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GasHog 28th Oct 2005 18:00

Easy - Pay Rise


stansdead 28th Oct 2005 18:03


Yes, the latest news is that all pilots who SHOUT IN CAPITALS ON PPRUNE will have a paycut.

Caps lock off mate.:D

PPRuNeUser0178 28th Oct 2005 18:48

No news yet and there wont be till early november all talks are behind closed doors.

Are you direct entry LHS or RHS ?


Binder 28th Oct 2005 18:49

Seriously though; We've heard nothing as yet from BALPA on the pay negotiations. Many Pilots are either voting with their feet or dusting down CV's. If the Company / BALPA don't get this one right many many more will follow. Please consider joining BALPA if only for the vote (I have listened for years to the whingers & moaners who would be considered freeloaders in BY/TFLY Virgin BA etc). IF YOU DON'T VOTE- THINGS WON'T CHANGE MATE!

Doug the Head 29th Oct 2005 07:36

Please no "Don't do it" replies as I've already...
Well, why do you ask anything if you donīt want to hear the truth?

Pay rise? I guess we should be lucky to ībreak evenī with inflation whilst working even longer days for the same money. (i.e. a pay CUT)

You probably donīt want to hear that either so hereīs the reply you are looking for: yes DO join EZY! Probably a 20% pay RISE and expect a relaxing 5-4-5-4 roster whilst we get 30 days holidays per year! Thereīs never been a better time to join EZY than now! :rolleyes:

I was just wondering in the light at the end of the tunnel wasn't a train coming towards me.
It is, so "DON`T DO IT!!!"

Constant Speed DU 29th Oct 2005 11:47

Easy will probably give you a pay increase but tale something from you. I remember one year we did not get a rise but were allowed to keep creww food. The CC voted this in! In my mind that year we got nothing!

Join a proper airline that treats and pays their pilots well. After leaving Easy I realised that it was the worst airline that I have ever worked for. When you leave you will be bored as you get so much time off and I have still flown 720hrs since Jan.

You get time to read the newspaper properly rather than skimmming through it!

Scottie 29th Oct 2005 13:57

I have a different recollection of that deal than you do Constant Speed DU. Guess your version came from cloud cuckoo land! :ugh:

Wings737 29th Oct 2005 22:17

pay "rise"
Rumours says that F/O's will get scr__ed, as usual (see previous year's sector pay, loyalty bonus, 6 first months as captain, new pay scale for new entrants....). Captain should break even considering inflation. Training guys (who happen to be Balpa's representatives but that's just for info) should get a little extra.

Staff travel will remain cr_p and pension scheme one of the lowest on the market. Ray W will have a very nice leaving party and certainly a big golden cheque for year's of good services (thank's ray and enjoy New zealand).

Welcome to Easy.


Rick Binson 30th Oct 2005 12:33

Rumours eh? Let's just wait and see what the offer is before spreading discontentment.

Norman Stanley Fletcher 30th Oct 2005 15:30

I have recently chosen to join BALPA to have my say. Absolutely no one needs to accept a bad deal - all you have to do is vote against it. I suggest that anyone who has concerns about the forthcoming deal do what I and several 'concerned others' have done - put your money where you mouth is and join up. That way we can all ensure that some ludicrously unreasonable deal is not accepted. If you are an easyJet pilot and you are not in the union you have only yourself to blame if some crazy deal is voted in.

Ice Man 30th Oct 2005 15:58

Well said Norman Stanley Fletcher.

For heavens sake, if you don't like the present deal. .... JOIN BALPA. You can always leave after the Pay talks if nothing is achieved.

sikeano 30th Oct 2005 16:40

well done norman stanley flecther in joining balpa
maybe the porridge is what done it ;)

Slim20 31st Oct 2005 15:36

I have a different recollection of that deal than you do Constant Speed DU.
Well its exactly how I remember it Scottie. Along with all the other shaftings we've had over the years (loss of loyalty bonus, loss of leave, loss of just about everything) for the sake of a few bob in the paycheck.

