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flying headbutt 5th Dec 2005 20:11

NSF, you forget to mention that said part time one day a month non-exec director cashed in about £800,000 pounds of share options for about a million and a half. I think I need a bucket someone 'cos I feel a bit nauseous.

Shaka Zulu 5th Dec 2005 23:03

I think our real Board of Directors are in for a bit of a surprise when our 'Fat Mike' has to fill them in about his misinterpretation of the stand that the pilot community are taking.
I don't think he has been relaying quite the same message to them as he has been hearing from BALPA during the negotiating rounds.
Interesting times!

orangetree 6th Dec 2005 00:08

Easyjet has become the very animal that Stelios set out to tumble in the first place. Too many chiefs and very few indians so to speak. Most of them are too busy thinking of ways to penny pinch rather than do the job in hand. Many of them are ex BA...funny old thing eh? I have never seen a head office so out of touch with reality in many years in this game and in the middle of it all they publish a full page tribute to Ray Webster in the Times! A cunning plan to perpetuate the myth that Easyjet really is that wonderful people orientated place to be? or just another halfwit trying to piss off what's left of the workforce?
The fundamental problem here is that Easyjet pretend to be something they are most definately not. The orange bulls**t went way out of control ages ago. At least at Ryanair the talking is straight. We all know that O'leary hates pilots and he wears that on his sleeve but pays them well for their services. Constant referrals to modelling on Southwest Airlines..Southwest trains more like. The only people who buy into this cack live in the Orange Hut of Doom.
This really is it folks. People not in BALPA think VERY seriously about your future plans. If you want to stay for any length of time in Easyjet (:\ ) I urge you to get behind the union and get this mess sorted out. Even if you're planning on going to BA or Virgin (like just about every FO is) you may as well join now as you'll be joining anyway when you leave. If you are a future Captain, at some point you will need the support of a good union. If you are already a captain but without representation then I admire you bravery!
I have in the past been highly critical of our Company Council and disagree with the outcome of several negotiations but they are right on the money with this one and deserve our support. The alternative is to start thinking about leaving Easyjet because if we lose this battle, within a few years our T&C's will make the Ryan's look like a holiday camp. Join us guys. You know it makes sense in the long run.

4on4off 6th Dec 2005 10:32

Completely and absolutely agree.

Even if you are thinking of going elsewhere, you do not want an airline as large as easyJet is going to be dragging down the T and C's of the industry.

JOIN BALPA and demand that easy management do the right thing for us, our futures and this industry.

HotAir 6th Dec 2005 11:07

7.5% of our pilots are now working their notice and 2.5% are in holding pool for other airlines. In the next 4 months we will need 120 pilots to keep up with those leaving and we are down 30 pilots on 737. By the end of May the s**t hits the fan all the captains at 900hrs. eJ will need 30 f/o,s per month to replace those leaving or 1 pilot a day to come on line to stay at a stand still.If you thing things are bad, wait till June.eJ will be looking for somewere to store planes. Its time to start looking for a new job how do I apply to t/fly?

kriskross 6th Dec 2005 13:40

Orangtree, don't forget the influx of 'Midland Mafia' as well!!!!

Colonel Klink 6th Dec 2005 22:06

So, when you all find out that apparently the full page advert in the Times costs approx £36,000, you won't be too upset, then?
After all, they paid the guy for ten years, gave him a model Airbus worth £6000 (shame on whoever stole the left wing!!) and a book, plus renamed EZJZ after him.
For an airline that bleats about cost savings over everything else, this is phenomenal!!!

By the way, 6 more resignations this week, so far!!!

HotAir 7th Dec 2005 08:36

2 more resignations today.Soon have no pilots

Firm Touchdown 7th Dec 2005 21:21


The Midland Mafia. Are they all so bad? I've heard mixed reports.

Kraut 7th Dec 2005 21:55

That is another story (thread). EZY is full of stories!
Pay negotiation stories are the hottest!

Norman Stanley Fletcher 8th Dec 2005 09:43

Although the result is not yet known, a meeting took place yesterday (Wed 7th Dec) between BALPA and the company to discuss the affordability of the pay claim. The management wheeled in a tame city economist who was there to show how poor the company is and can barely afford their electricity bill, whereas BALPA brought along their economic expert to show that there was loads of dosh in the kitty.

I have one question about the whole thing - and on this for me the whole issue turns. If we cannot afford a decent pay rise, how can we afford vast pay rises for our directors and senior managers? The truth is that no credible answer to this question exists as any reply merely exposes the cynical greed and self-interest of our senior managers. Fortunately, the pilot workforce has now woken up to the unsavoury truth and sees that the only real defence against this is to be part of BALPA. This is an issue of market forces as that is what our managers repsond to. They need to know that we are a powerful market force which has to be considered before embarking on any ill-conceived plan to defraud the workforce. We simply have no choice but to fight here or our futures will be bleak indeed. If you have not yet joined, there is no time like the present!

