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Masai 16th Nov 2004 14:28

Lgw Car Parking
35 minutes today from Car Park X to Concorde House!
How about all BAA staff being put in X and let the people who actually do something useful get to their work.
Or maybe the CAA should add half an hour on each end of the duty day to account for the time you are still on the airport.

View From The Ground 16th Nov 2004 15:43

Believe the coach drivers were 'driving to rule' in protest at the speed bumps to the car park.

Arkroyal 16th Nov 2004 15:55

For LGW, read just about any other airport in the country.

9 to 5 shiny arses in the best car parks, shift working front line revenue earners a bus ride away :yuk:

A and C 16th Nov 2004 17:16

If it is a protest about the speed humps then they have my full support its bad enough riding the bus twice a day I shudder to think what it must be like to drive the bus all day.

This traffic calming actualy directs traffic head on and has to be the most utterly stupid thing that I have ever seen.

The problem is that the half witt who ordered the instalation of these so called speed cushons can't find a way to undo this mistake and save face.

The bottom line is it was a stupid idea to put the the things in and having proved this BAA managers utter stupidity all keeping the things is proving to the users of this car park that the BAA managment is to stupid to learn from its mistakes !.

No comment 16th Nov 2004 18:47


"9 to 5 shiny arses in the best car parks, shift working front line revenue earners a bus ride away"

Where are the best car parks then? If you're talking Car Park H for South Term then you will find "front line revenue earners" from Servisair, Groundstar and BAA as well a lot of shop workers from the Terminal.

I'm a 9-5 shiny "arse" however my first year was in Car Park X so its not an automatic allocation. I know a lot of other "arses" who are still down there. I know what you're on about though, the bus ride is a chore and the speed bumps are no help but I think you'll find theres a fair mix of workers in the nearer car parks.

Besides, there is still space in H as far as I know, try asking...


MAX 16th Nov 2004 19:10

I did ask. No cigar.:(

So i have the disc but use public transport. Its quicker.


Cuillin 16th Nov 2004 19:27

Each company has an allocation, I believe, of spaces (in for example car park H).

Some companies use their full allocation and some don't. You will just have to put your name down on your companies waiting list for the better car-parks.

cirrus01 16th Nov 2004 19:32

Anyone have the e-mail address of the half wit whose responsibility covers the dangerous bumps....( refuse to call them traffic calming because all they do is direct traffic into the middle of the road ) ???

M.Mouse 16th Nov 2004 20:48

The Relevant department for complaints is, wait for it, wait for it,

First and Last Impressions
Room 556
South Roof Office Block
Gatwick Airport Limited
London Gatwick Airport
West Sussex

General Manager, Ms. Louise Ash.

I wrote a letter of complaint which was answered with the predictable reply that the humps are industry standard and if people drove at the recommended speed there would be no problem.

I replied pointing out a few relevant points. That letter has been ignored.

If a few more people wrote and complained instead of moaning to anybody that will listen we might get somewhere.

No e-mail address listed, besides e-mails are too easy to ignore.

Fly_Right 16th Nov 2004 22:12

The object of these some 54 bumps on the X car park road have been the subject of many campaigns by groups at the Airport and the IPA (Independent Pilots Association). Please, everyone, keep writing Ms Ash telling her what a BAD first and last impression the drive to/from work is at present. Tell her that you will hold BAA financially responsible for any car suspension damage and CRIMINALLY responsible if you are involved in an injury either as a driver or as a bus passenger.
Also...drive at the 13.7 mph alll the way down to X as this is the speed the bumps are designed to produce (her words from a letter I recieved from her). This will play havoc with the bus schedules but maybe she will get off her "shiny" ARSE and do something before someone is KILLED!!!!!!

Moderators...please put back in the news section as this is a current relevant topic..ta

Norman Stanley Fletcher 16th Nov 2004 22:43

I also wrote to Ms Ash - and I also got the standard letter which was frankly useless. Anyone who uses Car Park X will know that it is universal practice for nearly all users to drive straight down the middle of the road to save their cars. Sooner or later there will be a head-on collision and then these pathetic speed bumps will go. What a shame we have to wait for a fatality to bring about a change. My journey to and from 'X' is without a doubt the worst part of my entire day.

A and C 17th Nov 2004 06:22

You are quite correct in in thinking that it will take a death to get the BAA to move on this issue after all if someone is driving along the middle of the road how can the BAA be at fault ?.

The attitude of the BAA is that they don't give a damm if someone is killed as long as there leagal department covers the BAA's back.