I wont be surprised when FlapsOne triumphantly announces to us that the CC have secured a 10% pay rise (payable over 5 years of course)........

Scottie 31st Oct 2005 20:38

Well then I suggest you re-read the pay deal of that year.

Best of luck on the career change, enjoy the 5 transatlantics a month. :}

Constant Speed DU 1st Nov 2005 06:13

By any chance Scottie are you CC or EX-CC fighting your corner?

Scottie 1st Nov 2005 07:43

Not CC or ex CC. Just a line pilot whose a member of BALPA.

Having read a lot of your posts CSDU I can't help feel that you're having to justify your move to TUI as you're always on here sticking your oar into easyJet affairs.

You're always harping on about how bad easyJet is and that we should all leave. "I've seen the light" mentality etc Why? Why not just leave it alone and go and enjoy your new life with an amazing carrier.

You'll take a snippet of information from a paydeal and start harping on as if this was the only thing in that agreement which is why I suggest you go back and reread that agreement.

I'm not quite sure what your intentions are denigrating BALPA when easyJet pilots need more members. Are you trying to ruin it for the rest of us?

At a time when there are a new bunch of pilots on the CC trying hard to improve our lot your comments are most unhelpful. As I say we need to persuade pilots to join BALPA not be dissuaded by un truths. BALPA aren't perfect but in TUI you've got a strong BALPA CC backed by 90%? of thew workforce. Lucky you - allow us to do the same by keeping your nose out of easyJet affairs.

I'm in easyJet for the long term as it suits me (regions) and am seeking to improve my lot. Running away isn't always the answer which is why I'll defend the CC and think they've done the best they can.

Norman Stanley Fletcher 1st Nov 2005 15:21

What the CC may or may not have done in the past is yesterday's news. I have joined BALPA because I am interested in my future at easyJet and have considerable confidence in the new CC who are fighting hard in difficult circumstances. I believe these are good people who are trying to make a difference in the face of 'old' management practices. The least we can do is back them with our membership. As I have said before, if you then do not like the deal they negotiate you can vote against it. If you stand on the side and whine you will only have yourselves to blame if the deal is a bad one. I personally believe that our best hope for the future lies in being united together to build a great company that is both doing well financially and looks after its employees. The only way I can see that being achieved is to have a strong pilots' union. Right now that is BALPA and they therefore have my vote!

captplaystation 1st Nov 2005 17:08

I worked in the past for BMI, where many of the CC (or PLC as we called it back then ) were either in the management's pocket,or indeed wanted to be managers much more than union reps,not ideal.From what I have read here your CC seem to have failed to achieve your aspirations in the past, but, at least you have a mechanism in place to bargain.We, your low-cost brethern in Ryanair, only get what market forces throw our way, historically sometimes to our advantage,but not always;I would respectfully suggest you use,support and actively participate in the representation you have;that is my assesment looking in from our unrepresented position.

A4 1st Nov 2005 18:23

Are there any eJ flightdeck on here who are not BALPA members who would like to give their ideas as to how,not being able to vote on any offer, is going to improve things?

I'm not a militant by any stretch and have had second thoughts about BALPA in the past. However, I am interested in the long term at eJ and would like to see it more as a CAREER option for new joiners. The market is good for pilots at the moment and I don't see how eJ is going to get/retain the experience it needs to meet its scaled back,but still ambitious, expansion plans.

The mantra of "our people are our most important asset" sounds hollow at the moment. We are highly skilled, motivated and (mostly) intelligent individuals. Please don't insult our intelligence. I'm sure the vast majority of crew want to see a successful, profitable and stable airline but that just doesn't appear to be the vision from on high.

I know it's been said elsewhere but Southwest has a miniscule pilot attrition rate. Why? Because the crews are treated, rewarded and respected as professionals - and they recognise this so it's a WIN-WIN situation. Happy productive crews, MASSIVELY reduced training costs which means MORE PROFIT on the bottom line.

Why can't the existing regime see this? It's so frustrating.

