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stupot7783 22nd Nov 2006 10:34

Flybe moving to T2

Originally Posted by RED WINGS (Post 2979026)
Have just heard from a friend that she is flying flybe 21 dec 06 bhx iom with flybe and the tickets state that the flights are operating from T2 at bhx.

Does this mean we are "merging" sooner than we thought or were flybe moving into T2 anyway?? anyone know anything.

That prob explains why they have squeezed Air France and KLM up by the BA Check in Area this week to make space for flybe to have desks 1-16 or to refurb the desks like the new ones in time for them coming up from T1. I would imagine Flybe tho will move into T2 at some point anyway and have the majority of it like BA used to have in the old Maersk/BA days.

Hudson Bay 22nd Nov 2006 11:34

Lets not forget Jim F's root's. He's a baggage handler and that's why he is out of his depth. Nothing against the loaders but he has not had a single days training in his life. He even admitted that most of his business ideas come from his teenage daughter. Did you know he hasn't got a single academic qualification? The guy has lost the plot. No make that he's never understood the plot. I remember his five point plan just on 4 years ago. Guess what? Not a single mention about his staff and that is the reason he's in a mess. It is also the reason why he has had to get his hands on another Airline. If it wasn't BAcon it would have been Eastern or Scotair or some other local Airline. He is DESPARATE for crews. Period. Nobody wants to work for the guy. Why is he trying to tempt Pilots with 19% pay rises? You know and I know that that strategy will fail as well. If the wage increase was 50% the man has the same problem. You watch, the merger with BAcon is a short term solution. The Pilots will leave in their droves as they have this year, last year, the year before actually the day the man took over from Barry Peroit. Its all about terms and conditions today not just about hard cash and the man hasn't woken up yet. Don't debate it BAcon get your CV's out. The grass is much greener than you think.

Jaq 22nd Nov 2006 12:00

Ever wondered what qualifications Richard Branson has to HIS name. :confused:

flyingbug 22nd Nov 2006 12:00


congratulations, another idiotic statement.:ugh:


Fred Elliot 22nd Nov 2006 12:32

Hear, hear, Bug.

Hudson, you are a twit. Please go away! :rolleyes:

hushkit77 22nd Nov 2006 13:02

reading this thread and seeing some of the comments made here has just confirmed to me what I and many people in aviation and the outside world really think of pilots. In general they are a bunch of complete wankers!! Some of the posts on here are so childish and full of sh1t! Why does everyone not just grow up a bit and accept what is being negotiated by the CC's and the companies. The bickering and story telling on here is not going to help when those who decide to remain with the 'new' flybe have to work together in the future.
Come on people, grow up for goodness sake!!!!

crew the screw 22nd Nov 2006 14:48

Hushkit.. Harsh but fair in some instances.

W@n***s in 'general' we are indeed not!!

Maybe edit to 'reduce' the numbers of decent chaps you are insulting?


bodge 22nd Nov 2006 17:47

I must admit that I am also surprised by the nature of the BACON pilots posts (to calrify I am one of em). It seems that there is a belief that we are entitled to something when we are not, I think that the purchase alone was great news - the alternative was pretty grim, and at least this allows us all to take stock and decide what we want to do in our own time. It also opens up many new bases, maybe not initially but in the end, and so gives us the chance to perhaps move to a more suitable base.

I appreciate that there are people with Pension concerns, but by and large this is not the issue being discussed on here. It seems that most are concerned about the seniority, I think we can expect to be tacked on the bottom and anything different to this is a bonus and as for a go in a 195 - Bob Hope!

The writing has been on the wall for a long time at Bacon, and anyone hanging on to preserve their place on the seniority was pretty naive to be honest. This is not the same as previous mergers, this is Flybe buying Bacon, the detail may suggest differently, but the reality it is.

'Proposed Sale of BA Connect to Flybe
British Airways announced today that it has reached agreement in principle to sell the regional operation of its subsidiary airline BA Connect to Flybe'. As taken from the BA connect intranet!

Whispering Giant 22nd Nov 2006 17:58

Hudson - why do you ever bother posting ??? Your posts are allways unreasearched and you allways spout total and utter B*@@*ks.
If you knew absolutly anything about JF you would know that he was a load controller and dispatcher when he started in aviation with Caledonian before he moved into Operations and then onto Air UK/KLM UK.
And having worked with him on numerous occasions - i know that he a dam decent bloke who goes out of his way and he actually LISTENS quite unlike you !!
If it wasnt for him changing Flybe's business model - Flybe would'nt exist any longer - look what happened to the airline that Barry Perrot went on to run after JY - it failed !!
If there are problem's - which there is and i would be first to admit that there are, it's not JF fault - it's his middle management that let him down - they dont tell him what's happening and hence he doe'snt know about it till it's to late.

