woof!! Wibble!

bodge 8th Dec 2006 09:44

'Chris is nearer'

Oh no he isn't

tiggerific_69 8th Dec 2006 10:03

pantomime season already?!

bermudatriangle 8th Dec 2006 10:05

The deal will not go ahead.........Call Willie Walshs' bluff......the backlash if BA were to shut down BAConnect could cause his downfall.The deal would never be beneficial to FLYBE in the longterm and Chris French has realised this now.The publicity FLYBE have received has been of tremendous marketing value and now is the time to pull the plug.WW is a poker player,but shouldn't be allowed to play with peoples livelihoods.I predict BAConnect will stil be flying 12 months from now.

remoak 8th Dec 2006 11:03

Who is Chris French? Have flybe had a change of boss?

I predict that BACON will be a distant memory in a years time. Those who are humble of spirit and contrite of heart will be flying dodgy dashes for flybe. The rest will be in the queue at big Orange or The Airline Whose Name Must Not Be Uttered (run by that Irish guy). Or on the dole.

tallaonehotel 8th Dec 2006 13:10

Originally Posted by bermudatriangle (Post 3008471)
The deal will not go ahead.........Call Willie Walshs' bluff......the backlash if BA were to shut down BAConnect could cause his downfall.The deal would never be beneficial to FLYBE in the longterm and Chris French has realised this now.The publicity FLYBE have received has been of tremendous marketing value and now is the time to pull the plug.WW is a poker player,but shouldn't be allowed to play with peoples livelihoods.I predict BAConnect will stil be flying 12 months from now.

Can I have some of what you have been taking?.
I have read some stories on this thread but this takes the biscuit.
If the deal falls through BACON is DEAD. No if's or but's, DEAD.
BACON will not be flying after March whatever happens.

Noiffsorbuts 8th Dec 2006 13:37

With members of Flybe Company Council posting scurrulous and innacurate posts on this thread I would very much like to know who's interest you think you are serving Captain ******? Certainly not that of your members.

You and your ilk seem determined to create a bad atmosphere and are dong your very best to upset and undermine a lot of well intentioned and good people who want this to work.

Behave responsibly or resign.

Dashette 8th Dec 2006 13:44

Very well said my friend! Its about time someone started talking some sense!!! :D :D :D

BluffOldSeaDog 8th Dec 2006 14:29

Originally Posted by Fred Elliot (Post 2998772)
Lots of views and almost equal amounts of utter drivel!!
Two things are certain at the moment:
1. NOTHING is decided .
2. Any jumped up Johnny no-neck incipient Nigel who couldn't cut it and then comes into Flybe trying to order us around is going to get NOWHERE!!:*
You'd be sensible to be happy to (still) have a job - oh, and don't give us all that "The company's perfectly great, it's all the management's fault" B*ll*cks - sit in the corner quietly and learn how your new colleagues do business. Oh, and BTW, that'll be looking up from the BOTTOM of OUR seniority list.
Could be better for everyone if the whole due diligence thing collapses.
Certainly simpler.
:mad: :=

Good god, a CC member posted that. No wonder your terms are so poor, what complete naivety

Sheikh Zabik 8th Dec 2006 15:21

Having watched with dismay at how this thread has been used by silly,naieve and malevloent individuals to undermine a delicate and sensitive process upon which our livelihoods depend I can keep quiet no longer.

To learn that members, or more particularly one member of the Flybe Company Council, is using this forum to stir things up just beggars belief. I would very much like to know what Jim French would say if he saw certain posts with the individuls outed who posted them. I would hazard a guess that he would be livid. One of your members has gone so far as to be actionably libellous of a named individual of BACON. The particulatr post was removed but copies were taken.

Pprune is at best entertainment but gives an opportunity for exchanges and some information (albeit with a huge sprinkling of salt!) at a time when we are in a total information vacuum.

It is hard to take seriously someone with whom our CC is trying to do business to our mutual benefit when there are at large freelance lunatics masquerading in the guise of Council representatives. If that is the quality and intelligence of Flybe Council members as a body (which I doubt) then it is hardly surprising you only know how to bend over and take everything that Jim French gives you.

So, Flybe CC, get your house in order and chuck the idiots off the council who are undermining the good that the rest of you are trying to do.

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