To all non-members, please consider your position about joining BALPA. Membership can be offset against your tax liability and your subsription is at reduced rate when you join so it's really not as expensive as many people think.

If we can get a large enough membership then the benefits gained should outweigh any subscription. And if we get a reasonable deal and prevent some from leaving to pastures new, then the bottom line gains as well.

eJ is so close to being great as opposed to ok(ish).

Can someone please inform me if my simplistic view is......... well, too simplistic.

A4 :O

Scottie 1st Nov 2005 19:16

NSF, A4 and CaptPlaystation - all spot on.

Shaka Zulu 1st Nov 2005 19:52

Just sent an email to a couple of CC members about improving communications with non members.
Maybe it will work

Norman Stanley Fletcher 2nd Nov 2005 01:49

I do not want in any way to disparage the ex-CC members who all did their best I believe. I do, however, want to make a point of how impressed I am with the current CC - none of whom had any significant part in the contraversial issues of the past (loss of FOs' loyalty bonus and other conditions, TRSS, 5/2-5/4 etc). These are good people who simply want to the best on behalf of us all. If we choose not to give them clout they will not be able to achieve all they might otherwise do.

Until recently I was one of those who had heard the rumours and basically decided that BALPA was full of self-seeking individuals who had conspicuously failed to represent all members of the pilot community. I simply do not know the fine detail of what happened in the past, but I know that right now the new CC are fighting hard for us. Right now they are in difficult negotiations with the company, and seem to be a long way from getting any sort of agreement. It is absolutely vital we give them every chance to win a deal that is good for us and good for the company. We all know that there are huge problems with our management - but nothing is a 'done deal'. Cultures can change and the way they change is to 'speak softly and carry a big stick' to quote Theodore Roosevelt! The 'speaking softly' will come in the form of constructive dialogue with our managers to change the way they do business. The 'big stick' will come in the form of high BALPA membership and thus ultimately the credible threat of industrial action in the event of us being stuffed. There is simply no other way. I frankly do not relish paying Ģ56 per month and have had to remove a large chunk of my private medical insurance to pay for it. Nonetheless, I feel in all conscience I can do nothing else.

I am unashamedly one of those who really likes working for easyJet. As said previously, there is so much that is right here. Indeed our success is such that easyJet are about to announce a tidy profit for last year which will inevitably result in much popping of champagne, mutual backslapping and big bonuses for people in top positions. I cannot sit idly by and watch the progressive erosion of our terms and conditions while big bonuses are handed out to our senior managers and board members. Surprisingly enough, the high fuel price will somehow not affect the level of those 'well earned' bonuses! A strong BALPA will ensure that those who actually did the work to obtain that profit also receive their share of easJet's continued success.

I want to fight for pensions that will not lead to poverty in our old age, private health care for all pilots, best rostering practices, no DECs as long as there are suitable FOs to promote, equitable leave allocation, transparent base transfer arrangements and a host of other issuses. I intend to play my part in making easyJet the most successful company around. Success to me means creating the safest, financially stable airline possible as well as building an environment where all employees share in the profitability their hard work helped to create. One of the cornerstones of that success will be a substantially increased membership of BALPA. I would encourage all those who have never joined, or possibly even left through disillusionment, to reconsider their position and give our new CC the support it needs at this critical stage in our company's development.

A4 2nd Nov 2005 08:01

NSF, seconded :ok:


Doug the Head 2nd Nov 2005 08:40

Very well spoken Norman Stanley Fletcher! :ok:

minclean 2nd Nov 2005 11:11

Just for information, I shall be joining EZ soon (RHS) and was wondering where the information on the new terms and conditions will be posted when it is agreed.

Incidentally, some of the threads are pretty negative about the company. Is there really such a blockage in transfers from right to left?

Wizofoz 2nd Nov 2005 11:21


About 12-18mths aftter obtaining the requisite 3000 "Factored" hours (Depending on suitable check results, reccomendations etc.), but probably reducing in the next year or so. Slower then it was, but still quicker than most!!!

Ice Man 2nd Nov 2005 15:38



Congratulations !!, an excellent posting.