The fact is that by now the BAA must know what a collision risk they have set up with these speed bumps and it is not an issue for them as the legal people see they have no liability.

I don't think I have ever seen a large public company that puts such a low value on human life just so some manager can save face for the stupid decision to install these things in the first place.

Loose rivets 18th Nov 2004 03:08

You can put me down for a vote or two against speed bumps. But at least imagine it could be worse...you could live by one. The bewildering mindless lack of awareness is only exceeded by the ‘planner's' selfishness. ‘We'll do it this way, sod the people who's spines we crunch, and those that have to listen to thump thump all day long'

I suggest that it won't be long before there is serious litigation re the installation of these strips. A driver who spends much of his day being shaken in this way, is going to have a back problem. I mean ‘is going to' in the same way that someone who uses a computer mouse–is going to get RSI–when they know they could just be awarded silly sums of money.

DIY 18th Nov 2004 15:59

LGW car parking
I have taken the time and trouble to write to the said Ms Ash three times now on the subject of those dreadful speedhumps and the time it now takes to find a space in Xray and return to Concorde House.Todate I have had not one single acknowledgement let alone the courtesy of a reply from her or anyone in her department. Sums up her attitude I suppose.

srjumbo 19th Nov 2004 06:22

I've called and written numerous times and have had no response. I suggest we keep pestering her. Tell your colleagues to do the same!

mcdhu 19th Nov 2004 09:34

For what it's worth, here's the standard reply:

''Speed Cushions on Perimeter Road South

Thank you for contacting us concerning Perimeter Road South. Health and Safety is paramount at Gatwick Airport and no doubt you are aware that there have been numerous traffic incidents in this area due to speeding drivers. Traffic calming measures were implemented in June 20011 which consisted of a kerb built out and thermoplastic rumble strips. Regrettably, drivers ignored these measures and continued to speed causing further traffic incidents. It was therefore necessary for us to employ a professional consultants to undertake a risk assessment and find a solution that would 'force' drivers to slow down .

The conclusion of this assessment has been the speed cushions. Set at an industry standard of 75mm height with minimum gaps of BOm, it is estimated that drivers will be forced to reduce to 13.7mph. The height and amount used are completely necessary to ensure that drivers reduce speed and do not accelerate significantly after driving over the speed cushions.

We appreciate your comments and concerns regarding the new traffic calming measures, and do assure you that it has been completely necessary to install them. If drivers adhere to the road conditions, slow down and drive safely over them then no adverse damage will occur to the vehicle.

We will continue to monitor the area and answer any questions that you may have. I would like to thank you for making us aware of your concerns and assure you that health and safety remains our number one priority.''

Yours gloomily,

M.Mouse 29th Nov 2004 14:05

Having endured this appalling BAA contrived obstacle course several times in the last few weeks does anybody have any suggestions how a campaign could be started to embarrass the BAA into removing the speed bumps?

amyander 29th Nov 2004 15:40

Speed cushions - press enquiry
I'm looking into writing an article on the speed cushions on the Perimeter Road South. Please contact me if this issue affects you, and if you're willing to have your name printed.

Many thanks,

Amy Anderson
Crawley Observer
01293 562929

StudentInDebt 29th Nov 2004 15:53

Every member of staff who rides the buses from X call in sick claiming spinal compression fractures?

The North Terminal coaches are the worst, they block off the fold down seats forcing people to sit over the rear axle seats, which happen to be the ones that absorb most of the speed cushions impact at 30mph.

Human Factor 29th Nov 2004 16:47

....drivers will be forced to reduce to 13.7mph.
Call me picky if you like but isn't the speed limit 30mph, not 13.7mph?

The only time anyone has been killed/injured on that road was after traffic calming was installed (those ridiculous concrete tank traps, which at least one person drove into and wrote the car off). As everyone drove along there at 40mph before, surely the sensible answer would have been to raise the speed limit to 40mph. I don't think I've ever seen a pedestrian along there and the bus stops are big enough to see and avoid.

In the meantime, until this politically correct imbecile is fired, if you can afford it buy a Range Rover with air suspension. I've been reliably informed you can do 40mph down that road without noticing the humps.

The Otter's Pocket 29th Nov 2004 17:09

Try sending your letters recorded delivery. Generally it is bad press if you don't reply to those letters as you have proof how many that have been sent and when.
Also is this not a matter for the highways agency as well?
A reciept of postage like recorded delivery I believe can be used in court as evidence.


srjumbo 2nd Dec 2004 07:51

I've e-mailed Meridian TV as it lies in their domain. If enough of us do that then you never know.....

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