So in future Hudson - dont bother posting anything unless you actually know what's going on or you have properly researched it.

Noiffsorbuts 22nd Nov 2006 18:41

There is so much drivel being posted on this thread from both sides by the ME ME MEEEEEEEEE merchants who think that they have the upper hand.

All of you................GET A LIFE.

JF is no fool and although I have never met him I have more respect for him already than the excreta that BA burdened us with. To have achieved what he has , he has to be both a pragmatist and a realist. A bloody fool he certainly is not.

The end result of all this is going to be a deal which pleases and upsets both camps in equal measure. There are always winners and loosers. What is certain is that eventualy we will both have to work together.

SO , both sides,stop your cancerous and silly posts and lets get on with the business of making this work and make sure that we get the best terms for all of us,given that we will never achieve everything we would like.

BHDflyer 22nd Nov 2006 19:16

Originally Posted by Hudson Bay (Post 2979814)
Lets not forget Jim F's root's. He's a baggage handler and that's why he is out of his depth. Nothing against the loaders but he has not had a single days training in his life. He even admitted that most of his business ideas come from his teenage daughter. Did you know he hasn't got a single academic qualification? The guy has lost the plot. No make that he's never understood the plot. I remember his five point plan just on 4 years ago. Guess what? Not a single mention about his staff and that is the reason he's in a mess. It is also the reason why he has had to get his hands on another Airline. If it wasn't BAcon it would have been Eastern or Scotair or some other local Airline. He is DESPARATE for crews. Period. Nobody wants to work for the guy. Why is he trying to tempt Pilots with 19% pay rises? You know and I know that that strategy will fail as well. If the wage increase was 50% the man has the same problem. You watch, the merger with BAcon is a short term solution. The Pilots will leave in their droves as they have this year, last year, the year before actually the day the man took over from Barry Peroit. Its all about terms and conditions today not just about hard cash and the man hasn't woken up yet. Don't debate it BAcon get your CV's out. The grass is much greener than you think.

Pure Comedy :D

vulcanite 22nd Nov 2006 19:50

Unlike most on this thread, I have met JF several times in my time with Jersey/British European/flybe. Credentials.....so what? I've got a cycling proficiency cetificate, and 5 'O' levels ...oh, and an ATPL. The man has taken a failing airline back from the brink, and turned it into a v. succesful regional/european operator. JF maintains the respect of his workforce, regretably and unfortunately unlike his wouldbe protoge AS.
This is an extremely great opportunity for flybe, and for anyone who joins. There will be inevitable sour grapes from some factions of the Connect pilot force, but that's life guys...sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. Which would you rather: that flybe takeover in an orchestrated fashion (some will disagree) or be left to the sharks when BA cut the cord to the lifeboat. The simple fact is that you sadly do not fit into WW's perceived Futurama for BA. Flybe will not be to everyones tastes, but at least try to remember how the Rover workers at Longbridge fared. If you guys can find that 2 sectors per day, a la carte menu for lunch, and Earl Grey tea for drinks, then please do share it with me. In the meantime, like it or not, this is the here and now...get used to it.

Chesty Morgan 22nd Nov 2006 20:49

Rhythm Method, I find myself agreeing with your last post. Oooh scary thought;)

Except this bit

Originally Posted by rhythm method (Post 2979706)
Puddle-jumper2, I agree that some BACON pilots are posting in an aggressive 'line in the sand' style... but quite often in response to flybe pilots identical mirror-image stance.

I don't believe that Flybe pilots have an "identical mirror image stance". They are simply defending what they perceive is theirs, rightly or wrongly. Quite candidly in some cases. I suspect that this stems from the attitude of some, not all, of the BACon posters on this thread who, and this is how it seems to me, are being rather conceited and presumptuous in their belief that they deserve an elevated position on THE seniority list.

I don't know how the management and BALPA plan on solving this rather difficult position. But rest assured that a small bit of humility, and I'm talking to everybody, will go a long way to smoothing the transition. OUR positions, whether assumed or not, do not entitle us to arrogant behaviour, may I suggest that we all adopt a small amount of decorum in the furture.

chrism20 22nd Nov 2006 21:04


So the man knows what life is like on both sides of the fence - more valuable than any masters degree.