Itaqhua 3rd Nov 2005 07:51


expect it to be 12-18 month after passing CMD-assessment, which starts earliest 6 month after your first "chat" with your base captain.

You Gimboid 5th Nov 2005 07:16

enjoy the 5 transatlantics a month
Scottie I have to say that three months in this still hasn't happened to me on blind lines. I have had a good mix of Caribbean, N America and Africa with a sprinkling of India/Pakistan however.

Enjoying it?? You bet your bright orange ar$e I am! Did I mention I get paid more and only work 12 days a month?

One swallow doesn't make a summer, but the move I made could not have been better so far.

Have a nice winter Scottie!

Scottie 5th Nov 2005 10:15

I will thanks :}

Each to their own, I enjoy being in my own house everynight, you go and enjoy your 5* hotel/resorts :}

12 days a month? Ooh I could consider that ;)

jetjockey737 6th Nov 2005 11:44

Well said A4, the thing is we are the intelligent ones who work for the company and we are able to see the blatantly obvious. Problem is management can't....just hoping this new bloke shakes things up a bit.

I too wanted to stay at Easy , for me it was ideal, but sadly have had enough and I have decided to look elsewhere. I am a Balpa member but I feel let down by them, especially over the 5/2/5/4 shambles. One thing that really p****s me off though are those people, on pprune or at work, who are stuck at EZY due family, money or whatever who wil not hear a bad word said against their precious airline. They jump down your throat when you dare to criticise the airline or Balpa, they become so defendant that they actually become totally unreasonable.

Yes we need more pilots at EZY to become members of Balpa, but we also need more pilots to vote no until we get a good deal. Not getting scared like they did over 5/2/5/4, because the company were threatening random rostering, and not voting yes because they think that it is the best we are going to get...if its not good enough vote no.

I will be surprised if we even match inflation with this pay deal, no staff travel, no medical cover, crap pension etc etc....but i wont be surprised, after the deal has been announced, that some people will still be on here or at work defending everything.

Oleo 6th Nov 2005 16:11

OK, I have just joined BALPA to get a vote on this latest round.

Imagine if we all joined, if only till this latest round is done and dusted, we may just get a deal like VIrgin (chance would be a fine thing). :hmm:

A4 6th Nov 2005 17:06

Well done Oleo. Suggest you get registered on the BALPA website and have a browse in the Easy forum.

Any more takers ............... ? It's painless and you might just improve your lot (as opposed to free loading off everyone else.....)


HundredPercentPlease 6th Nov 2005 18:35

I just filled out the form too. I feel bad that I'll have to leave the IPA (who have been so good to me), but I made the mistake of reading the 10 year book that just landed on my doorstep (is this the annual bonus? beats the arse wipes from last year) and got so cross I just have to do something about it.

easyprison 6th Nov 2005 18:45

Oleo & HundredPercentPlease.

Well done. Go to www.balpa.org and join in the easyJet forum there. Full of topical debate.

It's pretty obvious nothing is going to be offered on the table we will probably end up with less that what we started with... So let's give BALPA and each other 100% support and show the company what we want- A LIFE!

come on let's (fly) join balpa!:}

Scottie 6th Nov 2005 20:23

Flew with a couple of people this week who have also just signed up to BALPA.

Those who are non-members reading this please join. The more members the better chance we have of getting what we want :ok: :ok:

Norman Stanley Fletcher 6th Nov 2005 23:50

Well done chaps - this is truly a critical moment for the pilots within the company. You have made the right choice to be in the right battle at the right time - your support is enormously appreciated.

CaptainProp 7th Nov 2005 10:39

Great!! Spread the word so that more of us join!!:ok:

cartmanfly 7th Nov 2005 15:20

Flew with a couple of guys recently who are signing up too. There seems to be some momentum building..lets keep at it!

Flying Fiona 7th Nov 2005 19:48

Back to the original thread.

Its hard work but good for the hours to get something better. Not an Airline for life cuz you won't have one. Good luck whatever you do.

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