Shaka Zulu 8th Dec 2005 10:48

And it's not that the BALPA pay negotiations team is asking for anything much!
As identified by members in the previous ballot, Lifestyle etc ranks far higher than pay amongst ourselves. And this is something the Team has in mind when they are negotiating.
I would guess that they are aiming for 3 to 3.5% salary increase with a 3% pension contribution increase.
The big battle to be won and hopefully our skillful 'managers' will come to the conclusion that 5254 is unsustainable as it stands. That push needs to be won!

alvinsmate 8th Dec 2005 12:04

The problem our pay team has is without a proper form of settlement on pay and pensions, whats the point in trying to achieve all the "ADD ONS"

We want proper pay, improved pension, better sector pay, better roster pattern, more stability etc etc etc.

With this management if we can't get past pay and pensions, what chance have we got of resolving the rest.

The ONLY chance we have is if we stand together STRONG as BALPA members. Any freeloaders, and I know a few should be hung drawn and quartered !! If we have to strike so be it, but I truely believe that if we position ourselves behind a strong CC and BALPA, they will back down. At some point - lets face it - somebody is going to have to tell the CEO the truth and tell him they have been lying through their teeth for months. Good Luck Fat Mike and Co. Any Manager that leaves BA, and they are happy to see him gone is definately worth worrying about. As far as I'm concerned BA used to have a monopoly on crap managers. Now it appears, they are resolving some of those issues, but the gits are coming to us.


Redline 8th Dec 2005 12:25

I must admit if we got just 3.5% plus 3% on the pension, I would be a bit disappointed:hmm:

Rick Binson 8th Dec 2005 13:22

Redline, I think we shouldn't just let the negotiating team do their work in their endeavours to get a fair settlement.

Major Cleve Saville 8th Dec 2005 13:42

"As far as I'm concerned BA used to have a monopoly on crap managers. Now it appears, they are resolving some of those issues, but the gits are coming to us."

Don't worry GB get the cr@ppiest of the cr@p ex BA managers. As well as the most perfidious Midland Mafia, in fact we got the Don! Allegedly the most worthless amoral piece of near humanity you could wish to meet. Allegedly not a very good F/O either, all allegedly of course!.

clearfortheoption 8th Dec 2005 15:23

And in preparation for the mass exodous they are changing the min req for new joyners ...from the website....
Breaking news

Our Minimum Requirements have changed!

Recently we’ve been looking for pilots with a minimum of 1,500 hours, but as a result of the feedback we have received, we will be relaxing this requirement, in favour of placing more emphasis on “quality” of hours achieved.

Our requirement for at least 500 hrs in a multi-crew commercial environment will stand but we will, from now on, exercise discretion on Total Time. Please be aware though that, whilst 500 hrs becomes the minimum requirement, it is very much a minimum requirement and will not automatically qualify any pilot for invitation to assessment

Colonel Klink 8th Dec 2005 20:12

And soon they are going to have to bin the 3500 hours for Command, or else there isn't going to be enough Captains!!
I hope Virgin and BA appreciate all our excellent SFO's more than we have!!

TRon 10th Dec 2005 00:25

It is such a shame this company have become totally hell bent on the short term implication of cost saving.

It whiffs of buying JML Spanner set at half the price for a one time offer.. and wondering why it breaks 2 days later when a Stanley set is a little more but would last you a lifetime.

Putting things in perspective, I know that when I get a stinking roster change, shafted down route or hear some unimaginable rumour I think there is one person looking over our shoulders trying to shaft us. What I try to remember that this place has been so cost concious that everyone is fighting the same battle. In my opinion crewing dont have enough a pegs to put in the holes and this has a knock on effect to everyone elese...i.e. we work our balls off.

There are countless stories of waste, mismanagement and darnright incompetence but that is in any airline, dont think easyJet is any different. They just tend to do it more often...with 22 year old managers 'who should know better...'

What I find utterly unnacceptable is that we are now insulted with this offer and these people think they can get away with it.

I personally feel the leak to the press was our friend Toby Nichol at his best as the pilot 'interviewed' appeared to be answering like an educated Vicky Pollard.

I can see this is going to get messy, I hope that those reading this in two minds can join BALPA and be done with it. I am an FO, and I dont plan on being here any longer than a year now as I can just see it not getting any better. When I joined easyJet I was happy to help, now I think why bother...I want to show my support to my colleagues and wherever I go, I will be taking my membership with me to an airline with good membership..

dawn raider 10th Dec 2005 12:08

membership is still poor according to my info. while many have joined since the 'offer' we need soooo many more. remember that not all will vote to strike.

those of you thinking of joining later or when you get round to it do it NOW if you're not in then it should be made abundantly clear that you are part of the problem.

i want to stay here, my family wants me to be near home but if we don't sort this out I will have to move to a commuting job as I (like many others) are no longer willing to put up with the conditions.

also it should be known that the outcome will be the measure of BALPA.

edited for pur engerlish.:ok:

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