FACT - The man knows his business, his makes a profit - the one BA are PAYING HIM TO TAKE OF THEIR HANDS does not

Charlie Pop 22nd Nov 2006 21:09

When the RJ100s were handed over to BACX some CX people were quite righteous about how they were going to handle 'their' aircraft and jobs, blind to the fact that the aircraft had come from Cityflyer and the routes and jobs had come from BAR. Perhaps its the same people who now think they are going to dictate the terms to Flybe?

Tandemrotor 22nd Nov 2006 22:58

When the RJ100s were handed over to BACX some CX people were quite righteous about how they were going to handle 'their' aircraft and jobs, blind to the fact that the aircraft had come from Cityflyer and the routes and jobs had come from BAR. Perhaps its the same people who now think they are going to dictate the terms to Flybe?
The thought never even occured to me!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

JA1 23rd Nov 2006 01:27

Back To Basics
Guys, let's not forget that as a Company Flybe will be better off in terms of routes, personnel and finance. Hopefully, with increased numbers of pilots coming from the takeover, the workload will be gradually eased on the current low numbers of Q400 captains. All bonuses to Flybe and its crews.

Also, things look pretty good for the BACON pilots too. It has been metioned before, and I'll say it again. At least you have superior job security now rather than a P45 for Christmas. Rebasing is now a realistic option for virtually all corners of the UK, if that's what you want. F/Os with 2000hrs are also now facing the prospect of a command very soon, accompanied by the increased pay check.

The way I see it is that wherever you're from, you'll be in a better situation going into 2007.

Jim French isn't stupid. He has turned around Jersey European into Flybe very successfully even with questionable middle management. Now, he has an even better team in place and I have no doubt he will do the same again once BACON is onboard in the next few months. As for the remark about getting business ideas from his daughter, well you BACON guys must understand that the vast majority of our sales come from the internet. His daughter is from the internet generation, unlike Jim himself, and so it is largely this factor that has enabled Flybe to leap ahead of BACON in terms of ticket sales and ancilliary revenues from the web, in which most people now expect to be able to buy a ticket. By comparison, hardly any tickets are sold by BACON online.

Salaries aside - let's assume the new Flybe pays the same for both 145 and Q400, and why shouldn't it? Why are EMB145 jocks not considering a move onto the Q400 as a step forward. Similar performance, heavier and arguably a better type rating to have in the book. Trust me, it will be a shock to the system - you may have to do more than point and shoot, but it's a good plane to fly, especially if it means being based where you want.

Yes, seniority lists and salaries will be an issue and no doubt they will be heavily negotiated. And time will tell.

But in the meantime, lots of pilots posting on this thread are getting the arrogant reputation of BA Mainline pilots. I for one, certainly don't want Flybe to fill up with a shed load of tw@ts for pilots. Flybe have got a great bunch now, so let's not dilute it with tossers. And I know, as having worked for BACX in the past that they have a good bunch too.

For Christ's sake, let's not all start off on the wrong foot as arch enemies. We may have been that once in the form of Flybe vs. BACON but that is no longer. From here on, we should find a way forward to keep the majority happy and make our new working lives together better than they would have otherwise been.

Give Flybe a chance. It's a good company, despite it's faults. The grass isn't necessarily greener elsewhere. At the end of the day, you can always leave.

But quit the bloody moaning and slagging each other off. It's getting boring! :=

GBALU53 23rd Nov 2006 07:15

Operation out of T2 at BHX

When Flybe anounced the take over one of there senior management M.R stated that there will be two change dates

If I remember correctly it was going to be at the begining of December and then I thing the full change would be when change with the start of the summer scheduled.

So the operation out of T2 could be part of the one of the first signs of change there is a lot more to come yet.

GOLF-INDIA BRAVO 23rd Nov 2006 07:41

Talking about terminal changes, has anybody any idea what will happen at Manchester with BACon at T3 and Flybe at T1? It will will mean as swap around
because I can`t see Flybe ops fitting in T3 as well as they all tend to arrive just at the busiest times for the terminal


Fred Elliot 23rd Nov 2006 10:19

JA1 (sh*t! not THE JA ?)

What a refreshingly reasonable and reasoned thread. We can only hope that the tw@ts and t*ssers to whom you refer will self-select out of the grown company. We don't need 'em. I enjoy going to work and I have no desire to sit next to an arrogant, aggrieved, chip-bearing, jumped up Johnny-no-neck!

If Flybe and its aircraft are such a frightful bunch, I wish them luck (and speed) in their search for another position.

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